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How To Build Your Team Using Facebook
Social networking (e.g. Facebook) represents the best way to expose new people to your Team Building Project opportunity.
Facebook currently has over 500 million active users, many of which are open to new and innovative ways to develop a second income.
Quick Start
How To Find/Add Your Friends Currently On Facebook
How To Quickly Add New Facebook Friends
How To Find/Add Targeted Friendships
How To Sign Up on Facebook
How Edit Your Facebook Profile
How To Create Your Own Facebook Group
Quick Start
The fastest and most effective way to build your team on Facebook is to simply post a brief comment (not sales pitch), along with your partner referral link.
Throughout the Facebook website there are several places where you can post your partner referral link.
•The news feed wall
•Your profile page
How to post your partner referral link on Facebook
1.Go to your Facebook home page.
2.Click inside the box that says "What's on your mind?".
There are literally thousands of people on Facebook promoting business opportunities however, you want to clearly separate yourself from the rest of pack. The best way to pique interest is to share a very brief testimonial on why you joined the Team Building Project OR your results since joining.
Check out some of the testimonials on our 'Testimonials' page for ideas. Remember to be brief, sincere and honest.
3.Click the link icon that appears below the box and enter your partner referral link:
Your Partner Referral Link:
4.Now click the "Attach" button.
5.Carefully review your comment and be sure your partner referral link is correct.
6.Click the "Share" button.
Very Important! Don't forget to provide your correct partner referral link.
This will ensure Team Building Project website visitors using your partner referral link are sponsored by you when they sign up.
I suggest you vary the time of your partner referral link posts between the hours of 9:00am and 9:00pm in the time zone you are targeting. These are the peak usage hours on Facebook and will help to ensure the highest number of people have an opportunity to view your post.
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How To Find/Add Your Friends Currently On Facebook
Log in to your Facebook account and click 'Friends' >> 'Find Friends'.
•Follow the instructions to use e-mail account to find your friends on Facebook accounts.
•After Facebook finds your friends you can send all of them a 'Friend Request' with one click.
Important: Send a brief 'thank you' message to each person that accepts your friend request.
Here's an example of a brief yet effective thank you message you can cut-and-paste into your Facebook message. You can edit it to suit your taste but remember, keep it simple and by all means, do not send a 'sales pitch'.
Thank you for accepting my friend request. Facebook is a great resource for keeping in touch with friends and family members.
I look forward to reading your posts and updates.
Take care,
Important - Don't forget to attach your unique link code!
To attach your Partner Referral Link simply click on the link icon:
And insert your Partner Referral Link:
Do Not alter the link as it contains your unique referral ID number. This will ensure visitors are sponsored by you should they visit the site and join.
Click "send" when you've finished entering your thank you message and link.
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How To Quickly Add New Facebook Friends
By expanding your circle of Facebook friends you also expand your pool of recruiting prospects. The more people you expose to the Team Building Project, the more people you will personally sponsor.
In addition, they will begin reaching out to their Facebook friends which can quickly result in rapid exponential growth of your team.
To expand your circle of Facebook friends do the following DAILY.
1.From your Facebook homepage look for 'Suggestions' on the right side of the page and click on 'See All'.
2.Send a maximum of 20-25 new friend request per day.
This exercise should take less than 15 minutes to complete and is very effective.
Important: Send a brief 'thank you' message to each person that accepts your friend request.
Here's an example of a brief yet effective thank you message you can cut-and-paste into your Facebook message. You can edit it to suit your taste but remember, keep it simple and by all means, do not send a 'sales pitch'.
Thank you for accepting my friend request. Facebook is a great resource for expanding your circle of friends and sharing thoughts and ideas.
I look forward to learning more about you in the future.
Take care,
Important - Don't forget to attach your unique link code!
To attach your Partner Referral Link simply click on the link icon:
And insert your Partner Referral Link:
Do Not alter the link as it contains your unique referral ID number. This will ensure visitors are sponsored by you should they visit the site and join.
Click "send" when you've finished entering your thank you message and link.
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How To Find/Add Targeted Friendships
Ideally you want your circle of friends to include people who are like-minded. That is, people who have their own businesses, have been or are currently involved in network marketing or simply entrepreneurial.
With that in mind follow the steps outlined below:
1. Do a search using the search box found on the upper-right hand of your Facebook profile. Your targeted search terms should include (but not be limited to):
•business professionals
•home based business
•business opportunities
You should also repeat the searches above including the words Canada and Australia to find individuals in those countries as well. This will help to ensure your team is truly international.
2. From the results, select the group with the highest number of members.
3. Read the group description which is usually a message made by the person who created that group. This message usually contains rules to follow for joining the group.
4. Post your Partner Referral Link on the group's 'The Wall':
Do Not alter the link as it contains your unique referral ID number. This will ensure visitors are sponsored by you should they visit the site and join.
Click "post" when you've finished entering your link.
5. Above 'The Wall', there is an area where you can see a few members' thumbnail photos. Click on "See All" and select five (5) people to "Add as Friend". When you click on each "Add as Friend" you will be prompted by a small window to "Send Request" or to "Cancel". Before sending that friend request, click first on the "Add a personal Message" link. This is one of the important parts that you shouldn't miss if you want your friend invitations to be accepted. I suggest to write your personal message in one short sentence. After writing your personal message, click on "Send Request".
6. Repeat Steps 1-5, five times to send friend requests for five people on one group only. Then do the same for four other groups to have a total of four groups joined and twenty new friends accepting you. Do Not SPAM by sending dozens or even hundreds of friend request at a time. Facebook will interpret this activity as SPAM and possibly deactivate your account.
7. Once again, another important part is to send thank you messages to every new friend who has accepted your request for friendship.
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How To Sign Up on Facebook
It's free and anyone can join! Sign up at then return to this page and continue with Step 2.
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How Edit Your Facebook Profile
As Facebook members visit your profile page to learn more about you, you'll want to make sure they are exposed to your Team Building Project link. You can include your Team Building Project link in several places on your Facebook profile. Here's how:
Log in to your Facebook account and click 'Profile' >> 'Info' >> 'Edit Information'.
•Click on 'Personal Information' where you can provide your personal comments/information on the Team Building Project in several sections (e.g. Activities, Interest, About Me). Be sure to include your unique Team Building Project Link ( as well.
•Click on 'Contact Information' and enter your unique Team Building Project Link in the "Websites" section.
•You can also click on 'Education and Work' and add a new job description that contains your personal comments/information on the Team Building Project as well as your unique Team Building Project Link.
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How To Create Your Own Facebook Group
Having your own Facebook discussion group is a great way to expose ALL of your Facebook contacts to the Team Building Project
Here are 5 easy steps to create your Facebook discussion group.
1.Go to your My Groups page:
2.Click the 'Create a New Group' button near the top right part of the page.
3.Enter your group information.
◦Group Name - I recommend using all CAPS.
◦Group Description - This is where you can include a very brief description of the opportunity (let the website do it for you!) and also your own personal reasons for signing up. Just remember, don't try to 'sell' the opportunity, just be straightforward and honest about why you think it's a great opportunity.
Very Important: Don't forget to use your unique URL ( in your description to ensure anyone visiting the site from your Facebook group will be added to YOUR team.
4.Add your group picture (or photo).
◦After creating your group click on your group title to enter your discussion group.
◦Click on 'Edit Group' and upload an image or personal photo for your group picture.
5.Invite members to join.
◦Click on your group title to enter your discussion group.
◦Click on 'Invite People to Join' on the right side of the page.
◦Click on each friend you want to invite to join.
◦Add a 'brief' personal message (recommended)
◦Click 'Send Invitations.
That's all there is to creating your very own Facebook discussion group. Be sure to visit your discussion often to monitor it's growth and respond to any questions or comments.
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A Final Word
There are of course other social networking sites on the internet (e.g. MySpace, Twitter, etc.) however, Facebook has the largest network and right mix of tools to launch and maintain an effective networking campaign. Just remember, be patient, respectful and at all cost, avoid any aggressive 'spam like' activities as they will most assuredly ruin your chances of growing your network.
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