Wednesday, June 30, 2010

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

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Monday, June 28, 2010

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What Causes Pain In Lower Abdominal And Ovary? - readbud

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Why do bad things happen to good people! | Blog

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Increase Breast Size Without Surgery - Get Bigger Breasts Naturally! - readbud

Internet Phone Service Calls Are Real Cheap - readbud

Friday, June 25, 2010

Which Are The Best Meditation Cds? - readbud

How You Should Be Finding Targeted Mlm Leads - readbud

Is Working Online At Home The Next Gold Rush?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Product Launch Blueprint

Will there ever be peace in the Middle East?

Free Dating Online

The Secret Of Productivity Worth 200-Thousand - readbud

Planning For A Website Advertising Method - A Advertising Method Checklist - readbud

VPSMALHOTRA'S COLLECTION ---- BLOG: The Most Rewarding Possibilities Of Traffic Generation Today - readbud

The Most Rewarding Possibilities Of Traffic Generation Today - readbud

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You will Not get Rich from this…. Update…
June 23rd, 2010 No comments

Fathers Day 2009
Okay, so I was going to write this on Sunday and title it “Free Money Fathers Day Update”, but I had such a relaxing and awesome day with my four year old daughter that I basically said “Screw it!”, and just kicked back with Kalynn all day. It was a very nice Fathers Day..VERY NICE! Since my wife and son are in France visiting friends and family things have been very low key around here. So although I’m still pretty damn busy ( ’tis life ), I haven’t pushed myself to hard to be overly productive or creative. Which is good because my A.D.H.D. ( not official ) really kicked into hyper drive the last couple weeks… I could seriously write a new post every hour, but just trying to focus on which post to write first is difficult.

So lets do an “Update”. It could be a weekly Wednesday thing or I might stick with my original plan of doing a weekly wrap up on Sundays ( it’s not a religious thing; trust me. ).

Instant Cash Sweepstakes, is definitely the hot topic the last couple weeks. Since I rediscovered and started promoting and talking about ICS, I’m seeing ads everywhere now. Where as, a couple weeks ago, this was one of those sleeper Free Money Sites that only a few of you “paid” attention to. Awesome, glad I could help. Also, very happy to get Eddy jumping on board and getting excited about Instant Cash Sweepstakes.

Speaking of Eddy ( Work at Home No Scams ). Eddy introduced me to SwagBucks a few weeks ago. By simply changing my home page ( optional ) and doing all my searches I would normally do through SwagBucks instead of Google, I was able to redeem my earned “SwagBucks” for a nice little $5 paypal payment in just under a month.

Jun 18, 2010 Payment From THE SWAG STORE Completed Details Payment From THE SWAG STORE 30B43199LY6031512 $5.00 USD

…Sweet! Talk about Free Money… it doesn’t get any easier than that. Although I did have my heart set on redeeming my “bucks” for the official SwagBucks Tee shirt. I have a hard time resisting the opportunity to add some cash to my PayPal account. Maybe I’ll opt for the tee shirt as my next reward.

Link Grand has really become one of my favorite Paid to Click ( PTC ) programs. It’s simple, sustainable, and Now has two upgrade options; $10 yearly and $20 Lifetime. Of course Link Grand is totally Free to Join, and I was pretty damn happy with it when they didn’t offer the ( optional ) upgrades. I really like the fact the upgrade option is affordable and “NOT a monthly subscription”. Anyways, got my third $5 PayPal payment from them sometime last week. Perhaps it’s time I threw some ads out there and try to get that up to a weekly payment.

ClixSense of course, will probably be mentioned in every post I write. So why should this post be any different? The big news a couple weeks ago was the announcement that Alert Pay was and is, now accepted for upgrades and advertising. Although, I’m not a big Alert Pay user, I know a lot of you are. Monthly payments are still sent out the first of every month via check. Personally, I convert all my ClixSense earnings to advertising. Anyways, I think this is really good news for those of you who can’t, for some reason connect a debit / C. Card to Google Check Out.

…hmmm, oh yeah!

I have a new official banner for this Blog that I’ve been keeping in circulation. Although it’s not my most creative, it is simple and seems to be getting some decent clicks. What do you guys think?

In closing. Ya know, a lot of you probably don’t share my taste in music. Growing up in the 80’s I was a big metal and punk fan. Over the years I’ve learned to appreciate “MOST” music. I’m a big TOOL fan! Love Mudvaynes first album, LD 50, but also dig more mellow stuff like Blind Melon, Pearl Jam ( Ten! ), old Blues, and Counting Crows. I’ve also become a big P.O.S. fan.

Enjoy this bit of inspiration and listen to the lyrics. Our lives are pretty damn busy and “Our Days don’t Care what we Got to Do”

P.O.S. – Goodbye

Phil ( philsfault ) Ames

Wanna help me focus? What would you like me to write about? I’m always open to suggestions.

Daily Babble

Instant Cash Sweepstakes. Got a Minute?
June 17th, 2010 5 comments I think I figured out why you guys are getting some of my older posts sent out a couple times a week. Even though I haven’t published anything new in a couple weeks, I’m always writing, tweaking and editing new posts. I’ll usually publish a post in “private” just to see how it looks before I actually share it with the world. Sometimes I forget to change the status of my unfinished work to private before hitting the “publish” button. Once I realize that I’ve just published an unfinished post, I race back to my blogs back office ( dashboard ) and make sure you guys don’t see whatever lame ( but soon to be brilliant ) post I’m in the process of writing.

So I think whats happening is I’m confusing “Feed Burner”. Feed Burner is the service I use to manage my blog subscriber list. When I publish a post, Feed Burner sends my subscribers an email.

Um, soooooo… yeah. I apologize for the random older posts hitting your inbox this week. I know you get all excited and stuff when you see that I’ve published something new. Sorry, I guess that makes me a tease ( I can live with that ). Also seems that while deleting a couple of the posts that I was working on and decided I didn’t like, I also inadvertently deleted a couple of the posts I actually wanted to keep. Crap!

Anyways… For those of you still with me. Lets move on to today’s post.

Instant Cash Sweepstakes.Com

I joined this site a few months ago and forgot about it. A couple weeks ago I was cleaning out my bookmarks and came across it again. I decided to give it a second look. Remembered why I liked it in the first place and then decided to give it a good test. Lets get to the “test” in a minute.

What is Instant Cash Sweepstakes?

I’m not going to add a bunch of fancy words and try to over explain how market research works. The powers that be are working behind the scenes, gathering our opinions, ideas, and even our responses to simple and quick three question quizzes. In return we are often rewarded with a bit of compensation for our time and effort. See “It’s just a Survey. Don’t quit your day job”.

How Instant Cash Sweepstakes ( ICS )works, is you are given a few quick quizzes a day. The quizzes are a very short three questions. You literally spend less than a minute completing each one. Compensation is in the form of tickets, coins or a few cents. Tickets are used in the daily $50 draw, coins are used to buy more tickets and the few cents is added to you account. When you reach a balance of $2 or more your considered “vested” and can then cash out via PayPal.

When you invite friends and family ( referrals ), you get a matching bonus of whatever they win. Of course I love a good referral program so I wanted to see what damage I could do and give it a good test. Plus I wanted to see if and how fast they paid.

One of the downsides to ICS is they don’t have much in the way of promotional banners. Just a large widget and a referral link. So I put together a quick page using Splash Page Maker and Instant Banner Creator. My Promo page.

I use ClixSense for ninety percent of my advertising, so that’s where I focused my attention for a week. Using only the earnings I had from everything else I do online, I placed my standard $24 ( 2000 view ) ad on ClixSense. Normally I expect a 1% return from my ads. That means for every 100 views of whatever I’m advertising I expect at least 1 new referral ( for Free to Earn Programs ). My first ad pulled over forty referrals ( NICE!! ), and I was able to cash out later that evening.

A couple more ads later and I’m now requesting payments every day. So far I’ve received all of my payments within a few hours.

How much can you earn if you Don’t refer other people?

I racked up over a dollar in just over a week just participating a couple times a day. Usually the cash prizes range between one and ten cents. Of course we all get a chance to win the $50 daily prize. So although referring others is a faster way to increase our earnings, the minimum $2 cash out is an easy mark to hit for those of you who prefer not to promote.

Talk to you guys this weekend. I have a lot to share so I’ve got to do a better job of finishing and publishing posts.

Phil ( philsfault ) Ames

Oh I forgot to mention. My Wife and seven year old son left for France yesterday to visit family. So it’s just my daughter and I for the next two weeks. Although I’m going to miss not having half of my family around, less laundry to do every night is always a good thing.

Daily Babble, Promote This!

Free Internet Money.Biz .. Review
May 27th, 2010 No comments It’s really no secret that I love Paid to Click / Paid to Read programs. I honestly feel and have proven that they are not only an awesome way to earn money, but an even awesomer way to build downlines in other programs. Most of the PTC’s I’m involved in allow me to convert my earnings into advertising credits on any given day. Which means I get to advertise a few times a week. The more I advertise ( promote my affiliate links ) the more money I earn from my referrals. The more money I earn from my referrals, the more I get to advertise for more referrals and so on and so on. Basically, when my referrals make money, I make money. It’s really a win win for the patient and persistent.

So when do I get to enjoy some of that money my referrals have so graciously earned me?

Well if you read my last post ( after the talk about dogs, wieners and tee shirts ), that money came in handy this month when we were a bit strapped for cash. Sure I was a bit bummed that my ad budget wasn’t what I hoped it would be, but keeping food on the table, the internet bill paid and gas in my 4Runner was a bit more of a priority. June is going to be a lot more fun. More advertising for me ( $$ ).


Aside from loving and understanding the value of PTC / PTR programs. I also love down line builders. Throw the two together and you’ve got my attention. Which brings me to..

Free Internet Money.Biz

What is it?
It’s basically a downline builder just for Paid to Click programs, with the exception of one other non PTC program way at the bottom.

One of the main advantages of using “down line builders”, is that we get to promote several of our favorite programs at once through one convenient link ( URL ). Potentially gaining more referrals for multiple programs with less effort. The disadvantage is that we take the emphasis off promoting just one opportunity at a time.

Why I like Free Internet Money.Biz“, is because it focuses mostly on “well established” Paid to Click programs. Primarily my top seven!! Hits4Pay, Link Grand, “MatrixMails”, NeoBux, ClixSense, WordLinx, and “AdPaid”. I’m a bit bummed that “donkeymails” didn’t make the list, but until I create my own downline builder, I’m not going to complain too much. Although, I do question a couple of the PTC’s on the list, I did join a couple new one’s.

I’ll only endorse, for now, the program’s I mentioned above.

I also love the fact that’s it’s FREE to join and use, has some great instructional video’s and is “hype” free. The owner and creator of Free Internet Money never suggests that we can make any more than $600-$800 a month. Of course our efforts decide our actual earnings potential, six to eight hundred dollars a month is definitely an attainable and realistic goal.

So yeah, big thumbs up for Free Internet Money.Biz.

Hope everyone is having a safe and enjoyable memorial day weekend. My wife and kids are out of town so I get a bit of “me” time. Which means I get to work work and work. At least the house will be clean for a couple days.

Phil ( philsfault ) Ames

Oh and here’s a little tip. Don’t neglect your surveys! Building an advertising budget ( seed money, working capital ) to build your down lines is as simple as focusing on making an additional $2 a day ( $60 a month ). Where to spend that money is up to you, but I highly recommend ClixSense.

Promote This!, Will Work for Pennies

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Perhaps someday I'll re-name this blog,"I Got Rich from this Blog" Until then, I'll try to keep you entertained and NOT post false claims of instant wealth.
You'll also NEVER see sponsored advertising on this site; no google or yahoo ads here. Everything you see or read on this blog is 100% endorsed by me.
Enjoy, and please feel free to yell at me if I say anything misleading or untrue. I'm always open to suggestions and I absolutely love comments!! So don't be afraid to say hi, send me an email or leave a message. Your also going to want to subscribe to this blog. That way, you'll always know when I publish something new.


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Site Counters by RelmaxTop - Your Free Traffic Exchange - 1:1 Exchange Ratio, 5-Tier Referral Program. FREE Advertising!
Essential Paid to Click Programs
ClixSense – Much more than just a sustainable PTC Program!
Donkey Mails – Long time favorite, reliable and consistent
LinkGrand – Easy Earnings / Pays Quick
Matrix Mails – Online and paying since 2002
NeoBux – Be part of History
WordLinx – lots of daily penny ads. Convert your earnings to advertising quickly
Affiliate Funnel
Free Internet Money.Biz
Instant Banner Creator
Marketing Pond
Safelist Marketing Tactics
Splash Page Maker
The Cool Crowd
Australian Survey Sites…My Aussie mate’s blog
Miss Money Hunter
Only Honest PTC’s
OrGano Gold.. It’s Healthy Coffee!!
PrePaid Legal from my buddy Troy
Seamless Web Solutions
The Bone Head Blog
The Cleaner Side
Tim Linden’s Blog – The owner of Start Exchange
Work At Home No Scams.Com
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“Federal Trade Commission” on Pyramid Schemes
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Instant Cash Sweepstakes. Got a Minute?
Free Internet Money.Biz .. Review
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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Are You Saved? Take the test and see!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

WordLinx Wednesdays Winner – 05/10

VPSMALHOTRA'S COLLECTION ---- BLOG: Ten levels of referrals!

Ten levels of referrals!

Get your own health business now!



Saturday, June 19, 2010

Looking To Profit? Make Money With Websites Like This

You can make money with websites quickly if you follow this great technique and focus on mini sites.

At one time, everyone believed that you needed to build a huge website with hundreds of pages full of great content. That is no longer the case, although you certainly can benefit from such a site. It can offer a lot of value to its visitors who are seeking information. These are often called information websites that are less focused on selling products.

Today, mini sites are in. There is a reason for that.

In building large sites, you are limited by how much money you can make simply because of the time they take to create and maintain. Usually, a large site will sell several products in the same niche. Then, you would market the individual pages where you are selling those products, rather than promoting the main page.

The drawback to this approach is that the search engines tend to list your index page first, and then the pages that reflect what people are looking for. This usually is not the products you are offering. You need to promote those pages yourself if you want the search engines to index them.

Mini sites are easy and fast to build. Just add good material for the benefit of the SEs but put more attention on marketing the product pages. The content makes your site more relevant. Do this with many niches and you duplicate your ability to make money.

These small sites usually on have 5 pages or so that includes your index page, your About page, a Privacy page and 2 pages of helpful content.

These small sites target a small number of keywords which are inserted throughout the site naturally. When the search engines come around, they will soon see that your site is offering what the searcher is seeking.

While you can use such sites to promote in different niches, you can also build them to target different sets of keywords. For instance, each site can promote a different product in the same niche using alternative keywords. This increases your chances of coming up in the search results.

Keeping these mini sites up to date is much more time and energy efficient. Besides, you can gain a top position in the search results for your keyword choices.

Many marketers begin by selling affiliate products because they don't have to worry about all the behind-the-scenes work, like updating the product and dealing with customer issues.

Once they start making money regularly through affiliate sales, they decide they'd rather have their own products and keep all the profits for themselves. They still sell affiliate products, but as extra products that enhance their own to maximize their sales potential.

If you truly want to make money with websites, this is a proven approach that has made many marketers a hefty income.

in Internet

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Top 10 Online Degrees

By going back to school to earn one of the top 10 online degrees, students can secure their place in careers that are in demand today and have a positive job outlook for the future. We live in an age where everything is online, and for many students that includes college courses. Online universities are now accredited and respected, and there are many reputable degree programs that busy working students can choose from. The following list of the top 10 online degrees includes those that are most useful and in the highest demand today:

1. Accounting These online programs prepare students who want to pursue careers in the financial departments of businesses and organizations.

2. Aviation Although the actual flight training must obviously be done in person, there are accredited colleges and universities that offer their aviation coursework online.

3. Business There is room in this field for so many careers, with specialized choices that help students begin the business and management careers of their dreams.

4. Criminal Justice These degree programs offer education and instruction in the issues, topics and trends affecting areas of crime, law and punishment.

5. Hospitality and Food Service Management For those who want to begin careers in the hospitality and food service industries, these degrees provide the confidence and skills necessary for success.

6. Human Resource Management: This type of degree is meant to impart the tools to handle all sorts of human resource tasks that are required in this field.

7. Master of Business Administration Many bachelor's degree holders return to school online to get their MBA and prepare for a higher level career in business management.

8. Nursing There are different specialized programs that train students to perform administrative and clinical tasks in outpatient settings.

9. Pharmacy Technician After attaining this online degree, graduates can provide healthcare products and medication to patients at pharmacies.

10. Teaching There are all levels of teaching degree and certification programs online for practicing K-12 teachers that want to get certified or continue their own education.

These are just the top 10 online degrees. There are many other programs to choose from for students of all levels.

in Education

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Precious Metal Investing | Gold Silver Investment


Gold seems to have hit a bit of a rut in its rally. After making fresh highs to $1131 on Monday gold has traded lower every day since. It was a slow week for economic data as eyes we pointed to the Initial jobless claims for Thursday and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's semiannual report on monetary policy. After moving higher in the overnight session Monday, gold drifted lower as investors quickly realized profits and covered their positions. We have seen the market; for the first half of the week drift lower and traded $1099-$1121. The US dollar traded higher as weak Euro zone economic data and "dovish" comments from Bank of England officials drove European currencies lower. Consumer confidence fell sharply in the month of February, with the confidence index falling from 56.5 to 46, consumer sentiment deteriorated to the weakest level since April. It seems Americans are getting more and more pessimistic about the labor market after last weeks rise in Initial Jobless claims.

The only satisfactory response that Bernanke gave is that the Fed will keep interest rates low for as long as possible and to reassure Congress that although normalization of monetary policy is underway it may not have a dramatic effect on jobs. Bernanke's speech was very disappointing to the dollar bulls as the US traded lower against all the major currencies. Metals shot higher as well, the yellow metal reached an intra day high of $1104 before we started to see selling emerge once again. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke did not say anything all that different from the comments he made earlier this month, although Bernanke acknowledged that rates will be raised at some point, he was relatively downbeat about the economy going forward. Lost in the whole speech was the release of the new home sales, which plunged 11.2% in January, which means either people are having a hard time attaining credit or the rise in the initial jobless claims is having a much bigger effect. First time claims jumped for the second week in a row to 496k from 474k, the highest level since November. Two weeks of sharply higher jobless claims raise makes for a very nervous market, especially since economists expected claims to drop. Continuing claims also rose from 4.61M to 4.617Ms.

Another major problem weighing down the markets is the Greece situation it will remain a critical issue that will keep the market gains capped if a definite solution is not found. Gold

turned positive on Thursday after the floor closed with rumors that China is looking to purchase the IMF gold. The talk was found to be credible, although China would only be buying half of the gold. The yellow metal made a quick rally to $1109; of course we could not sustain those gains as once again more selling emerged.

We have made new weekly lows in gold, but again we bounced back. Gold touched $1088 in overnight trade, but with the UK market opening gold quickly found support and traded off of its lows. Gold has made that push higher to $1120; again it is finding resistance at higher levels. Resistance comes in at $1120, $1133, and $1146, with a close above $1162 will almost certainly see the shorts squeezed out of their positions. Support shows at $1088, $1062, $1045.


Silver has followed basically the same pattern as gold. We have seen wild swings in the grey metal over the past week. With the equity markets trading higher for most of the week, silver has pretty much been trading in a range of $15.62-16.43, The metal has at one point this week was outperforming gold. The metal hit $15.62, but had a very nice bounce higher to $16.05 this was in a span of about 20 minutes. This shows that there is plenty of bargain hunting buying on lower levels. The bull camp is making another strong case for the upside, the rise above the prior two sessions highs is also giving the bull camp some technically based buying interest. With the favorable news coming out of China Thursday, bulls may have been given the news they were looking for. However, on the flip side residual turmoil in Greece and the weak US dollar may help the bear camp as well. The gold/silver ratio move lower from its years highs of 71 to current 68.22. Some have said this ratio will determine what the metals will do for 2010. Silver has for the most part lagged behind gold after the major drop to $14.63, for the simple reason that a major drop like what occurred has left investors weary. We have seen the Platinum group metals remain very robust as car sales have picked up for the beginning of the year. This move has helped silver keep its head above water. In the monthly U.S. Treasury report this week, it was announced that China had sold $34.2 billion of Treasuries in December; they must put their money somewhere and traders are surmising that we could see China be big commodity buyers very soon. This will bode well for silver as our view is that we will see the gold/silver ratio coming back to a level of 64-66.

Support comes in for silver at $15.62, $15.30, $15.02. A break of $15.02 leads us to the year's lows of $14.63 Resistance shows at $16.33, followed by $16.62. A close above $16.33; which would mean a higher close than last week is very positive for the silver bulls. This would take us back to $16.62. We remain bullish on all things shiny and precious, both for the intermediate term and the longer term
Trading Department -Cache Metals Inc.
This is not a solicitation to purchase or sell

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Red-Hot Penny Stocks Poised for Explosive Gains Earn 500% Returns!www.simonsaysstocks.comClick hereJun 19, 2010
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How To Find A Legal Marketing Mentor

As I always tell my clients, legal marketing should be more of a habit than a burden. It should be so completely integrated into your daily life that it's merely second nature to put something business development-oriented on your schedule. That being said… everyone needs a little guidance. With social media on the upswing and the reach of the Internet at our fingertips, it's easier than ever to find a marketing and business development mentor—whether it be in person or online. Here are a few ideas to consider on your search…

The Traditional Route—The easiest way to find a legal marketing mentor is to look around. Who do you know in your firm (or other firms) who has impressive legal marketing skills? Make a list of the people who use marketing and business development to their best advantage and get in touch. Take them to lunch, ask their advice, pick their brain. I would be willing to bet the person in question will be flattered to offer their suggestions.

Gather A Group—They say there's safety in numbers, but could there also be success? I think so. Look around at your friends and colleagues and make a list of those who might be open to a weekly or monthly marketing roundtable. Plan to meet at specific times (Brunch? Lunch? Drinks?) and have a set agenda for discussion revolving around marketing and business development. Share tips and ideas, help each other with referrals, discuss what's working…and what's not, and recommend interesting blogs, books and articles that can help each of you succeed.

Go Virtual—With the plethora of information out there on the Internet it's easier than ever to find a virtual mentor. Most legal marketing experts (myself included) have blogs and Twitter accounts designed to share advice and strategy on a weekly, if not daily, basis. Sign up for their feeds and mailing lists to have mentor-level information delivered directly to your Inbox. The key here is finding someone you connect with…even on a virtual level. Where my focus is always straightforward, simple strategies to incorporate every day, others may focus on client service, technology, or new media. Subscribe to a few and see which fits best into your own mindset. Then develop a relationship. E-mail questions, comment on blog posts and keep your mentor updated on your successes.

Start Slow—If you're looking for the simplest way to get started with a potential mentor there's nothing like a good, old-fashioned book. Browse your local bookstore for best-selling marketing and business development books or read reviews to see what author suits you best. Once you've connected with someone's voice and ideas it should be easy to find him or her online and (as mentioned above) get daily reminders and advice to keep you on track with your plans. No time to read? I have been a longtime fan of books on CD. Keep one in your car, office or home and put in on in the background, the information is bound to sink in!

Finding a legal marketing and business development mentor can be an incredibly helpful tool in furthering your knowledge and gaining valuable insight from someone who's been there and done that. The real work comes in finding that person that gels with who you are, what you do and where you want to go; but once you do, it's a short road to new ideas, strategies and results!

in Marketing

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Jun 19, 2010
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couragious decisions

Taking Courageous Decisions

Copyright (c) 2010 Willie Horton

We're in our eighth great year living in the French Alps. When we upped and left Ireland in 2002, many friends and clients remarked that we were taking a courageous decision - after all, our children were thirteen, eleven and eight years old at the time and were establishing their own little lives.

Similarly, I walked away from a big job in banking in 1996 to set up my practice as a consultant and mentor - what I'm still doing today. Once again, at the time, many people told me that I was brave and courageous to do that. But, then, I recently received an email from an Irish client - on his first day in Sydney, Australia, having moved, lock, stock and barrel with wife and family, for a new life. He joins another client, in Auckland, New Zealand, from whom I hear regularly, who took a similar plunge a couple of years back.

As we all agree, these "courageous" decisions are only courageous to the normal person. They are obvious logical next steps for those who have turned their back on pathetic normality. You might think I'm being harsh in labelling normality as pathetic but, when you consider that the normal person uses about 1% of their mind to experience and live the present moment and, as a consequence, end up existing rather than living, pathetic just about sums it up.

To achieve happiness and success you have to be different. There are vast swathes of data that confirm that normal lives are "lived" in fear and worry - about money, self-image, insecurity at work - and that normal people settle for their lot in life, given that the majority of them express a dislike of their work. But normal people also express another fear - a fear of being different, that, if they are different, they'll lose some of their friendships, that people will look askance at their non-conformity and that they will, somehow, live apart from all the people and things to which they have become accustomed.

So, what price are you prepared to pay for being effortlessly happy and successful? Are you prepared to have people who really don't think twice about you fall away from your circle of acquaintances? Are you prepared to devote a few minutes each day to clearing the garbage and trash from your normal muddled mind? Are you prepared to forfeit the mundane of your everyday life for a journey of self-discovery and abundance? Because, if you are, the decisions that are viewed as courageous and brave by normal fearful people will become a natural and integral part of your way of living, of your daily life.

I mentioned that a commitment of a few minutes each day is required. Just five or ten minutes will take the other twenty- three hours and fifty minutes to a whole new level. What do you need to do? Well, the constant noise that distracts the normal mind needs to be ignored - you'll never switch it off, it's part of your default adult state of mind, you simply need to learn how to ignore the noise. This is done by dragging your attention away from that noise and placing it firmly in the reality that is going on before your very eyes - in the here and now. The process is simplicity itself - you simply re-train your mind to experience what your five senses are telling you. Your normal adult state of mind constantly interprets and re-interprets the data coming in from your five senses. But, because you use your so-called "stored knowledge" - which is based on your normal life - to interpret the here and now, you misinterpret what's actually going on and react accordingly.

You need to cut out your interpretive "skill" for a few minutes each day and experience what you see, feel, hear, smell and taste. Doing this for a few minutes each day will sensitize you to real reality during the course of your normal day - you will see things for what they are, you will no longer see them through the fear, anxiety, stress and self-doubt which are part and parcel of normal living. You will be liberated from your own perceived fears, you will enter the flow of life. And that flow will take you to places that the normal mind cannot imagine, it will prompt you to move in directions that become so obvious that you will wonder how you didn't perceive these things before. You will take decisions, not through some tangled decision making process, they will simply and obviously become the right things to do. You will take bold, brave and courageous decisions - but they will no longer be brave or courageous - they will simply be obvious.

This different life starts whenever you choose and there is no time like the present - for each present moment is an opportunity for you to start living. The alternative is horrible - that you wander aimlessly and mindlessly through "life" and wind up an embittered old man or woman, ruing the turnings that you hadn't got the guts to take. The choice is yours - your life is in your own hands.

in Self Improvement

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Make money working from home!

Monday, June 14, 2010


"Make money on twitter (plz RT"

Friday, June 4, 2010

earn $5 dollars daily - simple! - earn $5 dollars daily - simple!

How To Make $3 to $5 Dollars A Day
ALL for Only $1.36

RECEIVE UP TO 5 Emails Daily with a Payment of $1 Dollar In Each One!



Doug Hearn

Hi Welcome to my Site.

I will show you, with 4 easy steps how to put this plan into action.
Mostly what you will be doing is advertising a plan that makes you money...
Straight into your Paypal/AlertPay accounts!
This simple money making system can be used in a number of different ways.
The rest is all automated...

Below is the splash page where your $1 PayPal MoneyMaker banner will lead to, just place your banner on Adboardz,
Promote anywhere of your choice if you want to make more money
Don't Forget its 100% Profit to you.
no fees to pay just a one time payment
of $1.36-thats it!
One Time Payment of $1.36
Works with PayPal or AlertPay

Step 1 + 2


FIRST bookmark this site.
AS you will need to return to complete steps 3 and 4 ,
so after each step return back to the above link.
When joining below, please watch video above which explains how to find and insert your $1 dollar banner
onto your free Adboardz

thankyou Doug

Join $1 Paypal Money Maker System Below
dont forget to return to steps 3-4
if you are already a member of the $1 Paypal Moneymaker System
proceed to 3-4, it works for everyone!

Now place your $1 dollar Money Maker Banner Onto Your Own Free Adboardz
If you are not sure how to do this
Please watch video at the top of this page it explains how to Find And Insert your $1 paypal Banner
onto Your Own AdboardZ Site

Here is the best part
your site will be visited
One Thousand and 22 times
With Trafficadbar
watch demo below -no audio

After a few weeks this will increase to around $20 Daily! Awesome.

How Maximise Your Earnings on Adboardz

Make sure to..
Always Place Your Trafficadbar banner at the top of your OWN - Adboardz
Message from Doug About Adboardz

Most of you have asked me, how to earn more than $3-$5 dollars a Day.
Well this is how i increase my Daily earnings ....and so can you!
On My Adboardz i have placed a Banner 1 million leads for Free!
I blast 5.000 emails Daily / tell People about your Adboardz for free
Again no cost to you this is free!
write this simple message daily, or make your own.

Dear Fellow Marketer,

Maximize your advertising and
promote all your offers at the same time: link

Sincerely, Doug Hearn
i place my 1 million leads banner on my Adboardz as it gains referrals daily
example is i refer 20 a day
that will be 5.022 people i can email per day
there is no bounce back to your own email.
Also i use a Viral Banner Rotator
in my free sponser section on Adboardz
i have placed my Trafficadbar Banner On Here
so far this has given me 26 referrals to My Trafficadbar
Use any banner of your choice that you think will help You

make two or three viral banner rotators one with advertising
either , trafficadbar, adboardz or 1 million Leads for free
Of course place any banner of your own choice,
but this is just how i set up my $1 PayPal MoneyMaker site.

hope this helps anyone
Doug Hearn

$1 PayPal Money Maker

Simple Just place your $1 PayPal Banner +
Your Trafficadbar Banner on Adboardz
promote another 4 Banners of your choice.
Plus 5 Tex Ads, 1 RSS feed, 1 Testimonial
These are submitted to the whole of Adboardz Members
click on my adboardz example above



how i generate my income




click below

If you decide this is for you , place the Your
Trafficadbar Banner at the top of Your Adboardz
and place a Trafficadbar link in your
free Adboardz section
click here for your free TRAFFIC

Latest Payments Received
As of June 2nd 2010 8.25 a.m

Video Updated every 4 days
Imagine how it feels to keep receiving Instant payments
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Blast to 5000 emails Daily

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Place this Ad on your Adboardz ,
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the more you you can send to
ie if you refer 10 = 5010 emails



Wednesday, June 2, 2010

guide360 travel

Phoning Home from Abroad

It all seems so easy before you set off; your mates are already on their travels and you’re going to hook-up with them in Barcelona, Rome or some other glamorous European city once you’ve saved the money and your travels can begin. No matter how organised and fool-proof your frequent e-mail correspondences up to the day of reckoning may seem, in practice these things are not so simple.

Even if you actually do manage to be in the same city on the same day, these places can be overwhelmingly huge, and trying to find each other could literally take hours, not to mention endless phone calls and text message exchanges- which can prove extremely frustrating if you happen to be on a Pay As You Go contract and are running low on credit. Rule number one, therefore, is to make sure you both have sufficient phone battery and credit at least! The second thing to bear in mind is clarity of location- pick a landmark which is impossible to miss and set a realistic timescale, giving room for navigational error.

Without doubt, the use of mobile phones does make this task a lot simpler than it would otherwise be, but you still don’t want to be on the phone for an unnecessarily long period, especially if you are travelling for months at a time, as you’ll soon find that phone expenditure will start to eat away at your travelling funds. That is, of course, unless prior to travelling you’ve done your homework and obtained the best possible roaming deal which means you can afford to use your phone for longer.

There are a vast range of mobile roaming deals out there to choose from but one which is definitely worth checking out if you’re travelling between 1st June and 31st Aug is Vodafone’s Passport deal, which during these months allows you to call and send texts at the same price as it would cost you in the UK and it’s valid in 35 European countries. Phone users with this deal are also permitted to receive calls from the UK whilst in any of the specified countries free of charge. And the best thing is you don’t even have to dive into a complete Vodafone contract just yet; however you do need to be a Vodafone customer (visit their website to find the latest mobile phones). By sorting a roaming deal on your phone you’ll save yourself a lot of roaming around the streets of cities searching for your mates.

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