Sunday, October 30, 2011

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FREE Guide for REAL Earnings From PTC SITES

For a Newbiew or even a veteran Ptc sites are a good and solid way to earn real money on the internet with no invesment atll but simply effort ,time and internet connection
This FREE guides simply explains the by step...steps one has to take in order to get some real money through ptcs sites

The instructions could well be applied to PTR< PTS< and other such offers yesterday we covered general areas today we shall discuss full details so first thing is to follow and follow and follow the following instructions to set up your earnning system {NOTE-To get referrals and to enhance your earnings the set up system details are given seperately} SETTING UP THE SYSTEM

Step 1 - Things to do before you start

Before you start on your Paid to Click money making journey you will need to do the following:

Sign up for both a Paypal and a Personal Pro Alertpay account. If you are not familiar with Alertpay, it is a payment processor which is now well recognized amongst internet marketers worldwide - and it is the preferred payment processor for many PTC programs. Members are accepted from 190 countries You will need to join as a Personal Pro member and the first time you request a transfer of money received to your bank account, as a security measure you’ll be asked to go through a simple verification process which is explained in detail on the Alert Pay web site. It’s free to join, very reliable and simple to set up.

Throughout the whole of this guide you will be shown how to use what is known as tabbed browsing. What this means is that instead of just having one window open at any one time, you can have up to 10 windows open. Because you have the ability to move very swiftly from one window to another you will without exaggeration save hours of hard work each day. If you’re not used to working with more than one window at a time it can take a little while to adjust to your new working area, but once you are familiar with it, you will never go back to using non-tabbed browsing again! It is possible to use tabs within Internet Explorer but I’ve found the process to be much easier using Mozilla Firefox. It’s free to install, safe and reliable and you can download it quickly from this link: The instructions provided in this guide assume you are using the Firefox browser.
Register for a Google Mail account. You will need to use this e mail address for anything related to promoting and earning with your chosen Paid to Click programs. Some of the programs referred to in this guide do not accept Hotmail and Yahoo accounts, but Google Mail is recognized by all.
Make sure you have some reliable anti virus/spyware software installed before you start using and promoting PTC programs. Although most of the related sites have been thoroughly checked for viruses, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Step 2 - Decide which programs you are going to join

You need to think about how much time you can afford to dedicate to your PTC activities. To give you a general idea, I am active at around 20 programs and this takes me around 25-30 minutes a day in clicking time, plus 5 or 6 hours a week in promotion time. In other words no more than 9-10 hours per week. Something else you have to consider is whether or not you are going to promote one PTC site at a time or join a free downline building program like Marketing Pond or Leverage Free Money where you can promote multiple PTC sites using one link. For more detailed information about free downline building programs click here

If you opt for the idea of promoting one PTC site at a time, you should note that most PTC sites do not allow you to have access to the e mail address of any new referrals you introduce, even though you will be paid for their activities. If one of your aims is to build a list whilst earning from PTC sites, this is something you need to be aware of.

What ever path you decide to follow I suggest you join at least 10 programs to start off with and see how things progress.

If you are unsure about which PTC programs to join, check out the payment proofs and full reviews of my top 13 recommended sites featured on this page. I personally use all of these sites every day and I can verify they are all reliable and paying PTC sites.

Step 3 - Get organised using bookmarks

After you’ve joined your first PTC site the next thing you need to do is set up a folder where you can bookmark the details of all the PTC/PTR programs you join. This makes life much easier when you start surfing each program on a daily basis, as you will have instant access to all of the sites conveniently stored in one place.

To do this you need to follow the steps below:

1 - After you have joined a PTC site, you will usually be sent an e mail asking you to click a verification link. Once you have done this you will be a sent a welcome e mail with a direct link to the log in page. Refer to this welcome e mail and click through to the log in page. Once the log in page is open, click on the Bookmarks menu, then Bookmark This Page from the drop down menu. The dialogue box shown below should appear.

You need to click on the downward pointing arrow (shown in yellow) and the dialogue box below will appear.

2 - Now click on the New Folder button and you will see a new empty folder with a text box alongside of it ready for you to type into. Key the letters PTC in this box then click on Done. Your first PTC program log in page will have been saved in your new PTC folder. To check this you simply click on the Bookmarks menu and look down to the bottom of the drop down menu where you will see your new PTC folder listed. Hold your mouse over the folder name and you should see the name of your first bookmarked page show.

3 After you have joined your second PTC site, you will once again receive a verification e mail followed by a welcome e mail with a link to the log in page of that particular program.

After you have clicked through to the log in page, you will need to click on the Bookmarks menu once again. By default the Folder will have reverted back to show Bookmarks Menu (alongside of the word Folder as shown below:

This time all you have to do is click on the small downwards pointing arrow immediately to the right of the words Bookmark Menu (shown in yellow above) and you will see a drop down menu like the one below.

4 Select PTC then click Done. Your second page will now be saved in the PTC folder also. You will need to repeat steps 3 and 4 for all of the programs you join.

Step 4 - Learn how to use tabbed browsing

Once you have joined a minimum of 10 PTC sites and bookmarked all the log in pages in one folder, you are ready to start using the PTC sites to earn some money! If you get into the habit of using tabbed browsing at the outset it will quite literally save you hours of time over the coming months..

In short, tabbed browsing means rather than clicking for ads at just one site at a time (which would take you for ever!) you can have several different windows open in your browser at the same time and click for ads at multiple PTC sites consecutively.

To use tabbed browsing you need to follow the steps below:

1 Go to your Bookmarks folder and hold your mouse over the PTC folder you just created.

2 Open your first program from the list which shows to the right of the folder name.

3 Now click on the File menu followed by New Tab. A new blank window will automatically open to the right.

4 Go back to your Bookmarks menu, scroll down to the PTC folder and this time click on the second program in the list.

Repeat steps 3 and 4 four more times, opening a different PTC program each time.

To move between each program you click inside the individual tabs showing the program names (as highlighted in yellow below). Have a little practice before you start searching for ads to click on.

Now we will start having a look to see how many ads there are available for each of the programs you have open.

Start by clicking the first tab you opened to the far left of the screen.

Make sure you have clicked the “log in” button using your chosen user name and password, then navigate to the page where the paid ads are located.

Each PTC program is worded slightly differently but all have a designated area where you can check to see what ads there are available to click for cash. You’ll find they all tend to offer varying amounts of paid ads each day - and some sites (like Hits4Pay and DealsnCash) might not have any available ads for you to view every day, but they will have ads for your referrals to click on. This is great news for you because it means you still get paid without doing anything! Once you’ve logged in you need to find where the paid ads are located - and they’re usually pretty easy to find. The best thing to do is familiarize yourself with how it all works and take some time to explore each site.

Once you’ve found the paid ads within your first open program, click on the first one available. You’ll notice a timer starts counting down and if you close the window before it reaches 0 you won’t get paid. Whilst the counter is ticking away, move on to the second tab and navigate your way to the paid ads here too. Click another ad and start a second timer going. Then move to the third tab and follow the same process.

By the time you have worked your way through all of your open windows, the first counter will have finished and you’ll be ready to click on the second sets of ads and start all over again.

It may seem complicated at first but believe me you will soon pick it up. Once you’re familiar with where to look for the paid ads within each site and you’re fully comfortable with using tabbed browsing the whole process should take you no more than 20 minutes each day depending on how many PTC sites you decide to join .

Step 5 - Stay active - log into your PTC sites and surf for ads every day

It’s important to note that many of the more reputable PTC sites only pay you for your referrals’ activity on the days that you also log in and click ads. Not only this, but after 30 days of inactivity, your account will be automatically deleted. It is therefore a really good idea to decide when you are going to set 20 minutes or so aside every day purely for the purpose of clicking ads. It doesn’t matter what time of the day you choose providing it‘s within a 24 hour period. If you get into this habit at the start, then you won’t lose out on any earnings your referrals generate for you once they come on board and you will slowly start to build up your own earnings too.

Step 6 - Promote your programs using seven key Traffic Exchanges

[For a more detailed explanation of how Traffic Exchanges work and instructions about how to get the most out of them, check out this page]

Traffic Exchanges are one of the best free methods of attracting new referrals to join you in a PTC program, but you have to know how to take full advantage of the opportunities they present you with.

Directly promoting any business opportunity through Traffic Exchanges is almost always a complete waste of time. But... if you use them as a method of simply collecting names and e mail addresses of interested parties to follow up at a later stage, you are much more likely to see results.

You have a 10 second window to grab the attention of your fellow exchange surfers, so the key to success is to use a short, sweet ”splash” page which they can’t fail to sit up and notice. You’re not trying to sell your product, you’re simply trying to tempt your visitor with your splash page - so make sure you have some mechanism in place to capture their name and e mail address so you can follow up at a later stage. If you can create your own splash page, this is by far the best option. [Don’t worry if you haven’t got a web site or any web design skills, because there are several free programs you can join which do all the hard work for you. Full information about how to create an eye grabbing splash page can be found on the how to make your own splash page section of this site.]

Alternatively, if you are promoting a downline building program you will be given your own pre-designed splash page coded with your affiliate links, with an inbuilt autoresponder ready to capture the names and e mail addresses of anyone who joins under you. As soon as a new referral joins through your link the program admin automatically sends you their name and e mail address so you can build a list of referrals and follow up with them manually.

All of the individual PTC sites have their own predesigned splash pages too, which you will be able to use as a member. However you should note that although you will be credited for the activities of any referral who joins through your link, most PTC sites do not pass on referrals’ e mail addresses, so you have no way of following up with them and offering support.

Which Traffic Exchanges should you join?

The TEs I am recommending you use are as follows:

Easy Hits 4 U
Real Hitz 4
Hit Safari
Click Voyager

All of these exchanges reward you with credits for introducing new members and they also give you bonus credits based on how many pages your referrals surf. This can potentially save you hours of surfing time and is not a feature offered by many Traffic Exchanges.

Make sure that you pass on your affiliate links to the above Traffic Exchanges to all of your referrals and encourage them to become active surfers. This way you will start to build hundreds of extra credits without clicking your mouse once!

[Full reviews of all the seven TEs above can be found on the page entitled the best way to use Traffic Exchanges.]

To see any sort of results you need to be looking at surfing at least 100 pages per session per exchange x 5. If you bookmark all of the log in pages as outlined in Step 3 of this guide and use the tabbed browsing facility in Firefox, described in Step 4, you can comfortably surf 5 TEs at a time, which roughly equates to 750 sites for one hour of surfing. You need to be aiming to do this at least two or three times a week. TE surfing can be a bit tedious, so put some music on in the background, or have a movie playing. Once you start to see the names of interested parties trickling through you will be glad you’ve done it - and it doesn’t cost a penny.

Step 7 - Invest in some advertising at PTC sites

This is probably the most valuable piece of advice I can give you and is most certainly the best and quickest way to build your referrals in any PTC program. Putting it simply, who better to promote PTC opportunities to than paid to clickers themselves? You don’t have to worry about them not understanding the concept of how PTC sites work, or being disillusioned when they only get paid half a cent for 30 seconds of their time. Better still - if you purchase a whole bunch of clicks worth $0.001 (the cheapest option by far), you know the folks clicking are going to bite your hand off if you offer to show them a way to earn $300-$500 per month for their efforts.

Advertising at PTC sites is cheap but effective. For example, I ran a $0.001 ad for a downline building program called Free Internet Money over at Clix Sense the other month. It cost me less than $3 for 1,000 clicks and I instantly signed up 30 people. Being realistic, they are not all likely to stay active, but a small percentage of them will - and what you have to keep in mind is that it’s more than worth the investment for those few who stay with you. For this reason you should focus your advertising efforts on the lower paying sites to start off with. For one thing the advertising packages are cheaper and for another, you are almost guaranteed to reach dedicated clickers who will be keen to see what you have to offer. Take a look at the lower paying PTC sites reviewed down at the bottom of this page to get some ideas. Test the water. It certainly won’t break the bank to do it, and I personally have never run a PTC advertising campaign yet that has not resulted in at least 5 long term active referrals. However, as with Traffic Exchange advertising, you will have much more success if you can design your own splash page. Include all the key points in your ad - points that strike a chord with the clickers and trust me - you are on to a winner.

Step 8 - Upgrade your account when the time is right

Once you have a minimum of 25-30 active referrals working with you in a stable PTC site, it is certainly worth considering paying the small monthly fee to upgrade your membership. To give you an example of how this is of benefit I will use one of the most trusted PTC sites - Infinity Bux.

Free Member

Average daily earnings: 0.05
Pay per referral click: 10%
Maximum direct referrals: 55

So let’s assume you have 25 active standard referrals. This would mean your total daily earnings would be $0.175. Over a month this is $5.25.

Advanced Member

Average daily earnings: 0.13
Pay per referral click: 50%
Maximum direct referrals: 175

Let’s assume you have 25 active standard referrals. This would mean your total daily earnings would be $0.755. Over a month this is $22.65. Deduct the $9.95 monthly fee and you are left with $12.7 profit - this is more than double what you would earn as a free member.

Advanced Pro Member

Average daily earnings: 0.14
Pay per referral click: 75%
Maximum direct referrals: 250

So let’s assume you have 25 active standard referrals. This would mean your total daily earnings would be $1.0775. Over a month this is $32.32. Deduct the $8.32 monthly fee (has to be paid as six months @ $49.95) and you are left with $24 profit each month. This is almost five times what you would earn as a free member.

And all of the above figures are based on the assumption that all of your referrals remain as free members. If any of them upgrade, you stand to make much more. It’s certainly worth checking all the different upgrade packages available at each of the sites you decide to join. Each of them offer different bonuses and all of them offer you the chance to make substantially more than you would as a free member. However I would not recommend paying for any upgrades until you have at least 20 active referrals working with you in a PTC program. Even though you do stand to make more money individually as an upgraded member, without the additional referrals’ earnings you are unlikely to earn enough to cover your monthly subscription.

Step 9 - Keep in touch with your referrals and encourage them to stay active

As I said at the start of this guide the key to success with PTC programs is entirely dependent on how many active referrals you have in your downline. And many of the programs you will be working with also pay you for your referral’s referrals - up to 8 levels deep.

If you want to stand any sort of chance of success with PTC programs your must be prepared to offer help, support and guidance to anyone who joins after you. Let them know you are working with them.

Once you start marketing your chosen program, you will almost certainly start to attract new members into your downline. Providing you don’t mislead people through your advertising campaigns, you can pretty much guarantee that anyone who has keyed in their details or joined a program under you is interested in what you are offering.

If you are promoting a downline building program like Marketing Pond or Leverage Free Money the admin of the program will automatically send you the name and e mail address of anyone joining through your link. At this stage you should manually add them into your Google mail contacts list and immediately send them an e mail introducing yourself and offering help. Whilst it is essential that you do this, the real key to keeping your referrals interested is to devise some sort of system for sending them a series of follow up e mails. Tell them what’s working best for you... give them some practical suggestions as to how to make it work... refer them to this guide if you like! But above all, let them know you are there to help them.

If you are using your own splash page and an autoresponder to capture the names of interested parties, you will need to key in a series of follow up e mails which will be sent out automatically on your behalf offering support and guidance.

Not all of your referrals will be in it for the long haul, but it’s a proven fact that those people who keep in touch with their referrals are more likely to keep their interest and develop a relationship with them. Remember - your success is based on your referrals’ success, and their success is based on their downline’s success... It’s a team effort.

Step 10 - Develop a weekly action plan... and stick to it!

The information in this guide and on the other pages of this website explains everything you need to do in order to build up a steady part time income from PTC sites.

So to summarise, here is a rough breakdown of the amount of time you will need to be prepared to spend.

Set up activities - refer to steps 1 - 3 of this guide

Sign up for a Paypal and a Personal Pro Alertpay account, then join at least 10 PTC sites and/or 1 downline building program and 5 Traffic Exchanges. Approx 2 hours
Bookmark all of the programs you have joined, and group them into different folders for easy access. Approx 2 hours
Total set up time: Approx 4 hours

Day to day action plan - refer to steps 4-9 of this guide

Using tabbed browsing, devote around 20-30 minutes every day clicking all the available ads within every PTC/PTR program you have joined. Remember - most sites will only pay you for your referrals’ activities on the days that you also log in and click. Approx 3 hours per week
View at least 3,000 websites per week through the 7 Traffic Exchanges you have joined. Approx 6 hours per week
Invest a few dollars in some advertising at PTC sites at least once a month. If you get your advertising right, it will be money well spent. Approx 30 minutes per posting
Once you have at least 20 active referrals in a particular PTC site, consider upgrading your membership. You could be leaving good money on the table by not speculating to accumulate.
Follow up with your referrals by e mail offering them your full support and be ready to answer any queries that may crop up. However do not send each referral more than two e mails per week. One sure fire way to switch a new contact off is to bombard them with e mails every day at the start of your business relationship. Approx 1 hour per week
As you can see - the amount of time you need to be prepared to spend to see results is in the region of 10 hours per week. However only you know how much actual time you are prepared to give and on which days of the week you have the most time to devote to your marketing activities.

It’s very important that you are consistent with your marketing but when you first start out it can be hard to stay focused. You might find it helpful to draft out a simple table outlining which activities you plan to do on different days of the week and how much time you intend to spend. Tick off each task as you complete it and try to stick to your plan.

Be sure to set yourself realistic targets and don’t expect instant success. If you follow the steps outlined in this guide you will almost certainly start to build a downline immediately, but it’s a gradual process and you need to be patient in the early stages. In some ways you can compare building your downline/increasing your earnings to a snowball rolling down a hill. To start off with the snowball is small, but as it rolls it gathers snow and grows and develops.

Building a solid monthly income with PTC sites is possible, but it takes time, effort and consistency.

I hope what I have shared with you will help you go forward and make some money with PTC sites - and I wish you every success.

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Gambhir Tie

Crash 1929

Wall Street, October 1929
in Stock Market

Claud Cockburn, writing for the "Times of London" from New-York, described the irrational exuberance that gripped the nation just prior to the Great Depression. As Europe wallowed in post-war malaise, America seemed to have discovered a new economy, the secret of uninterrupted growth and prosperity, the fount of transforming technology:

"The atmosphere of the great boom was savagely exciting, but there were times when a person with my European background felt alarmingly lonely. He would have liked to believe, as these people believed, in the eternal upswing of the big bull market or else to meet just one person with whom he might discuss some general doubts without being regarded as an imbecile or a person of deliberately evil intent - some kind of anarchist, perhaps."

The greatest analysts with the most impeccable credentials and track records failed to predict the forthcoming crash and the unprecedented economic depression that followed it. Irving Fisher, a preeminent economist, who, according to his biographer-son, Irving Norton Fisher, lost the equivalent of $140 million in today's money in the crash, made a series of soothing predictions. On October 22 he uttered these avuncular statements: "Quotations have not caught up with real values as yet ... (There is) no cause for a slump ... The market has not been inflated but merely readjusted..."

Even as the market convulsed on Black Thursday, October 24, 1929 and on Black Tuesday, October 29 - the New York Times wrote: "Rally at close cheers brokers, bankers optimistic".

In an editorial on October 26, it blasted rabid speculators and compliant analysts: "We shall hear considerably less in the future of those newly invented conceptions of finance which revised the principles of political economy with a view solely to fitting the stock market's vagaries.'' But it ended thus: "(The Federal Reserve has) insured the soundness of the business situation when the speculative markets went on the rocks.''

Compare this to Alan Greenspan Congressional testimony this summer: "While bubbles that burst are scarcely benign, the consequences need not be catastrophic for the economy ... (The Depression was brought on by) ensuing failures of policy."

Investors, their equity leveraged with bank and broker loans, crowded into stocks of exciting "new technologies", such as the radio and mass electrification. The bull market - especially in issues of public utilities - was fueled by "mergers, new groupings, combinations and good earnings" and by corporate purchasing for "employee stock funds".

Cautionary voices - such as Paul Warburg, the influential banker, Roger Babson, the "Prophet of Loss" and Alexander Noyes, the eternal Cassandra from the New York Times - were derided. The number of brokerage accounts doubled between March 1927 and March 1929.

When the market corrected by 8 percent between March 18-27 - following a Fed induced credit crunch and a series of mysterious closed-door sessions of the Fed's board - bankers rushed in. The New York Times reported: "Responsible bankers agree that stocks should now be supported, having reached a level that makes them attractive.'' By August, the market was up 35 percent on its March lows. But it reached a peak on September 3 and it was downhill since then.

On October 19, five days before "Black Thursday", Business Week published this sanguine prognosis:

"Now, of course, the crucial weaknesses of such periods - price inflation, heavy inventories, over-extension of commercial credit - are totally absent. The security market seems to be suffering only an attack of stock indigestion... There is additional reassurance in the fact that, should business show any further signs of fatigue, the banking system is in a good position now to administer any needed credit tonic from its excellent Reserve supply."

The crash unfolded gradually. Black Thursday actually ended with an inspiring rally. Friday and Saturday - trading ceased only on Sundays - witnessed an upswing followed by mild profit taking. The market dropped 12.8 percent on Monday, with Winston Churchill watching from the visitors' gallery - incurring a loss of $10-14 billion.

The Wall Street Journal warned naive investors:

"Many are looking for technical corrective reactions from time to time, but do not expect these to disturb the upward trend for any prolonged period."

The market plummeted another 11.7 percent the next day - though trading ended with an impressive rally from the lows. October 31 was a good day with a "vigorous, buoyant rally from bell to bell". Even Rockefeller joined the myriad buyers. Shares soared. It seemed that the worst was over.

The New York Times was optimistic:

"It is thought that stocks will become stabilized at their actual worth levels, some higher and some lower than the present ones, and that the selling prices will be guided in the immediate future by the worth of each particular security, based on its dividend record, earnings ability and prospects. Little is heard in Wall Street these days about 'putting stocks up."

But it was not long before irate customers began blaming their stupendous losses on advice they received from their brokers. Alec Wilder, a songwriter in New York in 1929, interviewed by Stud Terkel in "Hard Times" four decades later, described this typical exchange with his money manager:

"I knew something was terribly wrong because I heard bellboys, everybody, talking about the stock market. About six weeks before the Wall Street Crash, I persuaded my mother in Rochester to let me talk to our family adviser. I wanted to sell stock which had been left me by my father. He got very sentimental: 'Oh your father wouldn't have liked you to do that.' He was so persuasive, I said O.K. I could have sold it for $160,000. Four years later, I sold it for $4,000."

Exhausted and numb from days of hectic trading and back office operations, the brokerage houses pressured the stock exchange to declare a two day trading holiday. Exchanges around North America followed suit.

At first, the Fed refused to reduce the discount rate. "(There) was no change in financial conditions which the board thought called for its action." - though it did inject liquidity into the money market by purchasing government bonds. Then, it partially succumbed and reduced the New York discount rate, which, curiously, was 1 percent above the other Fed districts - by 1 percent. This was too little and too late. The market never recovered after November 1. Despite further reductions in the discount rate to 4 percent, it shed a whopping 89 percent in nominal terms when it hit bottom three years later.

Everyone was duped. The rich were impoverished overnight. Small time margin traders - the forerunners of today's day traders - lost their shirts and much else besides. The New York Times:

"Yesterday's market crash was one which largely affected rich men, institutions, investment trusts and others who participate in the market on a broad and intelligent scale. It was not the margin traders who were caught in the rush to sell, but the rich men of the country who are able to swing blocks of 5,000, 10,000, up to 100,000 shares of high-priced stocks. They went overboard with no more consideration than the little trader who was swept out on the first day of the market's upheaval, whose prices, even at their lowest of last Thursday, now look high by comparison ... To most of those who have been in the market it is all the more awe-inspiring because their financial history is limited to bull markets."

Overseas - mainly European - selling was an important factor. Some conspiracy theorists, such as Webster Tarpley in his "British Financial Warfare", supported by contemporary reporting by the likes of "The Economist", went as far as writing:

"When this Wall Street Bubble had reached gargantuan proportions in the autumn of 1929, (Lord) Montagu Norman (governor of the Bank of England 1920-1944) sharply (upped) the British bank rate, repatriating British hot money, and pulling the rug out from under the Wall Street speculators, thus deliberately and consciously imploding the US markets. This caused a violent depression in the United States and some other countries, with the collapse of financial markets and the contraction of production and employment. In 1929, Norman engineered a collapse by puncturing the bubble."

The crash was, in large part, a reaction to a sharp reversal, starting in 1928, of the reflationary, "cheap money", policies of the Fed intended, as Adolph Miller of the Fed's Board of Governors told a Senate committee, "to bring down money rates, the call rate among them, because of the international importance the call rate had come to acquire. The purpose was to start an outflow of gold - to reverse the previous inflow of gold into this country (back to Britain)." But the Fed had already lost control of the speculative rush.

The crash of 1929 was not without its Enrons and's. Clarence Hatry and his associates admitted to forging the accounts of their investment group to show a fake net worth of $24 million British pounds - rather than the true picture of 19 billion in liabilities. This led to forced liquidation of Wall Street positions by harried British financiers.

The collapse of Middle West Utilities, run by the energy tycoon, Samuel Insull, exposed a web of offshore holding companies whose only purpose was to hide losses and disguise leverage. The former president of NYSE, Richard Whitney was arrested for larceny.

Analysts and commentators thought of the stock exchange as decoupled from the real economy. Only one tenth of the population was invested - compared to 40 percent today. "The World" wrote, with more than a bit of Schadenfreude: "The country has not suffered a catastrophe ... The American people ... has been gambling largely with the surplus of its astonishing prosperity."

"The Daily News" concurred: "The sagging of the stocks has not destroyed a single factory, wiped out a single farm or city lot or real estate development, decreased the productive powers of a single workman or machine in the United States." In Louisville, the "Herald Post" commented sagely: "While Wall Street was getting rid of its weak holder to their own most drastic punishment, grain was stronger. That will go to the credit side of the national prosperity and help replace that buying power which some fear has been gravely impaired."

During the Coolidge presidency, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, "stock dividends rose by 108 percent, corporate profits by 76 percent, and wages by 33 percent. In 1929, 4,455,100 passenger cars were sold by American factories, one for every 27 members of the population, a record that was not broken until 1950. Productivity was the key to America's economic growth. Because of improvements in technology, overall labour costs declined by nearly 10 percent, even though the wages of individual workers rose."

Jude Waninski adds in his tome "The Way the World Works" that "between 1921 and 1929, GNP grew to $103.1 billion from $69.6 billion. And because prices were falling, real output increased even faster." Tax rates were sharply reduced.

John Kenneth Galbraith noted these data in his seminal "The Great Crash":

"Between 1925 and 1929, the number of manufacturing establishments increased from 183,900 to 206,700; the value of their output rose from $60.8 billions to $68 billions. The Federal Reserve index of industrial production which had averaged only 67 in 1921 ... had risen to 110 by July 1928, and it reached 126 in June 1929 ... (but the American people) were also displaying an inordinate desire to get rich quickly with a minimum of physical effort."

Personal borrowing for consumption peaked in 1928 - though the administration, unlike today, maintained twin fiscal and current account surpluses and the USA was a large net creditor. Charles Kettering, head of the research division of General Motors described consumeritis thus, just days before the crash: "The key to economic prosperity is the organized creation of dissatisfaction."

Inequality skyrocketed. While output per man-hour shot up by 32 percent between 1923 and 1929, wages crept up only 8 percent. In 1929, the top 0.1 percent of the population earned as much as the bottom 42 percent. Business-friendly administrations reduced by 70 percent the exorbitant taxes paid by those with an income of more than $1 million. But in the summer of 1929, businesses reported sharp increases in inventories. It was the beginning of the end.

Were stocks overvalued prior to the crash? Did all stocks collapse indiscriminately? Not so. Even at the height of the panic, investors remained conscious of real values. On November 3, 1929 the shares of American Can, General Electric, Westinghouse and Anaconda Copper were still substantially higher than on March 3, 1928.

John Campbell and Robert Shiller, author of "Irrational Exuberance", calculated, in a joint paper titled "Valuation Ratios and the Lon-Run Market Outlook: An Update" posted on Yale University' s Web Site, that share prices divided by a moving average of 10 years worth of earnings reached 28 just prior to the crash. Contrast this with 45 on March 2000.

In an NBER working paper published December 2001 and tellingly titled "The Stock Market Crash of 1929 - Irving Fisher was Right", Ellen McGrattan and Edward Prescott boldly claim: "We find that the stock market in 1929 did not crash because the market was overvalued. In fact, the evidence strongly suggests that stocks were undervalued, even at their 1929 peak."

According to their detailed paper, stocks were trading at 19 times after-tax corporate earning at the peak in 1929, a fraction of today's valuations even after the recent correction. A March 1999 "Economic Letter" published by the Federal Reserve Bank of San-Francisco wholeheartedly concurs. It notes that at the peak, prices stood at 30.5 times the dividend yield, only slightly above the long term average.

Contrast this with an article published in June 1990 issue of the "Journal of Economic History" by Robert Barsky and Bradford De Long and titled "Bull and Bear Markets in the Twentieth Century":

"Major bull and bear markets were driven by shifts in assessments of fundamentals: investors had little knowledge of crucial factors, in particular the long run dividend growth rate, and their changing expectations of average dividend growth plausibly lie behind the major swings of this century."

Jude Waninski attributes the crash to the disintegration of the pro-free-trade coalition in the Senate which later led to the notorious Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930. He traces all the important moves in the market between March 1929 and June 1930 to the intricate protectionist danse macabre in Congress.

This argument may never be decided. Is a similar crash on the cards? This cannot be ruled out. The 1990's resembled the 1920's in more than one way. Are we ready for a recurrence of 1929? About as we were prepared in 1928. Human nature - the prime mover behind market meltdowns - seemed not to have changed that much in these intervening seven decades.

Will a stock market crash, should it happen, be followed by another "Great Depression"? It depends which kind of crash. The short term puncturing of a temporary bubble - e.g., in 1962 and 1987 - is usually divorced from other economic fundamentals. But a major correction to a lasting bull market invariably leads to recession or worse.

As the economist Hernan Cortes Douglas reminds us in "The Collapse of Wall Street and the Lessons of History" published by the Friedberg Mercantile Group, this was the sequence in London in 1720 (the infamous "South Sea Bubble"), and in the USA in 1835-40 and 1929-32.

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Friday, October 28, 2011

10 sex Tips from Yahoo

10 Sex Tips from Yahoo


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Top 10 surprising sex stats
Realbuzz – Thu, Oct 27, 2011 3:49 PM IST.. .

... .

The world is full of numbers, and full of sex for that matter. When it comes to intimacy, it’s generally all about the facts of life, not facts and figures (apart from the naked kind!). So you may be surprised to find out the following sex statistics as often these matters don’t make it out of the bedroom. We’ve peeled the sheets on 10 of the most surprising sex figures.

Read more:
•How to make your man more romantic
•Know your couple type
•Astro kissing
•Make your love work

What’s your number?

According to a Durex survey, men across the globe have had an average of 13 sexual partners throughout their lifetime, while women have had seven. Guys and girls often shy away from honesty when it comes to discussing their number; too low and they fear embarrassment, too high and they face being judged. But there’s never going to be a happy medium, as a Cosmopolitan survey found. According to the survey just 66 per cent of people are content with their ‘number’, while 22 per cent wish they’d slept with less people and 12 per cent would have liked to have slept with more.

Pop your cherry

The average male loses his virginity at age 16.9, while apparently females hold off, on average, until the ripe age of 17.4. After the age of consent (which depends on your country) there is no right or wrong age to lose your virginity given you are protected from STIs and are not pressured into it. Popping your cherry, deflowering, or whatever you want to call it, having sex for the first time is a significant part of anyone’s life and isn’t something that should be rushed into. After all, it can create one of life’s little miracles!

Happy ending

Expectations of sex are often unrealistic due to farfetched portrayals of the act on the big screen and TV. However, the reality of couples’ performances in the bedroom are often not so supreme. The truth is in fact quite different, especially for the ladies, with research suggesting that only 29 per cent of women reach ‘the big O’ every time they have sex, compared to a lucky 75 per cent of men (how is this fair, ladies?). This may be because, according to Durex, around 75 per cent of all women never reach orgasm from intercourse alone and 10 to 15 per cent never climax under any circumstances. Some experimenting may be in order to find what works for you, so you can reach euphoria every time you slip under the sheets.

In the mood for love

A Onepoll study showed that for 56 per cent of women, men’s facial hair is a strong trigger for sexual arousal. Apparently, a man with three days’ worth of stubble is more sexually attractive than a clean shaven man (sorry, you smoothies out there!). It makes sense, really – just think of Johnny Depp and George Clooney! According to Cosmopolitan, though, it is in fact a long, steamy kiss that gets 35.4 per cent of men aroused and in the mood for love. So throw away your razors, guys! And girls, smack on some lipstick and pucker up! You know what you need to do…

Weekly quota

Busy lifestyles, manic workload, hectic social life; who has time for sex every day? On a more realistic note, a Durex survey showed that 67 per cent of adults have sex once a week and only eight per cent have it once a day or more. Not forgetting the nine per cent who said they only get hot and steamy with their partner less than every few months. So don’t set your sights too high and expect to be making love around the clock. The key is whatever works best for you –being honest with your lover will keep you both in check of each other’s sex schedules.

Fake it to make it

It’s not uncommon for guys or gals to forge an orgasm, either to prevent themselves or their partner from embarrassment or a feeling of inadequacy under the sheets. A Cosmopolitan survey showed that 30 per cent of women would fake it so as not to upset their partner, while 26 per cent said they would be frank if they couldn’t climax. Eight per cent of women even admitted to making it a regular habit! Fakers under the sheets may simply make all the right noises to get a poor sex sesh over with a.s.a.p., or some people use their ‘When Harry Met Sally’ impressions when they’re too tired for a love making session.

Sex secrets

Being honest and open about your sexual needs and desires will help improve your overall sexual satisfaction by teaching your partner how to press all the right buttons and keep you blissful in the bedroom. However, only 58 per cent of people are comfortable with telling their lover exactly what they want in bed, which is probably why only 38 per cent are fully satisfied with their sex lives. Honesty is a healthy trait to have in any relationship, and even more so when it comes to sex. Share your needs and your partner may do the same.


According to a Durex survey self-pleasure is widely practiced, with 83 per cent of people across the globe stating they have self-pleasured at some point in their lives. A third of people DIY once a week –that’s 43 per cent of men and 22 per cent of women – making it a really common sexual activity. Masturbation, although sometimes seen as taboo, is in fact a healthy and normal part of an adult sex life and nothing to be embarrassed of. Getting in touch with your own body in this way may even improve your confidence when it comes to sex with a partner.

How long and how often?

On average, sex sessions last between three and 13 minutes. But according to a survey by Cosmopolitan 50.4 per cent of men would want it to last for 30 minutes while 25.5 per cent would want sex for 15 minutes. A Durex survey also outlined that the average number of times people have sex is 103 times per year, 1.98 times per week and 0.28 times per day! Incorporating sex into your life does have its benefits, including stress relief and increased energy, but there is no right or wrong quota you need to hit – we’re not all bunny rabbits!

Better with age

According to a survey by Saga, 65 per cent of over 50s are sexually active, with 46 per cent claiming to have sex once a week. 85 per cent feel that sex at a more mature age is less pressurised than when they were teens or young adults, suggesting that sex can get better with age (like many things in life). This could be down to improved self-confidence and security of a long-term relationship, or perhaps because many postmenopausal women have quicker arousal due to reduced fear of pregnancy. So love-making doesn’t have to have an expiry date. Remember, you are only as old as you feel!

7 surprising sex facts
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Pakistan's Bridal Couture Week 2011

Bhutan celebrates as King marries

Anita Dongre

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.Bhagnani wants to launch new face opposite …
Bigger boobs, smaller bums is Geri Halliwell …
FACTBOX - Placido Domingo at 70
Opera star Domingo lauded in London …
My performance will have Indian influence: …
Gaga greets India with tricolour ha …
Dharmendra wanted to keep Esha away …
Split with Marc Anthony taught JLo …
People consume more of tiny-sized candies …
Robert Pattinson hopes Twilight sex …

Most Popular.
Top 10 surprising sex stats Realbuzz - Thu, Oct 27, 2011 3:49 PM IST.

How to make your man more romantic - Tue, Oct 25, 2011 4:04 PM IST.

The dos and don'ts of weight loss Realbuzz - Tue, Oct 25, 2011 2:36 PM IST.

Diwali Celebrations Around the Worl … - Thu, Oct 27, 2011 6:08 PM IST.

Top 7 sex tips for women Realbuzz - Wed, Oct 26, 2011 2:30 PM IST.
. .

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Ash celebrates a special Diwali

60-yr-old bride for a 120-yr-old man

Bomb found on Advani's yatra route

Nokia launches affordable smartphone


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.Top 10 surprising sex stats
Actor Ronit Roy arrested after acci …
Women too suffer from 'premature orgasms' …
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Lady Gaga, Metallica add glamour to …
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Top 10 surprising sex stats
Realbuzz – Thu, Oct 27, 2011 3:49 PM IST.. .

... .

The world is full of numbers, and full of sex for that matter. When it comes to intimacy, it’s generally all about the facts of life, not facts and figures (apart from the naked kind!). So you may be surprised to find out the following sex statistics as often these matters don’t make it out of the bedroom. We’ve peeled the sheets on 10 of the most surprising sex figures.

Read more:
•How to make your man more romantic
•Know your couple type
•Astro kissing
•Make your love work

What’s your number?

According to a Durex survey, men across the globe have had an average of 13 sexual partners throughout their lifetime, while women have had seven. Guys and girls often shy away from honesty when it comes to discussing their number; too low and they fear embarrassment, too high and they face being judged. But there’s never going to be a happy medium, as a Cosmopolitan survey found. According to the survey just 66 per cent of people are content with their ‘number’, while 22 per cent wish they’d slept with less people and 12 per cent would have liked to have slept with more.

Pop your cherry

The average male loses his virginity at age 16.9, while apparently females hold off, on average, until the ripe age of 17.4. After the age of consent (which depends on your country) there is no right or wrong age to lose your virginity given you are protected from STIs and are not pressured into it. Popping your cherry, deflowering, or whatever you want to call it, having sex for the first time is a significant part of anyone’s life and isn’t something that should be rushed into. After all, it can create one of life’s little miracles!

Happy ending

Expectations of sex are often unrealistic due to farfetched portrayals of the act on the big screen and TV. However, the reality of couples’ performances in the bedroom are often not so supreme. The truth is in fact quite different, especially for the ladies, with research suggesting that only 29 per cent of women reach ‘the big O’ every time they have sex, compared to a lucky 75 per cent of men (how is this fair, ladies?). This may be because, according to Durex, around 75 per cent of all women never reach orgasm from intercourse alone and 10 to 15 per cent never climax under any circumstances. Some experimenting may be in order to find what works for you, so you can reach euphoria every time you slip under the sheets.

In the mood for love

A Onepoll study showed that for 56 per cent of women, men’s facial hair is a strong trigger for sexual arousal. Apparently, a man with three days’ worth of stubble is more sexually attractive than a clean shaven man (sorry, you smoothies out there!). It makes sense, really – just think of Johnny Depp and George Clooney! According to Cosmopolitan, though, it is in fact a long, steamy kiss that gets 35.4 per cent of men aroused and in the mood for love. So throw away your razors, guys! And girls, smack on some lipstick and pucker up! You know what you need to do…

Weekly quota

Busy lifestyles, manic workload, hectic social life; who has time for sex every day? On a more realistic note, a Durex survey showed that 67 per cent of adults have sex once a week and only eight per cent have it once a day or more. Not forgetting the nine per cent who said they only get hot and steamy with their partner less than every few months. So don’t set your sights too high and expect to be making love around the clock. The key is whatever works best for you –being honest with your lover will keep you both in check of each other’s sex schedules.

Fake it to make it

It’s not uncommon for guys or gals to forge an orgasm, either to prevent themselves or their partner from embarrassment or a feeling of inadequacy under the sheets. A Cosmopolitan survey showed that 30 per cent of women would fake it so as not to upset their partner, while 26 per cent said they would be frank if they couldn’t climax. Eight per cent of women even admitted to making it a regular habit! Fakers under the sheets may simply make all the right noises to get a poor sex sesh over with a.s.a.p., or some people use their ‘When Harry Met Sally’ impressions when they’re too tired for a love making session.

Sex secrets

Being honest and open about your sexual needs and desires will help improve your overall sexual satisfaction by teaching your partner how to press all the right buttons and keep you blissful in the bedroom. However, only 58 per cent of people are comfortable with telling their lover exactly what they want in bed, which is probably why only 38 per cent are fully satisfied with their sex lives. Honesty is a healthy trait to have in any relationship, and even more so when it comes to sex. Share your needs and your partner may do the same.


According to a Durex survey self-pleasure is widely practiced, with 83 per cent of people across the globe stating they have self-pleasured at some point in their lives. A third of people DIY once a week –that’s 43 per cent of men and 22 per cent of women – making it a really common sexual activity. Masturbation, although sometimes seen as taboo, is in fact a healthy and normal part of an adult sex life and nothing to be embarrassed of. Getting in touch with your own body in this way may even improve your confidence when it comes to sex with a partner.

How long and how often?

On average, sex sessions last between three and 13 minutes. But according to a survey by Cosmopolitan 50.4 per cent of men would want it to last for 30 minutes while 25.5 per cent would want sex for 15 minutes. A Durex survey also outlined that the average number of times people have sex is 103 times per year, 1.98 times per week and 0.28 times per day! Incorporating sex into your life does have its benefits, including stress relief and increased energy, but there is no right or wrong quota you need to hit – we’re not all bunny rabbits!

Better with age

According to a survey by Saga, 65 per cent of over 50s are sexually active, with 46 per cent claiming to have sex once a week. 85 per cent feel that sex at a more mature age is less pressurised than when they were teens or young adults, suggesting that sex can get better with age (like many things in life). This could be down to improved self-confidence and security of a long-term relationship, or perhaps because many postmenopausal women have quicker arousal due to reduced fear of pregnancy. So love-making doesn’t have to have an expiry date. Remember, you are only as old as you feel!

7 surprising sex facts
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Getting to know Kareena

Pakistan's Bridal Couture Week 2011

Bhutan celebrates as King marries

Anita Dongre

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.Bhagnani wants to launch new face opposite …
Bigger boobs, smaller bums is Geri Halliwell …
FACTBOX - Placido Domingo at 70
Opera star Domingo lauded in London …
My performance will have Indian influence: …
Gaga greets India with tricolour ha …
Dharmendra wanted to keep Esha away …
Split with Marc Anthony taught JLo …
People consume more of tiny-sized candies …
Robert Pattinson hopes Twilight sex …

Most Popular.
Top 10 surprising sex stats Realbuzz - Thu, Oct 27, 2011 3:49 PM IST.

How to make your man more romantic - Tue, Oct 25, 2011 4:04 PM IST.

The dos and don'ts of weight loss Realbuzz - Tue, Oct 25, 2011 2:36 PM IST.

Diwali Celebrations Around the Worl … - Thu, Oct 27, 2011 6:08 PM IST.

Top 7 sex tips for women Realbuzz - Wed, Oct 26, 2011 2:30 PM IST.
. .

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Surprising sex statistics you must know

Ash celebrates a special Diwali

60-yr-old bride for a 120-yr-old man

Bomb found on Advani's yatra route

Nokia launches affordable smartphone


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.Top 10 surprising sex stats
Actor Ronit Roy arrested after acci …
Women too suffer from 'premature orgasms' …
Haunted Mumbai: Guess which well-known …
Lady Gaga, Metallica add glamour to …
... .

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Top 10 surprising sex stats
Realbuzz – Thu, Oct 27, 2011 3:49 PM IST.. .

... .

The world is full of numbers, and full of sex for that matter. When it comes to intimacy, it’s generally all about the facts of life, not facts and figures (apart from the naked kind!). So you may be surprised to find out the following sex statistics as often these matters don’t make it out of the bedroom. We’ve peeled the sheets on 10 of the most surprising sex figures.

Read more:
•How to make your man more romantic
•Know your couple type
•Astro kissing
•Make your love work

What’s your number?

According to a Durex survey, men across the globe have had an average of 13 sexual partners throughout their lifetime, while women have had seven. Guys and girls often shy away from honesty when it comes to discussing their number; too low and they fear embarrassment, too high and they face being judged. But there’s never going to be a happy medium, as a Cosmopolitan survey found. According to the survey just 66 per cent of people are content with their ‘number’, while 22 per cent wish they’d slept with less people and 12 per cent would have liked to have slept with more.

Pop your cherry

The average male loses his virginity at age 16.9, while apparently females hold off, on average, until the ripe age of 17.4. After the age of consent (which depends on your country) there is no right or wrong age to lose your virginity given you are protected from STIs and are not pressured into it. Popping your cherry, deflowering, or whatever you want to call it, having sex for the first time is a significant part of anyone’s life and isn’t something that should be rushed into. After all, it can create one of life’s little miracles!

Happy ending

Expectations of sex are often unrealistic due to farfetched portrayals of the act on the big screen and TV. However, the reality of couples’ performances in the bedroom are often not so supreme. The truth is in fact quite different, especially for the ladies, with research suggesting that only 29 per cent of women reach ‘the big O’ every time they have sex, compared to a lucky 75 per cent of men (how is this fair, ladies?). This may be because, according to Durex, around 75 per cent of all women never reach orgasm from intercourse alone and 10 to 15 per cent never climax under any circumstances. Some experimenting may be in order to find what works for you, so you can reach euphoria every time you slip under the sheets.

In the mood for love

A Onepoll study showed that for 56 per cent of women, men’s facial hair is a strong trigger for sexual arousal. Apparently, a man with three days’ worth of stubble is more sexually attractive than a clean shaven man (sorry, you smoothies out there!). It makes sense, really – just think of Johnny Depp and George Clooney! According to Cosmopolitan, though, it is in fact a long, steamy kiss that gets 35.4 per cent of men aroused and in the mood for love. So throw away your razors, guys! And girls, smack on some lipstick and pucker up! You know what you need to do…

Weekly quota

Busy lifestyles, manic workload, hectic social life; who has time for sex every day? On a more realistic note, a Durex survey showed that 67 per cent of adults have sex once a week and only eight per cent have it once a day or more. Not forgetting the nine per cent who said they only get hot and steamy with their partner less than every few months. So don’t set your sights too high and expect to be making love around the clock. The key is whatever works best for you –being honest with your lover will keep you both in check of each other’s sex schedules.

Fake it to make it

It’s not uncommon for guys or gals to forge an orgasm, either to prevent themselves or their partner from embarrassment or a feeling of inadequacy under the sheets. A Cosmopolitan survey showed that 30 per cent of women would fake it so as not to upset their partner, while 26 per cent said they would be frank if they couldn’t climax. Eight per cent of women even admitted to making it a regular habit! Fakers under the sheets may simply make all the right noises to get a poor sex sesh over with a.s.a.p., or some people use their ‘When Harry Met Sally’ impressions when they’re too tired for a love making session.

Sex secrets

Being honest and open about your sexual needs and desires will help improve your overall sexual satisfaction by teaching your partner how to press all the right buttons and keep you blissful in the bedroom. However, only 58 per cent of people are comfortable with telling their lover exactly what they want in bed, which is probably why only 38 per cent are fully satisfied with their sex lives. Honesty is a healthy trait to have in any relationship, and even more so when it comes to sex. Share your needs and your partner may do the same.


According to a Durex survey self-pleasure is widely practiced, with 83 per cent of people across the globe stating they have self-pleasured at some point in their lives. A third of people DIY once a week –that’s 43 per cent of men and 22 per cent of women – making it a really common sexual activity. Masturbation, although sometimes seen as taboo, is in fact a healthy and normal part of an adult sex life and nothing to be embarrassed of. Getting in touch with your own body in this way may even improve your confidence when it comes to sex with a partner.

How long and how often?

On average, sex sessions last between three and 13 minutes. But according to a survey by Cosmopolitan 50.4 per cent of men would want it to last for 30 minutes while 25.5 per cent would want sex for 15 minutes. A Durex survey also outlined that the average number of times people have sex is 103 times per year, 1.98 times per week and 0.28 times per day! Incorporating sex into your life does have its benefits, including stress relief and increased energy, but there is no right or wrong quota you need to hit – we’re not all bunny rabbits!

Better with age

According to a survey by Saga, 65 per cent of over 50s are sexually active, with 46 per cent claiming to have sex once a week. 85 per cent feel that sex at a more mature age is less pressurised than when they were teens or young adults, suggesting that sex can get better with age (like many things in life). This could be down to improved self-confidence and security of a long-term relationship, or perhaps because many postmenopausal women have quicker arousal due to reduced fear of pregnancy. So love-making doesn’t have to have an expiry date. Remember, you are only as old as you feel!

7 surprising sex facts
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Getting to know Kareena

Pakistan's Bridal Couture Week 2011

Bhutan celebrates as King marries

Anita Dongre

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.Bhagnani wants to launch new face opposite …
Bigger boobs, smaller bums is Geri Halliwell …
FACTBOX - Placido Domingo at 70
Opera star Domingo lauded in London …
My performance will have Indian influence: …
Gaga greets India with tricolour ha …
Dharmendra wanted to keep Esha away …
Split with Marc Anthony taught JLo …
People consume more of tiny-sized candies …
Robert Pattinson hopes Twilight sex …

Most Popular.
Top 10 surprising sex stats Realbuzz - Thu, Oct 27, 2011 3:49 PM IST.

How to make your man more romantic - Tue, Oct 25, 2011 4:04 PM IST.

The dos and don'ts of weight loss Realbuzz - Tue, Oct 25, 2011 2:36 PM IST.

Diwali Celebrations Around the Worl … - Thu, Oct 27, 2011 6:08 PM IST.

Top 7 sex tips for women Realbuzz - Wed, Oct 26, 2011 2:30 PM IST.
. .

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Surprising sex statistics you must know

Ash celebrates a special Diwali

60-yr-old bride for a 120-yr-old man

Bomb found on Advani's yatra route

Nokia launches affordable smartphone


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.Top 10 surprising sex stats
Actor Ronit Roy arrested after acci …
Women too suffer from 'premature orgasms' …
Haunted Mumbai: Guess which well-known …
Lady Gaga, Metallica add glamour to …
... .

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Top 10 surprising sex stats
Realbuzz – Thu, Oct 27, 2011 3:49 PM IST.. .

... .

The world is full of numbers, and full of sex for that matter. When it comes to intimacy, it’s generally all about the facts of life, not facts and figures (apart from the naked kind!). So you may be surprised to find out the following sex statistics as often these matters don’t make it out of the bedroom. We’ve peeled the sheets on 10 of the most surprising sex figures.

Read more:
•How to make your man more romantic
•Know your couple type
•Astro kissing
•Make your love work

What’s your number?

According to a Durex survey, men across the globe have had an average of 13 sexual partners throughout their lifetime, while women have had seven. Guys and girls often shy away from honesty when it comes to discussing their number; too low and they fear embarrassment, too high and they face being judged. But there’s never going to be a happy medium, as a Cosmopolitan survey found. According to the survey just 66 per cent of people are content with their ‘number’, while 22 per cent wish they’d slept with less people and 12 per cent would have liked to have slept with more.

Pop your cherry

The average male loses his virginity at age 16.9, while apparently females hold off, on average, until the ripe age of 17.4. After the age of consent (which depends on your country) there is no right or wrong age to lose your virginity given you are protected from STIs and are not pressured into it. Popping your cherry, deflowering, or whatever you want to call it, having sex for the first time is a significant part of anyone’s life and isn’t something that should be rushed into. After all, it can create one of life’s little miracles!

Happy ending

Expectations of sex are often unrealistic due to farfetched portrayals of the act on the big screen and TV. However, the reality of couples’ performances in the bedroom are often not so supreme. The truth is in fact quite different, especially for the ladies, with research suggesting that only 29 per cent of women reach ‘the big O’ every time they have sex, compared to a lucky 75 per cent of men (how is this fair, ladies?). This may be because, according to Durex, around 75 per cent of all women never reach orgasm from intercourse alone and 10 to 15 per cent never climax under any circumstances. Some experimenting may be in order to find what works for you, so you can reach euphoria every time you slip under the sheets.

In the mood for love

A Onepoll study showed that for 56 per cent of women, men’s facial hair is a strong trigger for sexual arousal. Apparently, a man with three days’ worth of stubble is more sexually attractive than a clean shaven man (sorry, you smoothies out there!). It makes sense, really – just think of Johnny Depp and George Clooney! According to Cosmopolitan, though, it is in fact a long, steamy kiss that gets 35.4 per cent of men aroused and in the mood for love. So throw away your razors, guys! And girls, smack on some lipstick and pucker up! You know what you need to do…

Weekly quota

Busy lifestyles, manic workload, hectic social life; who has time for sex every day? On a more realistic note, a Durex survey showed that 67 per cent of adults have sex once a week and only eight per cent have it once a day or more. Not forgetting the nine per cent who said they only get hot and steamy with their partner less than every few months. So don’t set your sights too high and expect to be making love around the clock. The key is whatever works best for you –being honest with your lover will keep you both in check of each other’s sex schedules.

Fake it to make it

It’s not uncommon for guys or gals to forge an orgasm, either to prevent themselves or their partner from embarrassment or a feeling of inadequacy under the sheets. A Cosmopolitan survey showed that 30 per cent of women would fake it so as not to upset their partner, while 26 per cent said they would be frank if they couldn’t climax. Eight per cent of women even admitted to making it a regular habit! Fakers under the sheets may simply make all the right noises to get a poor sex sesh over with a.s.a.p., or some people use their ‘When Harry Met Sally’ impressions when they’re too tired for a love making session.

Sex secrets

Being honest and open about your sexual needs and desires will help improve your overall sexual satisfaction by teaching your partner how to press all the right buttons and keep you blissful in the bedroom. However, only 58 per cent of people are comfortable with telling their lover exactly what they want in bed, which is probably why only 38 per cent are fully satisfied with their sex lives. Honesty is a healthy trait to have in any relationship, and even more so when it comes to sex. Share your needs and your partner may do the same.


According to a Durex survey self-pleasure is widely practiced, with 83 per cent of people across the globe stating they have self-pleasured at some point in their lives. A third of people DIY once a week –that’s 43 per cent of men and 22 per cent of women – making it a really common sexual activity. Masturbation, although sometimes seen as taboo, is in fact a healthy and normal part of an adult sex life and nothing to be embarrassed of. Getting in touch with your own body in this way may even improve your confidence when it comes to sex with a partner.

How long and how often?

On average, sex sessions last between three and 13 minutes. But according to a survey by Cosmopolitan 50.4 per cent of men would want it to last for 30 minutes while 25.5 per cent would want sex for 15 minutes. A Durex survey also outlined that the average number of times people have sex is 103 times per year, 1.98 times per week and 0.28 times per day! Incorporating sex into your life does have its benefits, including stress relief and increased energy, but there is no right or wrong quota you need to hit – we’re not all bunny rabbits!

Better with age

According to a survey by Saga, 65 per cent of over 50s are sexually active, with 46 per cent claiming to have sex once a week. 85 per cent feel that sex at a more mature age is less pressurised than when they were teens or young adults, suggesting that sex can get better with age (like many things in life). This could be down to improved self-confidence and security of a long-term relationship, or perhaps because many postmenopausal women have quicker arousal due to reduced fear of pregnancy. So love-making doesn’t have to have an expiry date. Remember, you are only as old as you feel!

7 surprising sex facts
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Bhutan celebrates as King marries

Anita Dongre

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.Bhagnani wants to launch new face opposite …
Bigger boobs, smaller bums is Geri Halliwell …
FACTBOX - Placido Domingo at 70
Opera star Domingo lauded in London …
My performance will have Indian influence: …
Gaga greets India with tricolour ha …
Dharmendra wanted to keep Esha away …
Split with Marc Anthony taught JLo …
People consume more of tiny-sized candies …
Robert Pattinson hopes Twilight sex …

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Top 10 surprising sex stats Realbuzz - Thu, Oct 27, 2011 3:49 PM IST.

How to make your man more romantic - Tue, Oct 25, 2011 4:04 PM IST.

The dos and don'ts of weight loss Realbuzz - Tue, Oct 25, 2011 2:36 PM IST.

Diwali Celebrations Around the Worl … - Thu, Oct 27, 2011 6:08 PM IST.

Top 7 sex tips for women Realbuzz - Wed, Oct 26, 2011 2:30 PM IST.
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Surprising sex statistics you must know

Ash celebrates a special Diwali

60-yr-old bride for a 120-yr-old man

Bomb found on Advani's yatra route

Nokia launches affordable smartphone


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.Top 10 surprising sex stats
Actor Ronit Roy arrested after acci …
Women too suffer from 'premature orgasms' …
Haunted Mumbai: Guess which well-known …
Lady Gaga, Metallica add glamour to …
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Top 10 surprising sex stats
Realbuzz – Thu, Oct 27, 2011 3:49 PM IST.. .

... .

The world is full of numbers, and full of sex for that matter. When it comes to intimacy, it’s generally all about the facts of life, not facts and figures (apart from the naked kind!). So you may be surprised to find out the following sex statistics as often these matters don’t make it out of the bedroom. We’ve peeled the sheets on 10 of the most surprising sex figures.

Read more:
•How to make your man more romantic
•Know your couple type
•Astro kissing
•Make your love work

What’s your number?

According to a Durex survey, men across the globe have had an average of 13 sexual partners throughout their lifetime, while women have had seven. Guys and girls often shy away from honesty when it comes to discussing their number; too low and they fear embarrassment, too high and they face being judged. But there’s never going to be a happy medium, as a Cosmopolitan survey found. According to the survey just 66 per cent of people are content with their ‘number’, while 22 per cent wish they’d slept with less people and 12 per cent would have liked to have slept with more.

Pop your cherry

The average male loses his virginity at age 16.9, while apparently females hold off, on average, until the ripe age of 17.4. After the age of consent (which depends on your country) there is no right or wrong age to lose your virginity given you are protected from STIs and are not pressured into it. Popping your cherry, deflowering, or whatever you want to call it, having sex for the first time is a significant part of anyone’s life and isn’t something that should be rushed into. After all, it can create one of life’s little miracles!

Happy ending

Expectations of sex are often unrealistic due to farfetched portrayals of the act on the big screen and TV. However, the reality of couples’ performances in the bedroom are often not so supreme. The truth is in fact quite different, especially for the ladies, with research suggesting that only 29 per cent of women reach ‘the big O’ every time they have sex, compared to a lucky 75 per cent of men (how is this fair, ladies?). This may be because, according to Durex, around 75 per cent of all women never reach orgasm from intercourse alone and 10 to 15 per cent never climax under any circumstances. Some experimenting may be in order to find what works for you, so you can reach euphoria every time you slip under the sheets.

In the mood for love

A Onepoll study showed that for 56 per cent of women, men’s facial hair is a strong trigger for sexual arousal. Apparently, a man with three days’ worth of stubble is more sexually attractive than a clean shaven man (sorry, you smoothies out there!). It makes sense, really – just think of Johnny Depp and George Clooney! According to Cosmopolitan, though, it is in fact a long, steamy kiss that gets 35.4 per cent of men aroused and in the mood for love. So throw away your razors, guys! And girls, smack on some lipstick and pucker up! You know what you need to do…

Weekly quota

Busy lifestyles, manic workload, hectic social life; who has time for sex every day? On a more realistic note, a Durex survey showed that 67 per cent of adults have sex once a week and only eight per cent have it once a day or more. Not forgetting the nine per cent who said they only get hot and steamy with their partner less than every few months. So don’t set your sights too high and expect to be making love around the clock. The key is whatever works best for you –being honest with your lover will keep you both in check of each other’s sex schedules.

Fake it to make it

It’s not uncommon for guys or gals to forge an orgasm, either to prevent themselves or their partner from embarrassment or a feeling of inadequacy under the sheets. A Cosmopolitan survey showed that 30 per cent of women would fake it so as not to upset their partner, while 26 per cent said they would be frank if they couldn’t climax. Eight per cent of women even admitted to making it a regular habit! Fakers under the sheets may simply make all the right noises to get a poor sex sesh over with a.s.a.p., or some people use their ‘When Harry Met Sally’ impressions when they’re too tired for a love making session.

Sex secrets

Being honest and open about your sexual needs and desires will help improve your overall sexual satisfaction by teaching your partner how to press all the right buttons and keep you blissful in the bedroom. However, only 58 per cent of people are comfortable with telling their lover exactly what they want in bed, which is probably why only 38 per cent are fully satisfied with their sex lives. Honesty is a healthy trait to have in any relationship, and even more so when it comes to sex. Share your needs and your partner may do the same.


According to a Durex survey self-pleasure is widely practiced, with 83 per cent of people across the globe stating they have self-pleasured at some point in their lives. A third of people DIY once a week –that’s 43 per cent of men and 22 per cent of women – making it a really common sexual activity. Masturbation, although sometimes seen as taboo, is in fact a healthy and normal part of an adult sex life and nothing to be embarrassed of. Getting in touch with your own body in this way may even improve your confidence when it comes to sex with a partner.

How long and how often?

On average, sex sessions last between three and 13 minutes. But according to a survey by Cosmopolitan 50.4 per cent of men would want it to last for 30 minutes while 25.5 per cent would want sex for 15 minutes. A Durex survey also outlined that the average number of times people have sex is 103 times per year, 1.98 times per week and 0.28 times per day! Incorporating sex into your life does have its benefits, including stress relief and increased energy, but there is no right or wrong quota you need to hit – we’re not all bunny rabbits!

Better with age

According to a survey by Saga, 65 per cent of over 50s are sexually active, with 46 per cent claiming to have sex once a week. 85 per cent feel that sex at a more mature age is less pressurised than when they were teens or young adults, suggesting that sex can get better with age (like many things in life). This could be down to improved self-confidence and security of a long-term relationship, or perhaps because many postmenopausal women have quicker arousal due to reduced fear of pregnancy. So love-making doesn’t have to have an expiry date. Remember, you are only as old as you feel!

7 surprising sex facts
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Getting to know Kareena

Pakistan's Bridal Couture Week 2011

Bhutan celebrates as King marries

Anita Dongre

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.Bhagnani wants to launch new face opposite …
Bigger boobs, smaller bums is Geri Halliwell …
FACTBOX - Placido Domingo at 70
Opera star Domingo lauded in London …
My performance will have Indian influence: …
Gaga greets India with tricolour ha …
Dharmendra wanted to keep Esha away …
Split with Marc Anthony taught JLo …
People consume more of tiny-sized candies …
Robert Pattinson hopes Twilight sex …

Most Popular.
Top 10 surprising sex stats Realbuzz - Thu, Oct 27, 2011 3:49 PM IST.

How to make your man more romantic - Tue, Oct 25, 2011 4:04 PM IST.

The dos and don'ts of weight loss Realbuzz - Tue, Oct 25, 2011 2:36 PM IST.

Diwali Celebrations Around the Worl … - Thu, Oct 27, 2011 6:08 PM IST.

Top 7 sex tips for women Realbuzz - Wed, Oct 26, 2011 2:30 PM IST.
. .

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Surprising sex statistics you must know

Ash celebrates a special Diwali

60-yr-old bride for a 120-yr-old man

Bomb found on Advani's yatra route

Nokia launches affordable smartphone


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.Top 10 surprising sex stats
Actor Ronit Roy arrested after acci …
Women too suffer from 'premature orgasms' …
Haunted Mumbai: Guess which well-known …
Lady Gaga, Metallica add glamour to …
... .

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Top 10 surprising sex stats
Realbuzz – Thu, Oct 27, 2011 3:49 PM IST.. .

... .

The world is full of numbers, and full of sex for that matter. When it comes to intimacy, it’s generally all about the facts of life, not facts and figures (apart from the naked kind!). So you may be surprised to find out the following sex statistics as often these matters don’t make it out of the bedroom. We’ve peeled the sheets on 10 of the most surprising sex figures.

Read more:
•How to make your man more romantic
•Know your couple type
•Astro kissing
•Make your love work

What’s your number?

According to a Durex survey, men across the globe have had an average of 13 sexual partners throughout their lifetime, while women have had seven. Guys and girls often shy away from honesty when it comes to discussing their number; too low and they fear embarrassment, too high and they face being judged. But there’s never going to be a happy medium, as a Cosmopolitan survey found. According to the survey just 66 per cent of people are content with their ‘number’, while 22 per cent wish they’d slept with less people and 12 per cent would have liked to have slept with more.

Pop your cherry

The average male loses his virginity at age 16.9, while apparently females hold off, on average, until the ripe age of 17.4. After the age of consent (which depends on your country) there is no right or wrong age to lose your virginity given you are protected from STIs and are not pressured into it. Popping your cherry, deflowering, or whatever you want to call it, having sex for the first time is a significant part of anyone’s life and isn’t something that should be rushed into. After all, it can create one of life’s little miracles!

Happy ending

Expectations of sex are often unrealistic due to farfetched portrayals of the act on the big screen and TV. However, the reality of couples’ performances in the bedroom are often not so supreme. The truth is in fact quite different, especially for the ladies, with research suggesting that only 29 per cent of women reach ‘the big O’ every time they have sex, compared to a lucky 75 per cent of men (how is this fair, ladies?). This may be because, according to Durex, around 75 per cent of all women never reach orgasm from intercourse alone and 10 to 15 per cent never climax under any circumstances. Some experimenting may be in order to find what works for you, so you can reach euphoria every time you slip under the sheets.

In the mood for love

A Onepoll study showed that for 56 per cent of women, men’s facial hair is a strong trigger for sexual arousal. Apparently, a man with three days’ worth of stubble is more sexually attractive than a clean shaven man (sorry, you smoothies out there!). It makes sense, really – just think of Johnny Depp and George Clooney! According to Cosmopolitan, though, it is in fact a long, steamy kiss that gets 35.4 per cent of men aroused and in the mood for love. So throw away your razors, guys! And girls, smack on some lipstick and pucker up! You know what you need to do…

Weekly quota

Busy lifestyles, manic workload, hectic social life; who has time for sex every day? On a more realistic note, a Durex survey showed that 67 per cent of adults have sex once a week and only eight per cent have it once a day or more. Not forgetting the nine per cent who said they only get hot and steamy with their partner less than every few months. So don’t set your sights too high and expect to be making love around the clock. The key is whatever works best for you –being honest with your lover will keep you both in check of each other’s sex schedules.

Fake it to make it

It’s not uncommon for guys or gals to forge an orgasm, either to prevent themselves or their partner from embarrassment or a feeling of inadequacy under the sheets. A Cosmopolitan survey showed that 30 per cent of women would fake it so as not to upset their partner, while 26 per cent said they would be frank if they couldn’t climax. Eight per cent of women even admitted to making it a regular habit! Fakers under the sheets may simply make all the right noises to get a poor sex sesh over with a.s.a.p., or some people use their ‘When Harry Met Sally’ impressions when they’re too tired for a love making session.

Sex secrets

Being honest and open about your sexual needs and desires will help improve your overall sexual satisfaction by teaching your partner how to press all the right buttons and keep you blissful in the bedroom. However, only 58 per cent of people are comfortable with telling their lover exactly what they want in bed, which is probably why only 38 per cent are fully satisfied with their sex lives. Honesty is a healthy trait to have in any relationship, and even more so when it comes to sex. Share your needs and your partner may do the same.


According to a Durex survey self-pleasure is widely practiced, with 83 per cent of people across the globe stating they have self-pleasured at some point in their lives. A third of people DIY once a week –that’s 43 per cent of men and 22 per cent of women – making it a really common sexual activity. Masturbation, although sometimes seen as taboo, is in fact a healthy and normal part of an adult sex life and nothing to be embarrassed of. Getting in touch with your own body in this way may even improve your confidence when it comes to sex with a partner.

How long and how often?

On average, sex sessions last between three and 13 minutes. But according to a survey by Cosmopolitan 50.4 per cent of men would want it to last for 30 minutes while 25.5 per cent would want sex for 15 minutes. A Durex survey also outlined that the average number of times people have sex is 103 times per year, 1.98 times per week and 0.28 times per day! Incorporating sex into your life does have its benefits, including stress relief and increased energy, but there is no right or wrong quota you need to hit – we’re not all bunny rabbits!

Better with age

According to a survey by Saga, 65 per cent of over 50s are sexually active, with 46 per cent claiming to have sex once a week. 85 per cent feel that sex at a more mature age is less pressurised than when they were teens or young adults, suggesting that sex can get better with age (like many things in life). This could be down to improved self-confidence and security of a long-term relationship, or perhaps because many postmenopausal women have quicker arousal due to reduced fear of pregnancy. So love-making doesn’t have to have an expiry date. Remember, you are only as old as you feel!

7 surprising sex facts
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Getting to know Kareena

Pakistan's Bridal Couture Week 2011

Bhutan celebrates as King marries

Anita Dongre

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.Bhagnani wants to launch new face opposite …
Bigger boobs, smaller bums is Geri Halliwell …
FACTBOX - Placido Domingo at 70
Opera star Domingo lauded in London …
My performance will have Indian influence: …
Gaga greets India with tricolour ha …
Dharmendra wanted to keep Esha away …
Split with Marc Anthony taught JLo …
People consume more of tiny-sized candies …
Robert Pattinson hopes Twilight sex …

Most Popular.
Top 10 surprising sex stats Realbuzz - Thu, Oct 27, 2011 3:49 PM IST.

How to make your man more romantic - Tue, Oct 25, 2011 4:04 PM IST.

The dos and don'ts of weight loss Realbuzz - Tue, Oct 25, 2011 2:36 PM IST.

Diwali Celebrations Around the Worl … - Thu, Oct 27, 2011 6:08 PM IST.

Top 7 sex tips for women Realbuzz - Wed, Oct 26, 2011 2:30 PM IST.
. .

Today on Yahoo!

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Surprising sex statistics you must know

Ash celebrates a special Diwali

60-yr-old bride for a 120-yr-old man

Bomb found on Advani's yatra route

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News For You.
.Top 10 surprising sex stats
Actor Ronit Roy arrested after acci …
Women too suffer from 'premature orgasms' …
Haunted Mumbai: Guess which well-known …
Lady Gaga, Metallica add glamour to …
... .

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