Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Connecting the Dots of the Paranormal
in Arts and Entertainment

"When convention and science offer us no answers, might we not finally turn to the fantastic as a plausibility?" - David Duchovny as Fox Mulder (The X-Files, "Pilot")

I think one of the most misunderstood things about the paranormal is that it may be normal. Things we don't understand and perhaps simply don't possess the technology yet to be able to fully understand the phenomena out there. If we did, wouldn't those paranormal investigators be out of a job? Their area of study would just be "normal investigation", nothing "para" about it. Nevertheless, their work must be done as the modern and mainstream accepted sciences want no part of it for the time being. Whatever is happening across the world, regarding all types of paranormal events and phenomena, it's pretty clear something is going on. Unless the entire planet is in varying states of hallucination and hysteria, and let's hope we find out if that's true if it's indeed happening...

I present another look at the strange happenings in our world. Perhaps, only the fantastic can be proven by the fantastic. Our world's ecosystems are interconnected through the efforts of plants, animals, and the world around them to keep the circle of life moving. The paranormal maybe connected in the same way. Connected, both in it's own separate existence from us, and with us moving in concert with our known ecosystems and life cycles. So, in my approach to this large area of the paranormal, I try to think of ways to connect the dots of the paranormal in such a way that they don't contradict something else already existing, either in the world as we know it or maybe something that exists to us only in folklore.

To knock a few off the top, the existence of UFOs does not contradict whether the Loch Ness Monster exists or not. Both could co-exist at the same time. Likewise prophets and their prophecies don't contradict the existance of ghosts. The cryptozoology field itself has a natural basis for everything in it to be true, just undiscovered. In another direction the idea of enhanced consciousness and levels of spirituality naturally contradict nothing in the psychical world. Science is moving in leaps and bounds in certain aspects of this area and it may one day be proven, but for now, telekenesis, telepathy and other mind powers remain in the paranormal category. No "mind power" contradicts any of the above either, it too can exist at the same time. To change directions again, Scottish legends of Little People could fall in a number of categories. It could simply be cryptozoology being a race of pygmies in different areas of the Earth.

It all must be approached with a healthy bit of skepicism of course. There are hoaxed tales and hoaxed evidence to all of the above subjects I listed. The thing to remember is that we've got tens of thousands of years of folklore, stories, legends and our modern sights to draw on for information. I believe all the pieces are there to solve some of the puzzle. We just don't know what the big picture is supposed to look like. The vast majority of this field makes the average person take a leap of faith too far for them most of the time, but if enough people don't do it, how are we ever to going to the bottom of our planet's mysteries?

readbud 2011

Book Promotion

Book Promotion Woes?
in Book Marketing

Too many new authors believe that once their book is written the sales will just come pouring in and they will make a bundle. Sadly, this disillusionment is shattered when they receive a royalty check. The honest to goodness truth of the matter is that the writer's work is only started when the book is released. Even the huge author names of today began by peddling their books out of the back of their car. Many big-name authors also began by self-publishing because no one recognized their talent. They did not start off their career with a huge bang. They did not have the money to afford publicists and big marketing firms when they started out and yet they are super successful now. Take heart from their examples.

Marketing, promoting and networking must be done every single day, for the life of the book, in balance with your other activities and obligations.

Many new authors feel their only way to success is through book signings and bookstores stocking their book. They are wrong. While in larger centers with good promotion a book signing event or book reading event may result in as much as a couple hundred one-time sales... most smaller venues can only expect less than 10 sales. Is this worth the 2 hours or more that you spend at the event? Not counting all the preperation, marketing the event, promotion materials, time taken from work and any displays that you have designed and possibly paid for ahead of time. These events do not pay authors to host an event so any sales they do have may not even cover the traveling costs, hotel cost, meals, parking or supplies - let alone the time they put into it. Nor do they usually result in long-term sales - sales are often only during the few days around the event.

Bookstores can only realistically stock less than 1% of the 3 million books available on the market. Their discount with the publisher/distributor is large. Authors are paid royalties only on what their publisher has recieved. So is all the time and effort going into attaining spots on bookstore shelves worth it?

While the markets above are valuable and important to any author - what authors need to do is think outside the box. Figure out where your efforts will bring the greatest results. Don't expect immediate and overwhelming acceptance by the media or your audience. Marketing, networking and promoting are long-term efforts that will reap greater rewards as efforts continue.

Many authors live in tiny towns and hold down jobs or have physical limitations that prevent out-of-town promotions; much like ourselves. This can be overcome. Again, think outside the box, use the Internet and your contacts - and be persistant. Newspapers, libraries, and bookstores are only the most obvious markets and also are the most difficult to gain the attention of without a strong image because everyone is vying for their attention. Work on your image and get strong promotion materials that help you stand out among the hundred thousand or more new books released annually.

So develop a long-term marketing plan and stick with it for the full term of your contract with the publisher. The market plan will grow and change as time goes on. And keep good records so you can determine how you will go about marketing the next book.

I just wanted to mention here that some authors get overwhelmed by the immense amount of effort it takes to market a book. If we take one day, one step at a time we will find it is not so overwhelming. I find it works best to figure out what you will concentrate on this week and then set a goal for today. I do this nearly every day. It helps me keep a steady pace going, without taking on too much or too little.

Remember too, that efforts you are making today may not reap immediate results. You may have to hit a market several times before they pick up your proposal. For instance, some contacts from nearly a year ago are now resulting in promotions in their publications. So be patient and professional in all that you do. Again, keep records so that you can follow up.

Newsletters can be small but effective markets for your work. On average, they can range in size from 1000-17,000 readers or more. E-zines typically reach an audience larger than 5000. Get a few of them in one month and you are reaching a wide audience! You don't need to be rich or famous or have a publicist if you are determined and able to committ effort every single day. (Do take some time for yourself, though!)

readbud 2011

Music video codes

The Advantages Of Music Video Codes
in Music

First of all, a definition for music video codes is needed in order to know what this article is about : music video codes is a service which provides absolutely free HTML codes of music videos to embed on websites, community member's profiles ( Hi5, Friendster and others ) and also for blogs.

Music video codes is by far the most widely HTML tool used by MySpace members. Thanks to this tool, the success among the MySpace audience is huge, their popularity is rapidly growing. The success of music video codes combined with MySpace started in 2005 when people started using this tool to personalize their profiles, giving them a special look with music videos that say a word about their personality. Some of the websites that offer free music video codes grant the possibility to search lyrics for your favorite music videos which you can easily add to your website or personal profile on a website like Hi-5 or others.

Many of you may not know what MySpace is and also the reasons why this website has become so popular: MySpace is a social networking website which offers an exciting and interactive user submitted network of friends, groups, photos, blogs, personal profiles and of course, music and videos. Statistically speaking, MySpace is nowadays the world's sixth most popular website in any language which is an incredible thing if you take in consideration that in the present, there are about 10 billion websites on the Internet.

Websites which offer free music video codes are becoming very popular due to the fact that more and more people use these codes in order to change their profile on a site like MySpace for example, all this for free. Of course not all these sites are the same, some are better than others. The best sites are the ones that offer a huge amount of video codes ( some unique, in other words, video codes that you won't find on other websites ).

A great feature that some websites offer is the possibility to create your own playlist, in other words, you can add your favorite videos one after another, become a real video jockey. You can customize this playlist, select the order in which the music videos will be played, the possibilities are endless with this powerful tool. This tool is easy to use so users won't have problems creating their own playlists which will surely give their personal profile a very special look.

Some websites which deal with music video codes offer the advantage of customizing your music video codes and lyrics. For example, when you click the " generate codes" button, most websites won't allow you to modify this code but there are some websites which have the option of modifying these codes in order to make them match better with the layout of the user's website.

All in all, the invention of music video codes gave the social networking websites a new look, greatly improving their traffic because it offers lots of possibilities like inserting music videos along with the lyrics, creating video playlists, all this for free. What more could you want?

readbud 2011

Web Design

Partial Page Rendering Using Hidden Iframe
in Web Development

Partial-page rendering removes the need for the whole web page to be refreshed as the result of a postback. Instead, only individual regions of the page that have changed are updated. As a result, users do not see the whole page reload with every postback, which makes user interaction with the Web page more seamless.

Developers that want to add such behaviors to their web pages are often faced with a difficult decision. All of these actions can be implemented using a very simple solution: by refreshing the entire page in response to the user interaction. However this solution is easy but not always desirable. The full page refresh can be slow, giving the user the impression that the application is unresponsive. Another option is to implement such actions using JavaScript (or other client-side scripting technologies). This results in faster response times, at the expense of more complex, less portable code. JavaScript may be a good choice for simple actions, such as updating an image. However, for more complicated actions, such as scrolling through data in a table, writing custom JavaScript code can be a very challenging undertaking.

This paper provides a solution which avoids the drawbacks of the full page refresh and custom JavaScript solutions. In this paper partial page rendering functionality provides the ability to re-render a limited portion of a page. As in the full page render solution, partial page rendering sends a request back to the application on the middle-tier to fetch the new contents. However, when partial page rendering is used to update the page, only the modified contents are sent back to the browser. This paper gives the solution using a hidden Iframe and simple JavaScript to merge the new contents back into the web page. The end result is that the page is updated without custom JavaScript code, and without the loss of context that typically occurs with a full page refresh.


Web pages typically support a variety of actions, such as entering and submitting form data and navigating to different pages. Many web pages also support another type of action, which is to allow the user to make modifications to the contents of the web page itself without actually navigating to a different page. Some examples of such actions include. Clicking on a link could update an image on the same page. For example, an automobile configuration application might update an image of a car as the user chooses different options, such as the preferred color. Selecting an item from a choice box might result in modifications to other fields on the same page. For example, selecting a car make might update the set of available car models that are displayed.

Clicking a link or selecting an item from a choice could be used to scroll to a new page of data in a table. Clicking a button in a table might add a new row to the table.

All of these actions are similar in that they result in the same page being re-rendered in a slightly different state. Ideally, these changes should be implemented as seamlessly as possible, so that the user does not experience a loss of context which could distract from the task at hand.

Partial page rendering can be implemented with very simple solution using a hidden Iframe and minimal JavaScript. Any part of the page can be partially rendered with using a div or table tags in HTML.

Page Elements That May Change During PPR:

•Re-Render Data: The same fields are redrawn but their data is updated. Examples include the Refresh Data action button, or recalculate totals in a table.
•Re-render Dependent Fields: Fields may be added, removed, or change sequence, and data may be updated. Examples include the Country choice list, which may display different address fields, and toggling between Simple and Advanced Search.
•Hide/Show Content: Both fields and data toggle in and out of view.

Page Elements That Do Not Change During PPR:

Some page elements are always associated with a page, regardless of the content displayed on the page.

As a general rule of thumb, elements above the page title (except message boxes) remain constant and do not change position, whereas elements in footer constant but may move up or down the page to accommodate changes to page content. The following elements never change when PPR is initiated:

• Branding
• Global buttons
• Tabs, Horizontal Navigation, SubTabs
• Locator elements: Breadcrumbs, Train, Next/Back Locator
• Quick links
• Page titles (first level header)
• Page footer
• Separator lines between the Tabs and Page Title

In most cases the following elements will also not change, other than moving up or down the page to accommodate changed elements. Nevertheless, in certain cases actions on the page may require them to be redrawn:

• Side Navigation, unless it contains a Hide/Show control.
• Subtabs
• Contextual information
• Page-level action/navigation buttons
• Page-level Instruction text
• Page-level Page stamps
• Page-level Key Notation

In all above scenarios this solution can be used to achieve the good performance and user interaction of the web pages.

Contexts in Which PPR Should Not Be Used:

When PPR is implemented correctly, it significantly improves application performance. When performance improvement is not possible with PPR, it should not be implemented, thus avoiding unnecessary code bloat, PPR can't be used when navigating to another page (with a different title).

Partial Page Rendering Solution:

Solution provided to the Partial Page Rendering using simple hidden iframe and JavaScript, this can be used as a generalized solution to all the Partial Page Rendering scenarios. Below is the main html (Table 1.1), which will have two buttons one is to show a simple table which will be generated by the server, and another button to remove the table.

[title] Main Document [/title]
[script language="JavaScript"]
function showTable() {
function removeTable() {
[iframe id="hiframe" style="visibility:hidden;display:none"][/iframe]
[td colspan="2"][div id="tableId"][/div][/td]
[td][input type="button" value="Show Table"
[td][input type="button" value="Remove Table"

Table 1.1

[iframe id="hiframe" style="visibility:hidden;display:none"][/iframe]

This iframe tag is used as target to the Partial Page Rendering Request. The tag [input type="button" value="Show Table" onclick="showTable()"] gives the user action to get the contents of a table from the server, in this solution sample html is provided to render the table, which supposed to be generated by the server.

The tag [input type="button" value="Remove Table" onclick="removeTable()"] gives the user to remove the table from the user interface.

The JavaScript
function showTable() {

Is used to get the contents from the server, the line hiframe.location="./table.htm"; sends the GET request to the server, and as a response iframe gets the HTML. If the requirement insists to send a POST request for Partial Page rendering Response, that can be achieved by setting the html form element target attribute as the name of hidden iframe.

The code for the post request looks like [form method="post" action="/myaction" target="hiframe"]

Partial Page Rendering Server Response:

Table 1.2 shows the sample response from the server for Partial Page Rendering. This response has the JavaScript code to transfer the HTML from hidden iframe to main page.

[script language="JavaScript"]
function iframeLoad() {
parent.document.getElementById("tableId").innerHTML =
[body onload="iframeLoad()"]
[div id="tableId"]

Table 1.2
The tag [div id="tableId"] encloses the content to transfer from hidden
iframe to main page.
This is the content to show the table to user.

The code [body onload="iframeLoad()"] is used for triggering the action
to transfer the content.

function iframeLoad() {
parent.document.getElementById("tableId").innerHTML =

This JavaScript function does the transferring data from the hidden iframe to main page. parent.document.getElementById("tableId").innerHTML This part refers to tag div html id in main page and this part document.getElementById("tableId").innerHTML refers the HTML of the Partial Page Response.


Improve the user experience with Web pages that are richer, that are more responsive to user actions, and that behave like traditional client applications. Reduce full-page refreshes and avoid page flicker. Partial page rendering using iframe is a very simple solution.

readbud 2011

Traffic Generation

Six Linkbaiting Ideas To Get More Traffic To Your Site
in Traffic Generation

There's been a lot of talk about LinkBaiting in the blogosphere, and I'd like to weigh in.

First a little background: Google gives more ranking weight to what they call authoritative sites and pages. It defines those sites as having many outbound and inbound links. So now having links to your site is important to your success online. More simply, inbound links also drive traffic to your site.

So now we have link exchanges and link sales and link finding software. We have free articles on anything you could possibly think of that all contain links back to the author's site. There are 437 free articles in my Inbox right now, including Rubber Floor Mats or Carpet Floor Mats and The Lowdown on Laminating Film.

LinkBaiting is viral marketing for links, and we love viral marketing. Like all viral marketing, the goal is to get people to write about and pass around your link so that you get free exposure and traffic. You need to give people a reason to mention you in their blog or on their website, and you need something newsworthy or at least write-worthy to get a news source to mention you.

The best treatise on LinkBaiting comes from Nick Wilson on Performancing.com. Nick says that all good LinkBaiting relies on a hook, and he's come up with different hook categories:

News hook
Contrary Hook
Attack Hook
Resource Hook
Humour Hook

The goal is to offer something so unique and mentionable that other sites will link to your site for free. Other sites will see that mention and add their own in true Viral Marketing fashion. Making you think? Me too.

Here are six LinkBaiting ideas:

1. Come up with a simple free tool for people in your subject area to use, and spread it around.
2. Watch the RSS feeds like a hawk. Jump on and cover a good news story. Comment on a blog or two to get things rolling. This has worked for me.
3. Write a funny list or post in your subject area.
4. Find some funny pics related to your subject area.
5. Come up with some original research (the 10 Most Profitable Programs on Commission Junction This Week was the most popular post on my blog).
6. Give away a free web template, WordPress plugin or graphics file.

Whatever you choose to do, remember that Viral Marketing needs an index case. So go plant the virus somewhere, like at a prominent blog site or two in your niche, or at a forum site, or both.

readbud 2011

1st January

January markings
in Education and Reference

The month of January is a special month as: January 1, or January the first, is of course the first day of the calendar year. This is true in both the Julian and Gregorian calendars. I'm referring to the standard calendar year, in which months are ordered: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. It used to be in history that the first day of a medieval Julian new year was a day other than January 1. January 1st was adopted as the first day of the Julian year by all Western European countries except England between about 1440 and 1610. After the first of January 364 days in the year exist(365 in leap years).

Great events that have occurent on this day throughout history are:
45 BC - The Julian calendar first takes effect.
404 - Last known gladiator competition in Rome takes place.
630 - Muhammad sets out toward Mecca with the army that will capture it bloodlessly.
1651 - Charles II crowned King of Scotland
1673 - Regular mail delivery begins between New York and Boston.
1788 - First edition of The Times of London is published
1797 - Albany replaces New York City as the capital on New York.
1801 - The first known asteroid 1 Ceres is discovered by Giuseppe Piazzi.
1808 - Importation of slaves into the United States is banned
1894 - The Manchester Ship Canal, England, was officially opened to traffic.
1898 - New York City annexes land from surrounding counties, creating the City of Greater New York.
1908 - The first payments of old-age pensions were made in Britain, with persons over 70 receiving five shillings (25p) a week.
1912 - The Republic of China is established.
1934 - Alcatraz Island becomes a U.S. federal prison.
1970 - The Unix epoch begins at 00:00:00 UTC.
1971 - Cigarette advertisements are banned on American television.
1984 - AT&T is broken up into twenty-two independent units.
1985 - The Internet's Domain Name System is created.
1985 - The first British mobile phone call is made by Ernie Wise to Vodafone.
1992 - George H. W. Bush becomes the first President of the United States of America to address the Australian Parliament.
1994 - The North American Free Trade Agreement comes into effect.
1995 - The World Trade Organization comes into effect.
1995 - The Kingdom of Sweden and the republics of Austria and Finland are admitted into the European Union.
1998 - Smoking is banned in all bars and restaurants in the State of California.
1999 - The Euro currency is introduced.
2001 - January 1st marked the first Day of the Third Millennium.

The beginning of a new year marks alot of change for alot of us. Think in your own life to New Years resolutions, Financial and personal goals,etc. Whatever it is that you aim to achive this new year I wish you the best!

readbud 2011

True Essense Of A woman

The true essence of a woman
in Arts and Entertainment

"Nothing brings me more happiness than trying to help the most vulnerable people in society. It is a goal and an essential part of my life - a kind of destiny. Whoever is in distress can call on me. I will come running wherever they are." - Princess Diana

Almost ten years ago, a princess died. She was a lady, a loving mother, and a philanthropist. Many believed she was an angel sent to warm the hearts of the feeble and the needy. She was an inspiration for the victims of poverty, the sick, the discriminated, and the homeless. Her name was Diana, Princess of Wales. There is a long, illustrious list of princesses in England and in other parts of the world, yet none of these royal women can surpass what Princess Diana had achieved.

What was it that brought tears to people around the world after her death in 1997? Was it her beauty? Her deeds? Or her legacy?

She left a legacy that will be remembered for a a very long time. She was included in Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People of the 20th Century because of her charity work. Diana used her influential status to campaign against the use of land mines that were scattered around the world. These mines are found in many developing countries. This cause earned her the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997. She also helped decrease the discrimination against the victims of AIDS who experience social anxiety. In fact, she was one the first high-profile celebrities to be photographed with a person infected with HIV.

As a princess, Diana was probably one of the richest, most attractive and socially powerful women in the world. Despite these attributes, she was also a victim. Diana was often the subject nasty of rumors in the tabloid scene. Paparazzis hounded her wherever she went, depriving her of privacy that is so important for people who are always in the limelight. Women in unhappy marriages identified with her because of her much-publicized divorce withPrince Charles in 1996. It was called "The End of the Love Story of the Decade", or the end of the "Fairy Tale Marriage."

On August 31, 1997, the world was shocked to hear the news about Princess Diana's death. Reports said that the princess' car was apparently being pursued by photographers in motorbikes when it hit a pillar inside an expressway tunnel. The car she was riding on smashed into a wall, leaving her mortally wounded along with her lover Dodi Al Fayed and driver Henry Paul. She died from the wounds she sustained during that terrible incident.

Princess Diana's death became a realization to many that people, no matter their state of being, people the world over share the same pain and grief...and that all human beings must inevitably face death. She became an inspiration to people of all walks of life. Her story was that of a wealthy and well-loved woman, a princess who also lived a life of stress and anxiety. She was able to have empathy for the poor and lowly even if she was a princess surrounded by luxury and riches. People from all walks of life could also relate to her because she too exhibited the same kind of loneliness and despair felt by ordinary human beings. Her life became a channel through which coping with anxiety became easier. Her compassion and good heart made her more beautiful in the eyes of the world.

Princess Diana is a symbol for a true woman of this century. The essence of a woman will not be measured by the beauty she possesses. Nor by the smile that she carries or the physique she displays. The true essence of a woman is her ability to share her love to others and the society she lives in. Women need not to be conformed to beauty contests or the kitchen. Much more needs to be done and the task has just begun.

readbud 2011

Wisdom is the art of coping with suffering understand suffering so that one could cope with it

in Humanities

Budha described Samsara as suffering and He gave solution to it
The ultimate Ananda shall detroy suffering for ever how ever go on reading now .........
Since wisdom is the art of coping with suffering, it starts with a willingness to tackle it head-on:

a) Such is the harshness of our condition that we suffer, sometimes greatly or worse, insuperably.

b) Such is the richness of our nature that we can learn to live happily, or at least serenely, within the limits of this condition. This entails us either pursuing goals that are not only desirable or honorable, but also attainable, or resigning ourselves to the inevitable.

Admittedly, a great many suffer whose suffering is all the more problematic as their wisdom is still largely in the making. I remember my own past as a young unhappy and suicidal man who composed dark poems. My negative attitude compounded my difficult situation, and I lacked the awareness of my ability to improve both. Today, I feel deeply connected with those who live in the limbo of gloom. Even if my words only reach one of them, they will not have been written in vain.
I have recently come across some dark poetry, reminiscent of mine in my young days. The author – Melyssa G. Sprott – is a young talented woman whose youth has been poisoned by abuse and other hardships. Her suffering and her talent have inspired me to feature some of her work and respond to it. Note that my responding to it in a positive manner testifies to my being help-minded, but note also that my responses are written in a spirit of humbleness. I don't claim to provide a remedy; I just try my best to give some useful insights.

* * *

The following excerpts are from one of Melyssa's collection of poems, entitled "Descent into the Dark." They reveal her aching soul with the moving simplicity of a woman crying for her overwhelming grief.


When I was six,
my father had me convinced
I wasn't worth the air I breathed,
the food I'd cost,
or other things I'd need.
When I was six,
my father didn't want children
or want the wife he kept,
so we were forced to suffer
for my father's regrets.

"Remember to tell him you love him or you'll die,"
Mother sings her twisted lullaby.
"Wish for mercy, pray for death,
await the day he ceases breath.
He'll wake you up at three in the morning
to beat you senseless without warning.
It doesn't matter how still you lie,"
Mother sings her twisted lullaby.

I want to bleed forever,
bleed out my sorrow.
I can't even bear
the thought of tomorrow.
I want this nightmare to end.
I'll close my eyes to the world.
I've been begging for death
since I was a little girl.


How could all this damage
come from such trusted lips?

You throw words like stones.
My heart is breaking glass.

The key you held is the knife you twist.


Nowhere to hide
in the dark of the night.

Sometimes the only comfort we find
is in our own pain….
They'll never understand the calm
of relinquishing all control.

Suffering takes less courage
than it takes to be content.

I didn't choose the less traveled path
of love, joy, and luck.
I chose the other path,
and now I am stuck.

I'm a prisoner of the dark in my eyes.

* * *

Let us take stock of a few harsh facts that are part and parcel of life, not only Melyssa's or mine, but everyone's.

a) The human potential for greatness – great learning and nobility, and great accomplishments – is matched only by the human potential for the reverse. Yes, humans can be and sometimes are monstrously poor-spirited, narrow-minded, and black-hearted, among other despicable traits. These traits may involve genetic or environmental factors that predispose to them, but ultimately they are the fault of the individuals who give free rein to them. The unfortunate thing is, these individuals are a source of suffering not only to themselves but also to those who are at their mercy. Among their victims are children, women, and elderly or disabled people. Actually, even the strongest of men can suffer as a result of falling prey to them. Yet, the others are more vulnerable – especially children who often make the dreadful mistake of blaming themselves for the abuse or neglect to which they are subjected.

b) As a rule, people are neither great nor bad in the extreme. They are relatively friendly and helpful – if you treat them fairly – and they lead decent though imperfect lives. Having said this, they have minds of their own, which may not be in keeping with yours. A man may fall in love with a woman who doesn't care a whit about him, and vice versa. A job seeker may hope for employment at some outfit, where in his opinion he belongs, and have his application turned down by an employer who sees things in a different light. These two examples count among an infinity of possible ones that testify to the same truth: Other people's wishes and yours often differ and you must then (out of respect) compromise or abstain from doing as you please.

c) On a positive note, there is some degree of harmony between nature's purpose and that of humans. As harsh as our life is on earth, we can subsist or even thrive. Yet, this harmony does not alter the fact that both purposes are distinct, always in danger of being opposite. Just think about the amount of resourcefulness and adaptability we must show to indeed thrive. At best the harmony is labored and confined within narrow limits. Think also about the number of times nature's purpose and that of humans clash, as demonstrated by all manner of nuisances, illnesses, and disasters. In short, the relationship we have with nature is like the relationship some people have with wild animals they have tamed. These animals are pleasant pets provided their needs are catered for. Still, they can turn against their owners for no apparent reason, except that they are fundamentally wild.

As I pointed out earlier, wisdom starts with a willingness to tackle the harsh reality of life head-on. It is the reverse of ignorance, and hence is exclusive of the illusory bliss that accompanies this ignorance. If happiness is possible through wisdom, it is achieved with the full knowledge and acceptance of the harsh reality in question. By acceptance I do not mean a passive resignation toward the status quo in all its harshness. I mean a brave readiness to turn our situation – possibly bad in a number of respects – to good account. And this includes bettering what we are able to better, while making do with everything else.

Easier said than done, of course. But then happiness is not about what is easy; it is about what is good and right and can only be accomplished through a great deal of meritorious effort. To make or not to make this effort is the question, which sums up human freedom. And surely nobody in their right mind would forever take the easy option that leads to unworthiness and unhappiness!

© readbud 2011

Argumentation in public speaking for desruction of the Opponanents case

Argumentation is usually associated with debate. Using argumentation in public speaking does not require being adversarial. To use it effectively can enhance the experience for the listener.

Your first thought might be to avoid it, especially when trying to persuade. The kind of argument being discussed here is not bickering or being obnoxious or even debate. Do not think of it as attacking the opposing point of view.

In its simplest form, it is putting forth reasons for or against a point of view. It can involve deductive reasoning, presentation and elaboration. It starts with a proposition, the expression of a point of view on a subject. Then supporting evidence is added and principles to support the proposition are used. Follow through with reasoning on the matter, applying inductions and deductions to the proposed thought.

An informative speech is presented as information or fact even though it is given as one person's interpretation of that information. Argumentation requires calling into question that interpretation and coming to its defense, refuting it, or offering a new view point.

Why Use Argumentation

Some subjects by their nature will have proponents on one side or the other feel there is a lack of empirical evidence. To come to a conclusion would be difficult because these issues are moral, scientific, religious, or too deep to be answered by scientific method alone. To address an audience in these instances will require using argumentation.

You need a Claim or Thesis Statement

Your speech needs to be on purpose. What do you want the audience to walk away with? What is your Most Wanted Response? Typically the narrower and more tightly focused the theme the better. So start with a focused claim or thesis statement.

For instance, to say evolution is wrong and creation is right or visa versa is so broad that it will amount to trying to lob a bag of stinky garbage into the opposing camps. However if you were to argue in a reasoning manner on a particular aspect of a belief, you might get a chance to come back for further discussion. Avoid the attack mentality.

As a general rule: Do not attack the closest and most cherished beliefs of those you want to persuade. This would be like telling your daughter not to love some guy she is already involved with. No matter how sleazy you think he is she will see him differently.

Also do not attack generalities. It would be like standing up wind and trying to bombard the opponents of your view with spray pepper in their eyes and then saying, can't you see? They will probably close their eyes before any damage can be done and they will stay closed until the danger is past or you are done talking.

However if you kindly and respectfully present why you find it hard to accept a particular proposition and provide good argumentation, you have a chance at eroding the support of the other sides view. Always respect their differing opinion.

For that matter, don't attack their opinion. It is something they possess and cherish. Rather, demonstrate why you find it difficult accept their opinion based on your evidence or logic. No emotions. Just sound reasons.

Think of your argumentation as a means of education. Rather than attacking a belief, you're offering an alternative opinion.

Next acknowledge the reasons for differing opinions. Acknowledgement of these will help lay a foundation for the argument you will be presenting.

Building an argument requires knowing five things.

1) Is the audience friendly, hostile, or neutral? You need to know the audience to know how to proceed. If they agree with you, you will be preaching to the choir. If they disagree, an entirely different tactic is required.

2) Understanding why we have different opinions.

A) The different sides of the proposition have had different life experiences.

B) They may have had the similar experiences but have drawn different conclusions from them.

C) They look to a different authority or source as a basis for forming an opinion.

Any one single difference of opinion can involve one or all three of these reasons.
So to be able to profitably and reasonably present an argument requires understanding the causes for differing opinions. This enables the speech to deal with the root cause of the disagreement.

Next set the Ground Work

3) Identify the proposition for your audience. It needs to be phrased as an issue where clear affirmative and negative sides can be taken.

4) Give definition to any terms within the proposition. This makes it possible for everyone to understand the subject under consideration. Don't argue how sweet 'Jonathan' Apples when your audience is thinking 'Granny Smith' apples. Take time to define these elements before presenting your argument.

5) Identify any issues that directly relate to the proposition and appeal to your Most Wanted Response. Focus on these to avoid rambling. Now you're ready for evidence.

Argumentation in these instances requires creating credible arguments and identifying faulty reasoning at times using informal logic. Facts alone will not always win an argument. Being understanding, reasonable, and setting a few ground rules, argumentation can enhance a speech.


Private networks

Virtual Private Network is a network within a network. This is very popular with businesses that have people working remotely. Basically what we have here is a utilization of the network already provided by the internet. The internet infrastructure can be used as the network for remote employees to access their corporate systems.

Corporate environments have a far greater need for tight security. This is achieved by creating a VPN (virtual private network) on top of the normal internet connection. This type of connection allows for greater security and encryption.
Only authenticated users can access the corporate network and the data being transferred cannot be intercepted.

So this VPN (virtual private network) connection is being run through the internet public network.

Two components are needed to make this scenario work. First, there needs to be a corporate server setup which has the server VPN software installed (and a good router with a firewall). The next would be to have the client VPN software installed on the remote employees machines. Once the client machine is on the internet, they would use the VPN client software to communicate to the corporate server VPN where authentication occurs. Once the server identifies the connecting client as a valid machine, access to the network is granted. From then on all information to/from the client to the server is traveling along this virtual private network and is protected by the additional layer of encryption and security provided.

Finally, there can be a cost savings if determining whether a leased line or VPN is for you. Leased lines can increase in price based on the geographic distance between sites. A virtual private network does not and in fact is more scaleable. (This is a general statement ONLY. It's best to consult with your communications broker prior to making this decision. A broker will be able to provide much more information when compared to speaking with a specific vendor)

VPN is definitely a viable option for businesses small and large that have remote employees, need site-to-site access with remote offices or secure dial-up connections.

This article is just a very general overview. You should use this only as a starting point to even determine whether or not this type of technology is for you. During your evaluation of this technology, you should consider what type of implementation your looking to do; remote access, site-to-site, secure dial-up. Additional areas to research would be security, firewalls, encryption, server type and IPSec (internet protocol security protocol).


Biopolar disprder in depression

Christmas can be a nightmare for people with bipolar disorder. As the philosopher Posidonius observed in the fourth century, 'Melancholy occurs in autumn whereas mania in summer.' Here downunder in Australia, Christmas is summer time, party time, spending time, hurry time, family time. This is a potent mix of triggers and seasonal vulnerability and many of us do fall over with mania. Friends and family don't always recognise Christmas mania, because symptoms such as excessive drinking, lavish spending, staying up late at functions, and being in a hurry are features of the season. The stress involved with 'having' to buy Christmas presents and 'having' to get together with family, along with summer-time vulnerability make Christmas a bipolar nightmare in the southern hemisphere.

It's not much better up north. Since the fourth century we haven't come much further than Posidonius except to declare there is such a thing as Seasonal Affective Disorder. It seems the number of hours of daylight you experience is related to your likelihood of getting depressed in winter. The closer you are to the poles, the better your chances.

Then there are seasonal triggers, such as figuring out how to buy presents on a tight budget. If you're depressed, the ubiquitous expectation to be happy (just because it's Christmas) only makes things worse.

Short of walking around with a sunlight-emitting lamp strapped to your forehead, or cutting up your credit card, what can you do about seasonal episodes of bipolar? Here are some quick tips to rescue Christmas.

1. Maintain your daily sleep/wake routine. Use medicine if you have to;

2. Keep in control of drinking. If you suddenly start a binge, it could be a major alert of an episode;

3. Make a Christmas shopping list and don't buy anything not on the list!

4. Ask your partner or friend to help you stick to a budget;

5. Keep up medication;

6. Check in with your doctor or mental health worker as soon as you or someone close notices symptoms;

7. Keep away from any 'toxic' family members (you know who they are).

No plan is failsafe, but then again, having no plan is like going out without an umbrella on a stormy day. You can live well with bipolar, and Christmas doesn't have to be a nightmare. Plan ahead and have a healthy, happy Christmas.


Relation ship of fundraising

The golden key to effective fundraising is an organizations ability to manage relationships. While some may consider this an oversimplified explanation of a complex non-profit business model, our experience has shown us that this is one of the most overlooked, yet lucrative, elements of our fundraising efforts.

The backbone of any fundraising campaign is the appeal to donors for contributions. The problem many organizations run into during this phase of their fundraising efforts is that they have neglected to keep their donors engaged with their organization since their previous appeal for support. The donor no longer feels engaged by, or attached to, your organization in any meaning way. What distinguishes your organization or non-profit from the next?

We advise all of our clients to develop strong relationships with their donors and supporters. In the non-profit sector, these relationships play a significant role in the success of any given campaign. In some cases, these relationships can make or break an organization. Keep in mind that appeals for support are not always of the monetary type. Organizations of every type need support staff, and your donor list is an ideal place to search for new recruits.

One of the most important elements of fundraising is strategic planning, and your donor list can provide you with a lot of useful information. For instance, a well organized donor list can provide you with information about the types of causes a certain individual tends to support. By studying the types of initiatives an individual supports, you can make relatively educated guesses about their receptiveness to your current efforts. By organizing and tracking this data, you can save your organization valuable time and resources that could be used more effectively in another area.

A number of organizations purchase their donor lists from a third party. While this may be the most convenient solution, it is certainly not the most effective. It is imperative for any organization that is serious about fundraising to develop a proprietary donor list. This is a significant point that is often overlooked. By building your own donor list, you become engaged with the people in your community. These are the people that will support your organization over the long term, and the ones most likely to get involved.


writing scripts and ppublic speaking

Writing Scripts Basics
in Writing and Speaking

Let your Script breath...

Let a script breathe? Come on. A script isn't human (not before your shoot it) so how can it breathe?

Think of it as a child, your child. You must have at least nine months of pregnancy to have a child. There is no instant child. The same is with a script. There is no time limit when you write it unless you are professional and someone hires you to write it. For a freelance writer it can take months or years to have one ready and even then it is not finished until the film is shot and edited.

You started writing knowing – more or less – what is the concept, where you are heading, what is that you want to express. The urge that made you put everything else aside and dedicate your life to writing the script.

You finally managed to finish a draft of the script - all 90 or 100 pages of it. You have now earned the right to sit back and relax. What now? What would be the next step? You probably can not wait to open the window and shout to the world "I did it!! My script is finished!!"

My advise – Don't. Don't print it and don't distribute free copies to family members and close friends. Why? because your creation is still a long way from being completed. Now you got to put it aside for at least a month or even more. Try to put it out of your mind as if you never wrote it. Let the script breathe for one month before you look at it again. Now read it. You will then realize that your first draft is not exactly a masterpiece. Scenes and dialogues have to be changed or deleted in whole or partly. Some of them are pure shit. You can't believe that you were the one to create them. Why does it happen after a month? The lapse of time gives us a much better perspective of the script. A distance. You were detached from it for a certain period and can now be much more realistic. The first draft is written from the guts. All your feelings – and fewer thoughts – are in it.

You are now ready to start rewriting the 2nd draft which is very painful process to a writer. Writing the 1st draft you fell in love with your words and now you realize that in order to make it a better script you got to be merciless and delete scenes and dialogues. I had a 100 pages script which I thought – after the 1st draft – was great. 30 pages were deleted when I worked on the 2nd draft to be replaced by other 10 pages. As a result the script looked much better and tighter.

How many drafts should you write ? No one can tell you that because the rewriting goes on even during the shooting of the film. But you still have a very long way to go before your script reaches the shooting stage. In Hollywood each draft of the script has a different color. In some scripts they ran out of colors. But do not let this discourage you because the roads from the 2nd draft to the other ones are much easier. It is a matter of fine tuning – just like a car.

readbud 2011

Speaking Public Blues

Public Speaking Fear? You Should Be Afraid
in Public Speaking

Like most pubic speaking consultants, I usually hammer all the reasons a person should not be afraid of presenting. However, the more coaching I do, the more I realize the fear is legit. People should be afraid of getting in front of a group.

While there is a lot to gain from speaking publicly, there is also a lot to lose. Here are seven reasons to be scared…

Number One: No skill.

Would you want someone repairing your car that knows nothing about mechanics? The average speaker receives no training, takes no classes, and doesn't read one book on presenting. He or she expects to do an adequate job with no experience.

Number Two: Not Fearing Death

The OLD adage is that public speaking is the #1 fear. If you would RATHER die than speak, then you don't need to be speaking. Period.

If you spillover Niagara Falls walking a tightrope, you're going to die and it will all be over. When speaking you won't die. You'll live to face the embarrassment, the whispers, and the snickers. But you'll still be alive. If you look forward to a Niagara, yet look away from speaking then put on your swim trunks and stay away from the podium.

Number Three: Failing to Organize.

One of my services is critiquing the outlines of speakers. On average the format and structure is elementary at best and confusing at worse. It's as if the speaker's brain spewed out on a sheet of paper and left it at that. Organizing does not take long, nor is it difficult, but only a handful do it successfully. Without a proper outline the fear is understandable.

Number Four: Confusing Writing and Speaking

Writing is formal. People rarely forgive errors in spelling and grammar. From this article I'll get several people attempting to correct me. However, there is room for error when speaking. The ears are very forgiving and the brain is sharp enough to fill in the blanks.

Speakers get tripped up when they try to talk like they write. They become more academic and antiseptic and who wants to listen to someone like that. How many college professors did you find hypnotizing? Do you remind yourself of a monotone bore? Frightening, yes?

Number Five: Trying to Survive.

"I just want to get through the speech and get it over with." If that is your attitude then be afraid. Chances are extremely high that you will not do well. "Survival" causes you to do and say things you wouldn't without the duress.

Number Six: Lack of Commitment

This ties into the first point. The majority of speakers do a single presentation and that's it. No problem. A book can help them. On the other hand, there are thousands of monthly, or even daily presenters who fail to make marked improvement. Why? No commitment.

You can't take one class and do brain surgery. You can't attend one seminar and suddenly become a tax expert. The same with speaking. One book, class, or course will not create excellence. To become the best you have to commit yourself to long term achievement.

Number Seven: The Freeze Factor

Chances are high that you will forget something and freeze during your speech. Unless you know how to play it off, or use the moment, you will look uncomfortable, or even stupid. People will talk about it afterwards. They will mention how they felt sorry for you.

It seems that folks are always looking for ways to be afraid. Well, you just got seven reasons. The question is: What are you going to do about it?

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HD Crashes Data Recovery

Even though hard drives are built to last and endure a lot of things, crashes are something that hard drives don't handle well. Although the loss of data is something to be expected - data recovery ensures that your hard drive doesn't fail you when you need it the most. No matter how great a hard drive is built, failure is bound to happen one day.

When your hard drive crashes or you lose all of your information, there are things you can do to get back your data. The best way to get back your data, is to take your hard drive to a specialist in your area or send it off to a company. This way, tests can be ran on it and the specialists there can recover your data, which may require rebuilding your hard drive.

If this happens, and you lose all of your data, you should never try to fix the hard drive yourself unless you know exactly what to do. At this stage, professional data recovery services aren't just a luxury - they are something you must have. The process for data recovery is time consuming, and requires both tools and a clean work environment.

Even though you may know quite a bit about computers and hard drives, data recovery is something that is best left to professionals. They have all the equipment and knowledge to recover files, without bringing more damage to the hard drive. They can also recover any type of file that was on your hard drive, even preview the files before they recover them.

Professional services can also offer you the emergency boot media. This methods allows you to recover any data from computers that cannot boot Windows due to a failure, virus, damage to the hard drive, or loss of data. Normally, this method can bring everything back to your hard drive, in a matter of minutes.

Professional data recovery specialists offer a variety of services and skills to help you recover any data that you have lost. They work with hard drives on a daily basis, and know everything that they can and can't do. Professional services have the time to put into the recovery process, as they do it for a living.

Anytime your hard drive crashes or you experience a loss of data, you can always count on professional data recovery services to retrieve your data. Even though it may appear there is no hope for your lost files - professional data recovery services can make it happen.

Although data recovery can fix your hard drive and restore your data and information in most cases, you should still create a backup of your information. It isn't hard to create a backup, and you should always backup your data at least once a week. With the proper data backup, you can keep on going with your operations while your crashed hard drive is being repaired - which won't slow you down a bit.


Monday, May 30, 2011

First Date

Dating can be stressful but first dates can be particularly painful and nerve wrecking. Follow my simple tips to getting ready for a date and before you know it you'll be breezing through first dates with you're only concern being what to wear on your second date.

1. Don't stress!

First of all, try not to stress yourself out. Tell yourself, it's only a date and if it doesn't work out, so what?

2. Easy on the wedding plans

You may laugh but don't start planning your wedding! We've all been there; dreaming that this could be the one, that you'll fall in love after a whirlwind romance and get married… and all before you've ordered your starter! Obviously, it's good to be positive but just take each day as it comes in the early stages otherwise you could be heading for disappointment.

3. Listen to music

Listen to some music whilst you're getting ready; whatever gets you in the mood for a night out and relaxes you.

4. Soak in a bath

If you have time, take a long soak in the bath with a small glass of wine to relax you. I emphasise the word "small"; you don't want to turn up drunk or smelling of alcohol.

5. Subtle make-up

Girls, try to keep your make-up subtle. The majority of men don't like to see make-up caked on and if you do happen to snuggle up to your date, he won't be too impressed if you leave make-up on his collar. As a basic rule, if you're going for smoky eyes, keep your lips natural with a lick of gloss and if you're opting for the red Monroe pout then keep your eyes natural.

6. Hair to go

You don't want a high maintenance hair style that has you running to the toilet every two minutes to check it's in place so stick to what you know suits you and what you feel comfortable with. Also, easy on the hair products in case your date decides to run his fingers through your hair and gets them stuck!

7. What to wear?

Don't wear anything too revealing on a first date as it could give out the wrong impression. Remember you can still look sexy without revealing all your goods; less is more!

Decide what you're going to wear in advance so you're not in a last minute panic with a bedroom floor covered in reject outfits. The main thing is to feel comfortable in what you're wearing so you look relaxed; fidgeting with straps and pulling down your hemline every few minutes doesn't look good.

Your choice of outfit will obviously depend on where you are going; if it's fancy restaurant then you can glam it up but if it's a lunchtime date or the cinema then dress it down accordingly.

8. Killer heels or comfy flats?

As for shoes, heels look great but only if you can walk in them so only wear shoes that you are comfortable in. Also, don't wear new shoes in case you get blisters on the night. Again, your choice of shoes will depend on where you are going so dress for the venue.

9. Fresh breath

Don't forget to clean your teeth and rinse with a mouthwash. It may sound obvious but so many people forget. Also, keep a packet of mints or chewing gum in your bag in case you need to freshen up later.

10. Aroma, aroma!

Once you're ready, don't forget to squirt a bit of your favourite perfume behind the ears and on your wrist (these are the strongest pulse points). Don't go overboard, the key is to have an aroma about you, not to overpower him with your scent.

11. Arrange transport

Book a taxi or arrange for someone to give you a lift so you get to your meeting place in plenty of time. I wouldn't advise accepting any offer to pick you up or take you home until you've got to know him.

12. Keep the conversation flowing

Give some thought to what you're going to talk about. Obviously, you can't plan it word for word but think about things you want to find out about him and questions you could ask to keep the conversation flowing. If you know a good joke, it's always good to throw that in at some point in the evening to lighten the mood.

13. A kiss goodnight – no more!

Don't feel pressured into going back to his place or inviting him into yours and certainly don't feel pressured into having sex! I think it's best to end the evening with a goodnight kiss so you both leave each other wanting more and more importantly eager to arrange that second date. If you can't trust yourself to resist his charm go unshaven in the nether regions so that way you won't be tempted to go any further than a kiss!

14. Watch your drink

Don't drink excessively! It's easy to drink faster and more than you would normally because of your nerves but try and pace yourself and if you do feel yourself getting more than tipsy, drink some water.

Also, if you don't know your date well take your drink with you when you go to the toilets; with so many drinks being spiked in bars these days it's better to be safe than sorry.

15. Tell a friend

Tell a friend or family member where you're going and who with and let them know when you've arrived home safe.

16. Have fun

Finally, don't forget to enjoy yourself and have fun!

SSL Encryption- Subdomains

The importance of sub-domains cannot be undermined. If you have a website with sub domains and you are not using a Wild card certificate you are exposed to a big security risk! You can secure your website and its sub domains for with the Latest SSL Certificates available with WildCard....

A Wildcard SSL Certificate helps enable SSL encryption on multiple sub-domains using a single certificate as long as the domains are controlled by the same organization and share the same second-level domain name. A sub domain is a separate website listed under a domain. Examples are clothes.shoppingmall.com or shoes.shoppingmall.com. Search engines register these as separate sites, even though the host name is the same. When there is a lot if information to be presented on one website or when the business representing the website has logically different categories/divisions – sub domains are the best way to organize the information on the website. Sub domains can work well if your site branches into different areas, for example topic.example.com or topic2.example.com in effect these sub domains are unique sites in their own right, but to the user, they appear to be an extension of one main site.

Wildcard Certificate is a unique product that gives the ability to secure multiple sub-domains within the company through a single certificate. A wild-carded certificate can be used to secure the certificate owner's website sub-domains (e.g. shop.yourcompany.com, pay.yourcompany.com etc) with a single certificate. If there is a requirement of securing multiple sub-domains on a website, then a "Wild-carded" certificate is the ideal choice. A Wildcard SSL Certificate helps in achieving SSL encryption on multiple sub-domains with the help of a single certificate as long as the sub domains are on one same physical server, share the same second-level domain name and are under the control of a single organization. For example a Wildcard issued to a company XYZ using the domain www.xyz.com can be used to secure the following domains: login.xyz.com, support.xyz.com, and careers.xyz.com

Self Publishing

Are you a writer with lots of talent but no one will give you the time of day let alone a contract? Would you pay a professional publisher to make your book but can't afford it? Do you need a better tool than your plain old word processor to make your work look more professional and desirable? Do you possess special knowledge that if packaged in a book could make you millions? Well fret not your answer is very available to you now in the form of self publishing software tools!

These tools are electronic publishers that produce professional grade quality at a fraction of the price that it costs a traditional publisher to produce a book. They produce the work in the form of a PDF file which can be sent with an email, saved onto any form of memory storage media, downloaded onto your website, etc. This is hundreds of times more convenient than traditional publishing efforts and again at a very small fraction of the price.

The software is easy to use, designed to be used by a person with a 2nd grade level computer IQ. So, not even close to rocket science. A person can become proficient at using the program and start writing in a matter of hours. Yes, you heard me right -- you can have the necessary tools and be writing that book that you have been waiting a long time for in a matter of a few hours. Self publishing is a beautiful thing and I am just getting started.

When I said a fraction of the price of a typical publisher I only meant for one book. But think about it, you would have to continue to pay each time your next book came out which multiplies that fee over and over and over. But you only have to pay for the self publishing software once. It is very reasonably priced, and it is with you, at your beckoned call for life. Now that's a deal.

The last benefit of self publishing that I am going to talk about (not even close to the last benefit there is) is the true freedom of speech that you retain when you buy this tool. What I am referring to really is the editing process which for those who have already been published know can be a brutal process. Basically anything that you right is at the mercy of the publishing editor when you go the traditional route. But if you publish your own work it stays as you want it which is the way it should be. That's all for now, but if you want to know more just give me a ring, or fling me an email, or whichever you prefer.


Green Tea vs Black Tea

For years, green tea was consumed almost exclusively in Asia. For centuries, green tea has been used by Chinese herbalists to treat many health maladies from menstrual difficulties to headaches. In China and Japan, most people drink green tea all day long.

However, here in the Western world it has gained popularity only in the last few years. There are many ways to enjoy green tea, and many things to learn about it. There are several differences between green tea and other types of tea.

Processing – Green tea comes from the same plant as black tea, but it is processed differently. Green tea, however, is not fermented like black tea.

Green tea leaves are laid out to wither for about 8 to 24 hours after plucking to allow most of the water to evaporate. Next, to prevent the oxidation (fermentation) process, the leaves are steamed or pan fried. Finally the leaves are rolled and then dried again, unlike black tea leaves, which are cut.

Flavor – Because green tea is in a very natural state, it tastes more plant like than black tea. Most people describe green tea as having a somewhat "grassy" taste. It is green and somewhat pale in color, and can become bitter if over brewed. Green tea can have subtleties and differences in aroma and flavor based on the variety of the tea plant and the region in which the tea is grown.

In addition, there are many flavored green teas. Green teas are blended with herbs or fruit to create a wide variety of flavors. Many people who don't enjoy the taste of plain green tea love the combination of green tea with other flavors.

Serving method – Green tea needs cooler water than any other tea for proper brewing.

Water for green tea should be purified and heated to about 160°F. It can be enjoyed with sweetener, milk or lemon if you prefer. Green tea can also be enjoyed cold. Keeping a pitcher of iced green tea in your refrigerator lets you enjoy its health benefits all day long.

Caffeine Content – Green tea contains only about half the amount of caffeine as black tea. Black tea contains about 40 mg of caffeine per serving, while green tea contains just 20. In addition, caffeine in tea has been shown to be less likely to cause jitters than other caffeinated beverages.

Health Benefits – Green tea has received a lot of attention in recent years because it has been shown in research to be very effective at preventing many diseases and even in treating some. The natural anti-oxidants in green tea make it one of the most powerful health protectors you can consume as part of your diet. Green tea may be effective in:

•Reducing your risk of some forms of cancer – Many different studies have supported the finding that green tea can prevent and possibly even help treat some forms of cancer. The first interest in green tea's health benefits resulted from statistics showing that Asian cultures, where green tea is the most commonly consumed beverage, have the lowest incidences of cancer in the world.

Some studies have even shown that green tea compounds can inhibit the growth of cancer cells, slowing the progress of the disease. It appears that tea may be most effective at preventing bladder, colon, rectal, esophageal, bladder, liver, lung, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer.

•Lowering Cholesterol - Tea has been shown to be effective in lowering LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol). It appears that tea's anti-oxidants work with HDL cholesterol to help transport bad cholesterol to the liver, where it can be passed from the body. Tea also appears to inhibit the formation of abnormal blood clots, which are the leading cause of heart attacks and strokes.

•Ease Rheumatoid Arthritis –Tea's anti-oxidants may have the power to help prevent rheumatoid arthritis. In some studies, it has even been suggested that green tea may be able to ease symptoms of those already suffering with this disease.

•Help Lose Weight – Tea's combination of catechins and caffeine appear to speed up the metabolism and may help with weight loss. In addition, it appears that using green tea as a diet supplement causes fewer instances of jitteriness and rapid heart rate than other diet supplements. It may also help regulate insulin in the body, which can be beneficial for diabetics. Many studies have shown that lifelong tea drinkers tend to weigh less and have less body fat than non tea drinkers.

•Prevent Alzheimer's disease – Studies suggest that tea drinkers may also be less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease. Though the subject requires far more research, it has also been suggested that green tea's potent anti-oxidants may even have the power to slow down the progress of Alzheimer's disease in those already suffering.

Most people in the Western world still drink black tea over green tea. But, as you can see, there are many health reasons to make green tea a part of your regular diet. Green tea may be an important way to protect your health and prevent disease. And, it's delicious, too!



Recently in the news across the USA there have been several reports of parents leaving their children locked in their cars, while the parents sit in a casino and gamble.

A great way to stop this from happening would be to legalize online gambling so that parents that can not afford a baby sitter will not do something as stupid as locking a small child in a car alone for several hours.

Another solution would be for the casino industry to take responsibility of the people they lure in with promises of riches beyond belief. If the casinos all offered 24 hour free daycare for all casino players those parents who are so far gone in their addiction will not have to make the decision of what to do with their children, they can just take them to the casino and let them be watched after in the casinos daycare centers.

As well as making sure children are not being neglected by their parents or legal guardians, the children in their care can be checked for signs of abuse and any parent that brings a child regularly to the casino can be talked to about gambling addiction.

Please do not get me wrong I feel the parents should be the ones taking responsibility for their kids, but gambling addiction is a disease, and at least this would provide a way for the government to monitor parents gambling habits, and to provide them with help if they need it.

Besides being the right move for the casinos to make for its own civic duty, it also makes good business sense. If the casinos offer such a service they also open themselves up to single parents that could use a little time for some adult fun, and by making the day care 24 hours a day there is no reason why a parent would leave their kid at home instead of at the casinos free daycare.

The parents could relax and have a little fun with the knowledge that their kids are being taken good care of.

This is not a new concept there are several casinos in Las Vegas that offer day care. These centers offer children of different ages fun things to do, such as all the popular videos, and games fro kids. This will appeal to people with kids. The parents get to gamble and have some adult fun and the kids get to do fun kid stuff.

By doing this the casinos will get more business and they are doing the responsible thing for their customers with gambling problems. I understand that the casinos are a business, but they should make sure that some of their less responsible gamblers do not put their children's lives in danger just to make an extra few dollars in a multi billion dollar a year industry

If enough people recommend this to their local casinos and state officials, casinos could be required by law to provide child care when they are open.



There are all types of limousines such as Lincolns, Cadillac's, Fords, Mercedes, etc. The list goes on to what types of cars there are. Limousines come in all sizes from town cars to SUV's and can seat 1 passenger to 26 passengers. Some limousines such as the basic Lincoln Town Car can just be a typical car. There are ways to jazz up the usual town car by renting a Mercedes-Benz or a non-stretch Hummer. These are all your typical cars on the inside and outside for that simple look, but different enough that it is not just a Sedan. Then there is also the Lincoln stretch that comes in all sizes from 6-14 depending on the size of the party. There are also the big SUV vehicles when there is a big group of people needing to entertain.

Amenities in vehicles depend on the type of vehicles rented. Traditional Lincoln stretch limousines come standard with an LCD TV, DVD player, starlight ceiling and digital overhead control panel with automatic climate control. The larger vehicles such as the SUV's can range with what type of equipment is in each vehicle. The Lincoln Navigator has the basic equipment that the Lincoln stretch limousines have as well. The Ford Excursion stretch come standard with black leather interior, plasma TV screens, twinkle light on the ceilings, DVD/CD players, and a high-end surround sound system. The Hummer stretch come standard with zebra print interior, plasma TV screens, stainless steel ceilings, a one-piece windows on each side of the vehicle, lasers, rims, a fog machine, a CD/DVD players, Play Station II, and a high-end surround sound system. The entire fleet of stretch limousine and SUV's all come fully stocked with a complimentary wet bar which includes sodas, water, ice and stocked liquor. All the vehicles also come with English speaking professionally suited drivers who are licensed and insured.

Limousines are used for all types of occasions from birthday to school dances to weddings to bachelor/bacheloretter parties. Limousines are great to have for Sweet 16 parties, Quincenieras, Bar Mitzvah's, concerts, anniversaries, or just a night on the town. Limousines can seat as many people as you need to but also decide on the type of occasion. If the occasion were to be a wedding and the limousine was for the bride and the bridesmaids, the brides dress should be added as an extra person or two. People in formal attire need to be aware that there is to be enough room for everyone to ensure that no one's formal attire can ruin and destroy the evening. Some occasions as proms kids do not mind having to sit on each others laps, as long as they can all fit as many kids on a tight budget in their limo. When planning a corporate affair, each client needs enough room to move around and give them space.

When paying for the limousine a fair price is always better than the cheapest deal available. Booking a limousine too cheap increase the risks of a limousine not showing upor having them call and say they got into an accident or got stuck in Vegas. Some companies may not even call at all or say this reservation must have been booked with someone else. Limousine prices should be very fair and comparable for the types of vehicles and customer service they offer. Hidden fees, surcharges, or taxes should not be added to the price of a limousine. A limousine company that has a flat rate and gives the option to tip based on your satisfaction is a more professional company. Just as dining at a restaurant the server gets tipped at the end of the evening based on how satisfying the service was, a limousine driver should get tipped this way as well.

After Divorce

Going through a divorce is a very challenging time in a person's life. It is hard to adjust to being single again, as well as living "out of the habit" of being married, especially if you have been married for many, many years.

Eventually, you begin to think about dating, but it is suggested that you take your time. Use this precious opportunity to rediscover yourself. Think of this time in your life as an adventure to explore the real you. If you have worked outside the home combined with being a mom and wife for the last ten, fifteen or twenty years, you may have lost yourself along the way. Certainly not on purpose, but as most women try to do it all as "super" moms, many times we put our own wants and needs on hold to keep our families and jobs running smoothly!

Take a deep breath and let's start to rediscover our true passions and say…Will the Real Me Please Stand Up!

1. Treasure Your Gifts Within
Realizing we are all born as "gold nuggets" is a hard concept for many women to believe about themselves. Think about how magnificent you really are! Over time, you might have forgotten your unique gifts and are only thinking of what you don't like about yourself or your life. Set a new intention, starting today, to list all of your great qualities and read that list everyday. Keep reading it until you believe it. Examples: beautiful smile, kindness, generosity, loving, caring, intelligent… keep going. Your list is endless, when you start focusing on your great qualities. Allow yourself to see the shining gold within. It's already there!

2. Give Yourself A Break
During and after a divorce it is common to have the feeling of grieving, similar to that of the loss of someone. Many women feel the need to stay busy to keep their minds off of this stressful time, such as working overtime or cleaning the house from top to bottom, but let this time also include pampering yourself. Barter with a friend or neighbor to watch your children or leave work a few minutes early so you can stop to sit on a park bench long enough to get that sense of the unique and special YOU. Take this time to experience life even for only 10 minutes without feeling like a wife, mother, sister or daughter… simply you!

Yes, you do deserve to do something special for yourself. It can be as simple as taking a bath or a walk, going to the mall or reading a book with your favorite cup of tea. Give yourself permission - it's O.K. Remember, the happier you are, the happier your family will be!

3. No regrets! No bitterness!
Holding onto regrets and bitterness will only keep your life from moving forward. Is your inner voice working overtime with all the "what ifs" and "if onlys"? This is normal for a period of time, but ask yourself…are these thoughts serving me or helping me feel better? Will thinking about them over and over again change anything? To move your life forward, it is important to acknowledge your feelings and to learn from your past experiences to prepare yourself for the next exciting chapter of your life. Yes, there is life after divorce. Learn to let it go! Just, let it go!

A quote from Buddy Hackett, "I never hold a grudge because while I am being angry, the other person is out dancing."

4. Enjoy the Little Things
Life after divorce usually means added responsibilities. If you are a single parent or are now the one responsible for the once shared to-do list, how do you handle it all without being totally stressed out? To start, learn to laugh more, especially at yourself. Learn to let things go and not take life so seriously. Lighten-up! Learn to live in the present moment. Living in the present is where all the "good stuff" in life happens. Yesterday's worries are gone forever and tomorrow's to-do list can wait. Think of it this way, when one is missing this moment in time, one is missing out on one's life.

So how do we live in the present?

If you are feeling stressed, immediately leave your thoughts in your head and take off your blinders. (Blinders similar to what a horse would wear, not allowing it to see from side to side). Start to look around you. I mean really look around you. Look closely at everything. Really focus. Use all your senses! For example, if you are with your children observe them. Cherish their smiles. Give them a hug. See the true beauty of who they are and appreciate them for being a part of your life. You will start to feel your stress subside and a feeling of peace sweep over you.

To be present, no matter where you are, use all your senses to pull you back into the moment. Take time to appreciate all the beauty that already exists around you. You only have to be present to see it!

5. What Makes Your Heart Sing?
What really matters to you? What do you feel is your true purpose in life? If someone asked you that question, how would you answer them?

Why is it so important to be clear on what your life's purpose is? Knowing your purpose, will give you a true sense of who you are and why you were put on this earth. It gives your life direction and helps you make clear and easy decisions concerning that direction. It's your compass! Without a purpose, can your life be compared to a piece of driftwood; Floating endlessly in whichever direction the tide decides to take it and ending up on any beach with no will of its' own?

When you live your life based on your purpose you are living in integrity with yourself and are in alignment of who you really are in all aspects of your life - body, mind and spirit. Take this time to focus on what really matters to you. Feel the true passions that exist in your heart and write them down.

6. What Are Your Vibes Saying About You?
Are you familiar with the Law of Attraction? Maybe you have heard the expressions, "What you think about, you bring about" or "The more attention you give to something, the more attention it will give to you." When going through a divorce, your emotions can be compared to a roller coaster ride. Use this time to become reconnected to your inner awareness of who you are. Learn to sit still and quiet until you understand what emotions you are feeling. Realize that your feelings and sensations are okay, then learn to listen to what your mind and body are telling you.

Here is a great tip…recognize if your feelings are low energy or high energy.

A few examples of low energy are stress, negativity, fear, resentment, or a sense of lack (lack of time or money) and high energy is joy, abundance, happy, positive, love or compassion. If you are having feelings of low energy, how do you make a shift to feel more of the high energy?

First, acknowledge and accept the feelings you are having. Be gentle with yourself! Your goal is to make a shift, but realize you might not be able to go from low to high instantly. Start with baby steps! Repeat step number one and become present! Be thankful for what is working in your life right now. Do something simple like pat your pet, smell a flower or, if you are in the office, take a minute to think of a previous fun time or experience you have had that could bring a smile to your face. Feel the shift you are starting to make in your energy.

Now, to amp up this high energy feeling, think of another time of joy or something you were passionate about in your life. Keep adding these thoughts to your high energy feeling and begin to feel great! Does it seem the people or situations around you have changed or is it you who has really changed? So, who has the power to feel their own joy? When you are feeling your high energy, this is the time to take your next inspired action and enjoy the feeling of accomplishing something with ease and less effort!

7. Be True To Yourself
During and even after a divorce, we are often filled with doubts. We question ourselves about what is right, what to do or how we feel. Should I or shouldn't I? It seems difficult to make a decision. Listen to your heart. What feels right? What doesn't feel quite right? If a situation does not feel right, honor your resistance by pausing or waiting. Sometimes waiting is the best thing to do. By waiting you may have allowed the situation to unfold more easily without having to worry! If a decision feels good or right, usually that means you are heading in the right direction. When we listen to our hearts, we are in integrity with ourselves. When we are in integrity with ourselves, we learn to say NO more easily.

Has this ever happened to you? You are asked to be on a committee or to volunteer for something and you say yes, even though you know it will make your schedule even tighter or you really don't want to or have to?

How do you stop this from happening? Next time you are in this situation and you are ready to say yes, yet, find yourself having doubts, try this … STOP! Take a breath or even take a step back (this action will prevent you from saying yes). Pause! Thank the person for thinking of you, but let them know you will have to check your calendar and get back to them. When you do have time to think about it, focus on how you are feeling. Are you excited to volunteer or do you feel some resistance? If in a day or two you are still feeling doubtful, realize the timing might not be right for you. If you are still excited, join the committee and have fun!

Divorce is not easy or fun and you can make it through this time of your life by realizing you WILL make it! Also, honor yourself and listen to your heart! Your true purpose and passions are waiting to be rediscovered within you! When you have discovered the "gold nugget" you already are, you will start to live your life with more ease and enjoy the feeling of peace. "You are truly free!"



Today's applications - either for the Web or standalone - are starting to focus more and more on the user interface. The time when you had to write lines and lines of commands or go through several menus to execute a certain task has passed. Developers have now implemented simple wizards, with on-screen help near each important element of the application, which will make even the most complicated task look like a walk in the park. And the easiest and most efficient way to create user-friendly interfaces is to add self-explanatory icons. These small images that take a couple dozens of pixels will most of the times have more meaning than a full paragraph of text. It's more comfortable and efficient to insert an icon than it is to write some text explaining a certain function.
Icons are very important to the user-interface. People want to use an application's features to the maximum, and don't like to it when they can't find how to complete a specific task. This is why developers should always create shortcuts to the main tasks that can be accomplished using their application. These shortcut items must catch the user's attention, so adding icons will do the trick in most of the cases. The icons must be related to that certain task, so, for example, a disk icon would be a great visual enhancement for a "Save" button, as a printer icon would fit perfectly inside a "Print" button. A good set of icons in the interface will greatly improve the communication between the user and the application. Icons are colorful and, in most cases, larger than the description text of the application feature they relate to; this way, they are a lot easier to be spotted.

Most of today's applications use icons, even though pretty much all developers don't bother to implement custom designed icons into their applications. Actually, settling with the operating system's default stock icons is not such a bad thing as some people might think. Computer users might sometimes have some problems adapting to new applications, especially if they have different interfaces than the applications already installed on the users' computers. What happens if you want to save and you're looking for a disk icon, but you can't find it because the developer decided to use a star icon? If so, there will be a poor communication between the user and the application, because the interface's icons are different from the ones the user is used to. Application developers should not fall into this trap just because they like some other icons and they don't want to use the same old default system icons, because it would do more bad than good. The default system icons are preferred because most applications use them, so users will learn to use your application a lot faster. The functions and commands will be easier to understand, because users will be able to faster identify the iconic symbols.

If a developer wants to give their application a distinct look, they should use professional, custom-made icons, especially designed for their application. Today, such services are affordable, and you will be able to tell the designer how you want the icons to look like. In most cases, you shouldn't go with a completely different look than the system's icons (for the reasons described above), but you should try to give them a unique, personal touch; the application will stand out from the crowd and will look a lot better than the other ones, thus attracting more users. Changing colors, for example, is the easiest way to get new, yet similar icons.

To have a good communication between the user and the application, developers must predict all the possible problems that the interface could cause its users. Are the buttons too small? Are they too big? Can the toolbars be moved around the screen? How about the menus, can users add new items to them? Also, can they replace the icons and other graphics with some of their own? How about users with special needs?

Unfortunately, there are a lot of developers that disregard such problems, and create rigid interfaces, which cannot be changed by the users to better suit them. A simple answer to this problem is to create multiple skins, with different colors and different icons. The application should have a "standard" skin to start with, and then a few different skins, for example a minimalistic skin with only a few main buttons and large icons, or an "expanded" skin with many toolbars and buttons, each with their own small icon. Also, a skin with high contrast colors and icons will be very appreciated by the users with eye problems. Apart from all these, developers should also allow users to create their own custom skin and use different icons.

There are multiple benefits from using icons in an application interface. No matter whether an application uses the operating system's default icons or has custom-made icons designed especially for it, there must be some form of graphics in it, otherwise people might find it harder to use. This may happen because most of today's application use icons to ease the learning of the application. Because most applications use similar icons in certain tasks - for example a printer icon for printing or a disk button for saving files - it's a lot faster for users to click on those buttons, therefore they will remember it next time they use that application, or any other application for that matter. Even if later on advanced users will choose to use shortcut keys on the keyboard instead of clicking with the mouse on buttons in the toolbars, it's really important that for starters they will use the toolbar, so icons will be very important in the communication with the application.


Today's applications - either for the Web or standalone - are starting to focus more and more on the user interface. The time when you had to write lines and lines of commands or go through several menus to execute a certain task has passed. Developers have now implemented simple wizards, with on-screen help near each important element of the application, which will make even the most complicated task look like a walk in the park. And the easiest and most efficient way to create user-friendly interfaces is to add self-explanatory icons. These small images that take a couple dozens of pixels will most of the times have more meaning than a full paragraph of text. It's more comfortable and efficient to insert an icon than it is to write some text explaining a certain function.
Icons are very important to the user-interface. People want to use an application's features to the maximum, and don't like to it when they can't find how to complete a specific task. This is why developers should always create shortcuts to the main tasks that can be accomplished using their application. These shortcut items must catch the user's attention, so adding icons will do the trick in most of the cases. The icons must be related to that certain task, so, for example, a disk icon would be a great visual enhancement for a "Save" button, as a printer icon would fit perfectly inside a "Print" button. A good set of icons in the interface will greatly improve the communication between the user and the application. Icons are colorful and, in most cases, larger than the description text of the application feature they relate to; this way, they are a lot easier to be spotted.

Most of today's applications use icons, even though pretty much all developers don't bother to implement custom designed icons into their applications. Actually, settling with the operating system's default stock icons is not such a bad thing as some people might think. Computer users might sometimes have some problems adapting to new applications, especially if they have different interfaces than the applications already installed on the users' computers. What happens if you want to save and you're looking for a disk icon, but you can't find it because the developer decided to use a star icon? If so, there will be a poor communication between the user and the application, because the interface's icons are different from the ones the user is used to. Application developers should not fall into this trap just because they like some other icons and they don't want to use the same old default system icons, because it would do more bad than good. The default system icons are preferred because most applications use them, so users will learn to use your application a lot faster. The functions and commands will be easier to understand, because users will be able to faster identify the iconic symbols.

If a developer wants to give their application a distinct look, they should use professional, custom-made icons, especially designed for their application. Today, such services are affordable, and you will be able to tell the designer how you want the icons to look like. In most cases, you shouldn't go with a completely different look than the system's icons (for the reasons described above), but you should try to give them a unique, personal touch; the application will stand out from the crowd and will look a lot better than the other ones, thus attracting more users. Changing colors, for example, is the easiest way to get new, yet similar icons.

To have a good communication between the user and the application, developers must predict all the possible problems that the interface could cause its users. Are the buttons too small? Are they too big? Can the toolbars be moved around the screen? How about the menus, can users add new items to them? Also, can they replace the icons and other graphics with some of their own? How about users with special needs?

Unfortunately, there are a lot of developers that disregard such problems, and create rigid interfaces, which cannot be changed by the users to better suit them. A simple answer to this problem is to create multiple skins, with different colors and different icons. The application should have a "standard" skin to start with, and then a few different skins, for example a minimalistic skin with only a few main buttons and large icons, or an "expanded" skin with many toolbars and buttons, each with their own small icon. Also, a skin with high contrast colors and icons will be very appreciated by the users with eye problems. Apart from all these, developers should also allow users to create their own custom skin and use different icons.

There are multiple benefits from using icons in an application interface. No matter whether an application uses the operating system's default icons or has custom-made icons designed especially for it, there must be some form of graphics in it, otherwise people might find it harder to use. This may happen because most of today's application use icons to ease the learning of the application. Because most applications use similar icons in certain tasks - for example a printer icon for printing or a disk button for saving files - it's a lot faster for users to click on those buttons, therefore they will remember it next time they use that application, or any other application for that matter. Even if later on advanced users will choose to use shortcut keys on the keyboard instead of clicking with the mouse on buttons in the toolbars, it's really important that for starters they will use the toolbar, so icons will be very important in the communication with the application.
