Friday, December 24, 2010

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Sunday, December 12, 2010


he Basic Ground Covered By Forex Trading Education
in Wealth Building

Forex trading involves the buying and consequent selling of currencies. The Forex is the single largest traded market in the world with over $1.5trillion of trades completed every single trading day. There are several reasons for this popularity not least of which is the popularity itself. Those who want to begin trading currencies must first consider Forex trading education as a vehicle to learning the most important factors.

One of the first topics covered by any training course will be the key fundamentals associated with the Forex market. Fundamentals are pieces of information or news snippets that give analysts and traders an idea of the direction the Forex market is likely to take in the coming weeks, days or even hours. Examples of market fundamentals include civil unrest, election results and economic news. Economic news is of particular interest to Forex traders and includes a diverse range of information including government released figures on unemployment, GDP and more.

Analysts who concentrate specifically on market fundamentals and their effects on the market are referred to as fundamental analysts. The purist fundamental analyst will barely consider the relevance of historical data or price trends in favor of impending news. Learning the effect of changes to fundamentals will be covered in greater detail during Forex trading education courses.

Of course, no trader should begin a life of Forex trading without first learning the basics of the trade itself. As well as partaking in a trading course, it is also a sensible approach to open a virtual account with an online broker. These accounts are essentially identical to real accounts but offer virtual money. Paper trading in this fashion allows the student ample opportunity to learn without risking any real money until they fully understand the concept of the Forex market.

Traders are advised to begin their Forex trading education with one of the more popular currencies such as the US Dollar (USD) or the EURO. These are traded more often than any other currencies and so there is a lot more data available. It is also easier to gain access to the relevant fundamentals that will affect these currencies.

A virtual, or practice, trading account also enables students to fully get to grips with the market. This hands on approach to learning will incorporate more complex trading issues such as stop trading and potentially highly profitable trades. Most traders will freely admit they still learn new and relevant information on a daily basis, even if they have been trading regularly for a great many years.

There are many steps to take before becoming a Forex trader and a lot of information and tips are only learned through experience and regular trading. provides potential traders with a list of Forex trading education tutorials that teach the basics as well as some more advanced information regarding Forex trading. Armed with this knowledge and the further information contained throughout the pages of the site, Forex Trader Education has helped many a student become successful traders who make steady and regular profit.

business cycles-read bud

Something reverse can happen which would be even more damaging than the just discussed case. Instead of Consumption growing at a faster rate than Savings, it might so happen that Savings and Investment grow at a much faster rate than Consumption. For example, prior to Great Depression, the importance of aggregate demand as explained by Keynes was not understood. As a result government policies normally favored huge Investments and were not geared towards propelling aggregate demand. It is well documented that one of the reasons for the Great Depression was US government policies which led to uneven distribution of income heavily in favor of the rich and the consequent depletion of the buying power of the households. So Great depression could have easily resulted from Investment/Savings growing at a much faster rate than Consumption. Huge Investment/Savings would mean that huge surpluses are realized by the producers of the Consumption sector. This would prompt them to invest in an even bigger way in plant and machinery and this huge Investment/surplus pattern continues for a few years. After a few years, we have huge capacities with insufficient Consumption or buying power!

The capacities of production rise to an extent where the producers would not really be interested in investing their surpluses as they already have huge unutilized capacities much in excess of the buying power of the households. As a result Savings are not invested i.e. Investment lags behind Savings. Money is hoarded, the circular flow of income in the economy stops and the economy gets paralyzed. Demand gets constricted which in turn constricts Supply. These constrictions worsen the situation even more because, on account of drop in production, the percentage of unutilized capacities increases even more than before which makes Investment in new capacities even more unattractive further increasing the hoarded money. The economy gets involved in a vicious downward spiral that can dramatically reduce incomes and severely aggravate unemployment. Ultimately after a few years, some huge Investment opportunity prompts entrepreneurs to start investing all of the Savings and the economy restarts on the expansionary path. Or it can so happen that the huge excess capacities get destroyed on account of lack of demand – for example, some new technology makes plants with older technology unsuitable to the new needs and such plants and factories become useless. This way excess capacity is weeded out making the economy conducive for Investment and growth. I believe that most business cycles in US and Europe prior to 1930s occurred in this way, they were all mostly Investment propelled. I would call those cycles – the Investment led Business cycles.

How can stagflations occur? During the Consumption led cycles, after several years of growth, Consumption eats away into Savings and surpluses realized would fall short of expectations for the producers of Consumption sector. Savings are low and a correction is required by cutting Consumption and increasing the Savings. The extent of correction defines the strength of the next boom. If the correction is big and Savings are piled up in a large manner during the downturn, then, at the beginning of the next boom, it gives the chance for Consumption to nibble away at Savings slowly and steadily for a large number of years – booms can last very long. If the correction is very small, if Savings are not too large at the beginning of the boom, the boom is then nipped in the bud itself. As there are no large Savings made, as soon as Consumption tries to nibble away Savings, Savings would immediately fall below the danger mark and the surpluses expected by the Consumption sector are not realized and a recession would start as immediately as the boom starts. In such cases, the booms might not last for more than one or two years. Such cases of insufficient corrections can occur on account of government intervention. Government tries to arrest the downward slide by trying to propel the aggregate demand using expansionary policies such as cutting down interest rates or indulging in deficit spending. Government's intention in doing so would be to arrest the downward slide and decrease unemployment. However the effect of the government intervention would be that, economy starts expanding even before the Consumption is cut and Savings are increased to the required extent. As the economy starts expanding, Consumption tries to eat away at Savings and this immediately brings the Savings below the danger level and an immediate onset of recession. More workers are fired and a downward slide starts once again. Once again the government intervenes and tries to arrest the slide and once again the same thing would repeat itself and more workers are fired. Unemployment keeps soaring. Ultimately the producers realize that low surpluses are here to stay along with expansion.

Apart from low surpluses there is the problem of rising interest rates. As the economy tries to expand, there would be good amount of Investment demand. However as Savings are low and Investment demand is high, there is a huge demand for the limited funds available causing the interest rates to rise vertically. Government borrowing and deficit spending in order to boost the economy eats into the already low Savings and aggravates the situation even further. The situation mimics that of a boom time when both short term and long term interest rates are very high. Abnormally high interest rates lead to cost-led inflation. Very high interest rates coupled with low surpluses make Investment as well as production expansion unattractive to the producers of the Consumption sector. They start pocketing their profits without either investing or expanding production and the economy starts stagnating without growth. Under normal circumstances, pocketing of profits would lead to hoarding of money and paralyze the economy on account of stoppage in the circulation of money. However in this case, on account of government's expansionary policies as well as cost-led inflation, capitalists do not hoard the money as money would lose its value on account of inflation. They start spending the pocketed profits and the circulation of money is not disrupted. <

However the demand does not increase despite the lack of hoarding – why? What should have been saved and invested is now being spent directly by the capitalists. The income that would have reached the hands of a hundred Investment workers is now in the hands of a single capitalist. As a result, where hundred toothpastes would have been purchased by hundred Investment workers, only one toothpaste is purchased by the solitary capitalist! As a result the demand for goods suffers despite the fact that money is not being hoarded. Capitalists are high earners; they consume a small portion of their income and start spending the rest of their income on speculation in real estate and shares. Shares and lands are bought and re-bought at higher and higher rates leading to a speculative bubble and soaring inflation. Housing becomes very costly and the workers find their buying power reduced as a large portion of their incomes goes in providing housing for themselves. Workers then start demanding for higher wages and periodic wage hike agreements become part of the wage agreements making inflation a relatively permanent phenomenon. Unlike what some economists say about the unreasonability of wage hike demands by labor unions, the wage hike demands of workers were actually beneficial to the stagflationary economies of the 70s. The hike demands of workers actually act as some sort of a small check on the speculation of capitalists – instead of wild speculation, some money in the hands of the capitalists gets diverted towards wage hikes. Overall, stagnation and inflation co-exist together. This is how you get stagflation.

There was a continuous boom for two decades in US and other nations during the 80s and 90s. How could the booms last so long during this period? The booms during this period were Investment led. Huge amounts of Investments in IT infrastructure propelled these booms. However these huge Investments in IT are completely different from those that propelled the Investment led booms prior to 1930s. The huge Investments prior to 1930s led to piling up of new capacities in a big way. This gave in to the chance of there being over-Investment on account of huge unutilized capacities which ultimately led to further Investment being unattractive thereby resulting in Investment lagging behind Savings. However the Investment of the 80s and 90s was not that way. Investment in IT technology did not increase the plant capacities. For example, more cars cannot be produced just because car companies invest huge sums in IT. Therefore depressions of the type that occurred prior to 1930s are ruled out and the boom lasts as long as the IT spending lasts. Why couldn't Consumption eat into Savings during this period? On account of the fear of being replaced by computers, the bargaining power of the workers reduced dramatically upon which wage led and the subsequent cost led inflations were completely absent. Therefore producers could save their surpluses and invest them without having to spend them on increasing costs. Also the prime reason for Investment in IT being cost cutting, cost cutting ensured that Consumption would never eat into Savings. This way neither Consumption would eat into Savings nor would Savings/Investment lead to excess capacities. Both types of downturns are ruled out. Booms would last as long as the IT spending would last. This is how booms lasted so long during the 80s and the 90s leading to a virtual absence of business cycles.

That roughly sums up two and half centuries of Business Cycles!

A small note before closing out. From the capitalists' point of view, it would be great if the households immediately spend all that they earn on Consumption – sales would get boosted. So household savings make a dent or a hole in Consumption. This hole is then filled by the immediate Investment of those household Savings. So the phenomenon of investing the household Savings is like digging a hole and filling it up. Therefore household Savings do not affect the financial position of an economy as much as the Capitalist Savings. A shrinkage in household Savings would not directly affect the margins of the firms. So just make a mental note that the above discussion on Savings had more to do with Capitalist Savings and less to do with Household Savings.

pop ups for promotion-readbud

ome time ago, when pop-ups were first introduced, a craze went through the whole internet marketing arena. Internet marketers saw the power of pop windows as an effective tool to aid them in their quest to earn money online. Almost every marketer jumped in the band wagon and added pop-ups to their site, be it for displaying offers or gathering information. This explosion of pop-ups on the internet became incredulous to the point where every corner you turn on the net, you would be bombarded by them. This is exactly why the effectiveness of pop-ups has seriously declined. Since then, surfers have developed a natural tendency to close a pop-up window even before they read it. They are simply not interested! They have come to see pop-ups as an obstacle to what they are really seeking on your site: useful information. Very often, a visitor will leave your site if you have too many pop-ups appearing. They simply do not want the hassle of having to close all the pop windows. Useful information, while valuable, is not as valuable as the visitor's time. Studies have shown however, that even with these set backs, pop-up windows are still an effective method of internet marketing.

How then, do we use pop-up windows effectively for internet marketers to earn money online? Simple, we eliminate the irritating "pop in your face" factor!!

Many forms of pop windows have surfaced to solve this problem. First and foremost of them are the pop-under windows and exit pop-ups. Think about this, what if the pop-up were seen upon exiting your site instead of entering? You would allow visitors to obtain the information that they need, while letting them feel that they were able to browse your site without being hassled by other ads and offers all the while making them happy. Visitors will leave with a positive attitude and therefore are more likely to respond to the pop advertisement. Since the visitors have the information, they have achieved their objective and are now open to do other things; ideally respond to the pop-under advertisement. Internet marketing strategies could now be applied at this stage. A freebie could be offered for their contact emails to let them feel that they have not left your site empty handed, thereby helping you build your opt-in list. A short survey could be set up to get their opinion and feedback of your site, giving you valuable information on how to better improve your site to earn money online.

Other forms of pop-ups that are fast gaining recognition for their effectiveness are the fly-in pop windows and the pre-loaded pop windows. The fly-in pop window will present itself a few seconds after the surfer visits the page by slowly and unobtrusively flying in either from the side or the top. It is not as obscene as the direct pop-ups and serves to immediately grab the attention of the surfer and direct his focus to your offer. The pre-loaded pop window, on the other hand, loads with the page and appears as if it is "pasted" on the web page after the loading is finished. This pop window does not have any special appearance and forces the surfer to read its message and close it before reading the main content on the web page, thereby making sure your offer is read. Both these pop windows can be effectively coupled with an irresistible offer with the opportunity for you to earn money online.

To further increase the effectiveness of pop windows, several improvements can be made. Pop windows should be made to allow the surfer easy "escape". If the surfer does not want to see the ad and has a hard time closing it out, he is more likely to become frustrated and could leave your site all together. A button should be used that allows the surfer to close the pop window easily or make sure the "x" is clearly visible. Another good idea is to use a script that utilizes cookies. Cookies will prevent pop-windows from overloading the surfer since you can decide the frequency of the pop-windows, rather than each time a page is opened. Also, make sure that there is no more than one pop-up window per page.

During the creation of a pop window, you will be asked to fill out a short information form, decide on the length of cookies, and select the layout of the pop-window. When designing and providing the content of the pop window, you can increase its effectiveness by creating an attention-grabbing headline that includes benefits that will be most appealing to your target customer. Always try to include incentives and never ask the customer to read a long and drawn out sales pitch. Create a perfect pop window that is simple yet powerful and it will surely be one of your most valuable internet marketing tools to earn money online.

self esteem

A low self esteem is one of the leading causes of depression. Working to boost your self esteem can increase your chances for success and happiness on both a personal and professional level. While many people realize that they need to boost their feeling of self worth, it is not always easy to accomplish. However, there are several ways that you can increase your self esteem. Here are seven ways to boost your self esteem.

Play To Your Strengths

First it is important to determine who you are. What nouns can you use to describe yourself (wife, mother, friend, teacher, etc.)? Also make a list of your strengths, capabilities, and skills. Many times our feeling of self worth are wrapped up in our negative perceptions of ourselves, especially in terms of areas where we feel a lack such as our physical appearance, education, finances, job, etc. However it is important to remember that our weight, our skin, our career, etc. are not who we are. Who we are is inside us and too often we hide the beauty of our generous souls, creative natures, and joyful zest behind walls we have built to protect ourselves. This can cut us off from others but even more dangerous it can cut us off from ourselves.

Identify what is unique and special about yourself and regularly reaffirm that you are in fact skilled and knowledgeable in those areas. Find at least one area of your life that is a source of pride and joy in your life. Make sure to give yourself permission to explore that area and experience it as much as possible.

Lay Down Your Burdens

So often we dwell on our weaknesses and worries until they loom larger than life and begin to dominate our thoughts and emotions. Spend a few minutes every day writing down your worries and negative thoughts then close the book and push the negativity to the back of your mind. Concerns that loom so large in your imagination lose their power on paper. Amazingly, after writing them down the anxieties begin to fade.

Be True To Yourself

Too often we experience failure because we let others choose our goals for us whether it is society, our parents, partners, friends, or teachers. Don't set goals based on the expectations of others but rather on what you want to do, what you enjoy doing, and what you dream about doing. Following someone else's dreams rather than our own is setting ourselves up for failure which then leads to lower self esteem. Of course then we are even less likely to pursue our own goals which then leads to a cycle of failure and low self esteem.

Become A Positive Person

Think and speak positively. If you hear a compliment or positive statement about someone you know pass that compliment on to them. An Arabian proverb puts it neatly: Blessed is he who speaks a kindness; thrice blessed he who repeats it. Concentrate on speaking positively of others as well as yourself. The more you concentrate your energy on positive reinforcement for yourself as well as for others the easier it will become to be a positive person with a strong self esteem

This also means becoming a more friendly person to those people who are a regular part of your life as well as strangers you simply pass at the store or on the street. Smile, nod, comment on the weather or life, and focus on giving others a reason to smile as well. Give yourself and others positive rewards for being and doing well.

Take Risks

Learn something new. Start a new hobby, learn a new skill, take a class, read challenging books, or engage in a new physical challenge or activity. Don't be afraid of mistakes or failure. Simply stepping outside your comfortable rut is a success and every new skill and every piece of new knowledge gained is a success. Perhaps the final project is not as successful as you hoped but don't overlook the other gains you made from the experience. Risk-taking builds confidence and gives you the courage to experience still more new things. Each new experience can help you learn and grow as a person as well as give you the opportunity for more success. Maybe that quilt didn't turn out as beautiful as you hoped but you did make new friends in the class or found a great way to relieve stress. And perhaps you learned enough from the experience so your next quilt will be beautiful. Always remember trying and failing still puts you ahead of the person who didn't try at all.

Discount the Negative

Too often our negative perceptions of ourselves, whether it is our physical appearance, our financial status, or professional life, is determined by outside influences. It is important to remember that rarely do these negative projections come from an unbiased source so we should give them little credence. For example, if the messenger is popular culture or media, remember their goal is to make you feel bad about yourself so you will buy what they are selling. Similarly, many people (even people who love you) often build themselves up at the expense of others. It can help you improve your self esteem simply by keeping better company. Positive feeds positive and negative breeds negative. If you choose to be around positive people you in turn will become more positive. Don't accept messages that damage your own self-esteem. It is much easier to improve or change your behavior when you believe you are lovable and capable.

Take Small Steps

A small success can bring a big feeling of competence. Small steps lead to more steps. Pat your self on the back every time you make a small success. Every step counts. Take one step at a time in a positive direction, this is the practice of self-esteem.

Using these seven strategies can help you boost your self esteem and help you lead a happier and more successful life.

in Self Improvement

According to many today, the doctrine of creation is one of those critical doctrines that one must believe in. In many churches, it is required belief before a person becomes a member of the church. However, it has not always been that way. As you will see, this is a relatively new doctrine, invented by twentieth-century young-earth believers and their ministries. Let's take a look at this doctrine…it's history, it's relevance for today, and it's necessity for belief.

What is a Doctrine?

First, let's look at the definition of a doctrine. According to Webster's, a doctrine is "teaching, instruction." However, doctrine as it relates to the church is much more restrictive than this phrase. Doctrine in the church indicates a fundamental truth that must be believed in. A few examples for definitions are:

- philosophy, philosophical system, school of thought, ism -- (a belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school) (Footnote 1)

- is the body of beliefs about God, humankind, Christ, the church, and other related concepts considered authoritative by the community of faith, becoming the standard of interpretation and application of the Bible and the Christian faith.(Footnote 2)

- A set of accepted beliefs held by a group. In religion, it is the set of true beliefs that define the parameters of that belief system.(Footnote 3)

- Positions or principles held to be sacred, or inspired, truths in a system of beliefs. In Christianity, these beliefs are an instruction to be taught to the faithful by means of the catechism, sermons, and through the religious dogma of the church. The Anglican Church's Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion is an example of religious doctrine.(Footnote 4)

As you can see, it is clear that doctrines of the church are key teachings that members should believe in to associate with that particular denomination. The final definition gives us our starting point. An example of doctrine from the Anglican Church is the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion, which defines the Anglican system of belief.

Click on the link to the Thirty-Nine articles, and scan for references to the creation. There are none. Thus, the doctrines which are key to the Anglican system of belief, dating from 1801, do not include any key beliefs about the creation.

Now, let's expand our search to other key systems of belief. When it comes to the history of the church, one of the most telling items about doctrines are the three creeds. Creeds were, from the earliest days of the church, used for the purpose of baptismal professions, in order to teach the new converts the proper path right at the beginning of their Christian walk.(Footnote 5)
First, the Nicene Creed comes from the fourth century. The traditional wording ((Footnote 6) is…

I believe in one God,
the Father Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
and of all things visible and invisible;
And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the only begotten Son of God,
begotten of his Father before all worlds,
God of God, Light of Light,
very God of very God,
begotten, not made,
being of one substance with the Father;
by whom all things were made;
who for us men and for our salvation
came down from heaven,
and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost
of the Virgin Mary,
and was made man;
and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered and was buried;
and the third day he rose again
according to the Scriptures,
and ascended into heaven,
and sitteth on the right hand of the Father;
and he shall come again, with glory,
to judge both the quick and the dead;
whose kingdom shall have no end.
And I believe in the Holy Ghost the Lord, and Giver of Live,
who proceedeth from the Father [and the Son];
who with the Father and the Son together
is worshipped and glorified;
who spake by the Prophets.
And I believe one holy Catholic and Apostolic Church;
I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins;
and I look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come. AMEN.

In the third and fourth lines, the new believer is affirming that God is the creator of all things. Note that there is no reference to a length of creation…it merely states that God is the creator. Thus, to become a believer in the fourth century, there was no requirement for belief in a young earth. In fact, many of the church fathers took II Peter 3:8 to mean the days of creation were 1,000 years long.

Next, consider the Apostles Creed. It appears in it's full form in the 5th century, but it has roots all the way back to the 1st and 2nd century.(Footnote 7) It states…

I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
the Creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord:
who was conceived of the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into hell.
The third day He arose again from the dead.
He ascended into heaven
and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty,
whence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting. Amen.

Once again, we have a general statement that God is the creator, but no specific mention of the length of time that it took. Thus, it would be no problem for an old-earth believer to be accepted in the 2nd century church.

Third, let's consider the Creed of Athanasius. It dates to the fourth century.(Footnote 8) Although it is the longest creed, it does not even mention creation.

Therefore, it is clear from early church doctrines that the length of creation was not a requirement for faith.

Church Denominations

Now, let's consider church denominations, which set standards of belief for their members. As you may be aware, Answers In Creation has a listing of denominations which are open to an old earth. A review of the 50 major denominations that have been reviewed shows that only two are hostile to old-earth believers (independent, fundamental Baptist churches, and the Assemblies of God). Two others have statements denouncing evolution, but do not have a position on the length of the creation days. One of the two largest denominations, the Southern Baptists and Seventh Day Adventists, do not rule out old earth belief, but individual churches vary in their beliefs.

Forty-four of fifty denominations present no problems with old-earth believers.

Is there a pattern here? The roots of the young earth movement are with a man named George McCready Price, a Seventh Day Adventist from the 1900s. He was a loud voice in the move to promote six 24-hour day creationism, starting around 1902.(Footnotes 9,10) Although the Seventh-Day Adventists are now not as restrictive, their statements on creation have deep roots. In fact, the modern movements, led by Answers in Genesis, the Institute for Creation Research, and Kent Hovind, have their roots in Mr. Price.(Footnote 11)

In fact, the Baptist denominations have historically, over the last thirty years, provided the main base for promoting young earth creationism through the parachurch organizations of AiG and ICR. But what about the Assemblies of God? Their statements of faith come from 1916, a time at which Price was preaching his young-earth creationism. Although there is no clear ties between the two, both the Assemblies and Adventists beliefs arose about the same time (the Assemblies had been loosely forming since the 1890s).

The pattern is that young earth creationism did not start until the 1900's, and then only in a few select denominations, in which it continues to this day, with the help of a few outspoken individuals and third-party organizations. Interestingly, during the fundamentalist movement of the 1920s, early fundamentalists railed against evolution, but did not make any clear prohibitions against an old earth. Evolution was the enemy, not an old earth.(Footnote 10)

Why did the father of young-earth creationism, Price, preach so adamantly about creation? Seventh Day Adventists claimed that they had a vision, in which they saw the creation of the world in six 24-hour days. Thus, you could easily say that today's young earth movement is based on a vision (someone's dream?)…not a solid base upon which to make a real doctrine!(Footnote 12)

Creation Becomes a Doctrine!

We have just looked at the churches that made creationism a fundamental belief. It appears that this doctrine did not exist prior to 1900. It is a 20th century creation, and is only adhered to by a few churches (even the Southern Baptists do not claim it is a doctrine, although many of their churches will argue for it).

Starting in the 1920s, Fundamentalism grew, and eventually several individuals saw the need to defend the young-earth position of creation. There were many, but most significant of these is the ministry of Henry Morris, who founded the Institute for Creation Research in 1970. Through this ministry (which took off in 1961 with his book The Genesis Flood) he and his disciples proclaim creation as a doctrine. This can be seen in Chapter 17 of his book, Biblical Creationism, first published in 1993, and in Impact Article Number 132, from 1984.


In summary, young-earth ministries of the 20th century have added the doctrine of creation to the church. For nearly 1,900 years, this doctrine was not needed. However, because of a vision (dream) from some Seventh Day Adventists, we are now stuck in this creation battle, as young-earth/old-earth proponents argue their position against each other.

A young-earth doctrine is not a part of most church denominations, nor was it ever a part of any pre twentieth-century church organizations which were responsible for setting doctrinal beliefs. As such, this doctrine should pass into history.

Millions of people, when given the choice of believing in a young earth, when all the evidence from God's creation says it is old, were turned away from the gospel. Fundamentalists of the 1920s and later made a fundamental mistake by insisting on a young earth. From that time, the word "Fundamentalism" has been used by the secular world to stereotype Christians, and it has done much harm. It is clear from scripture that you can believe in an old earth, and still believe in an inerrant Bible. You can be a fundamentalist and believe in an old earth.

We must stop turning people off to the Bible by insisting on young earth belief. Yes, many thousands have been saved by young-earth ministries…but compared with the millions that have been lost, the choice is clear.


1 WordNet 2.0 Search
2 Jude Ministries Definition (
3 (
4 PBS.COM, Church Vs. State Glossary (
5 The Three Creeds (
6 The Nicene Creed (
7 The History of the Apostles Creed (
8 The Athanasian Creed (
9 George Price Biography (
10 The Historical Development of Creationism (
11 The Historical Development of Creationism, Part 3 (
12 Special Revelation, through dreams and direct contact with God, is believed by all non-Pentecostal churches to have ended after the Apostles departed the earth

in Religion

web site promotion -readbud

Why Great Website Makeovers Begin With Copywriting
in Copywriting

"Can you give me some feedback on my website?" a life coach named "Kevin" asked his e-zine subscribers. "I just revised my site - -finally!"

Naturally, I couldn't resist clicking over to see what Kevin had done. I knew Kevin was a thoughtful coach with a reputation for high integrity.

Kevin's new site cried out for a re-makeover. He had paid a designer to get drop-down menus and a bit of flash. As a result, Kevin admitted, "I have no budget to pay a copywriter."


After skimming a few pages of the site, I emailed Kevin. "Who is your target market? What do you offer? How are you unique?"

Kevin replied, "I asked for feedback. I don't have time to answer a lot of questions. And everyone tells me the site looks professional."

Okay. I can take a hint.

Sure, the site looks professional. But Kevin admits he's in trouble. So far, he's gotten nothing but compliments -- no orders and no calls.

What can we learn from Kevin?

(1) Copywriters can save you money.

Often I (and other experienced copywriters) can save clients money on web design. Kevin didn't need all those bells and whistles. In fact, some Internet marketing gurus claim they do more harm than good.

And Kevin didn't understand HTML, let alone CSS. A copywriter might serve as go-between, translating Kevin's requirements into web design language. Your web designer saves time - which translates into saving money.

(2) Copywriters help you earn money.

Reading between the lines, I discovered Kevin could be a stand-out. He has developed an innovative 5-step process to help clients overcome obstacles and take charge of their lives.

But Kevin doesn't realize why he's unique, so his website reads like five thousand other life coaching sites: vague promises of "take your life to the next level," "discover what's important to you" and "enjoy the work you love."

Naturally I'm disguising the details of "Kevin's" story, but I really don't have to. Hundreds (maybe thousands) of sites sound just like Kevin's.

(3) Copywriting is collaborative.

Like Kevin, my clients often think they can show me a few pages of a website and say, "Make it sell!" Copywriting requires energy and planning, whether you're a do-it-yourselfer or a firm believer in outsourcing to a specialist.

My clients often invest many hours answering my questionnaire. As they write, they often realize there's a hole in their business strategy. Or they're sitting on buried treasure.

Until I know what Kevin wants to do with his website and his business, I can't make realistic recommendations - even as a casual ezine reader. I need to evaluate Kevin's copy in the context of Kevin's own goals, target market and unique selling proposition.

Kevin could do this himself. But, like most busy business owners, he didn't want to invest the time. And he wasn't sure what questions to ask.

When clients hire me, we have the luxury (and fun!) of creating a marketing message that hits the target market squarely in the center of the bull's-eye.

Bottom Line: Websites deliver messages. Without a message, a website is a calling card - nice when you have more business than you can handle.

Most of the time, revising copy brings traffic and sales. Websites typically earn back the copy investment with just a few new clients, not to mention saving energy and funds by avoiding a makeover to recover the makeover.

And one day you realize you're not getting compliments... but you *are* getting sales.

self esteem

A low self esteem is one of the leading causes of depression. Working to boost your self esteem can increase your chances for success and happiness on both a personal and professional level. While many people realize that they need to boost their feeling of self worth, it is not always easy to accomplish. However, there are several ways that you can increase your self esteem. Here are seven ways to boost your self esteem.

Play To Your Strengths

First it is important to determine who you are. What nouns can you use to describe yourself (wife, mother, friend, teacher, etc.)? Also make a list of your strengths, capabilities, and skills. Many times our feeling of self worth are wrapped up in our negative perceptions of ourselves, especially in terms of areas where we feel a lack such as our physical appearance, education, finances, job, etc. However it is important to remember that our weight, our skin, our career, etc. are not who we are. Who we are is inside us and too often we hide the beauty of our generous souls, creative natures, and joyful zest behind walls we have built to protect ourselves. This can cut us off from others but even more dangerous it can cut us off from ourselves.

Identify what is unique and special about yourself and regularly reaffirm that you are in fact skilled and knowledgeable in those areas. Find at least one area of your life that is a source of pride and joy in your life. Make sure to give yourself permission to explore that area and experience it as much as possible.

Lay Down Your Burdens

So often we dwell on our weaknesses and worries until they loom larger than life and begin to dominate our thoughts and emotions. Spend a few minutes every day writing down your worries and negative thoughts then close the book and push the negativity to the back of your mind. Concerns that loom so large in your imagination lose their power on paper. Amazingly, after writing them down the anxieties begin to fade.

Be True To Yourself

Too often we experience failure because we let others choose our goals for us whether it is society, our parents, partners, friends, or teachers. Don't set goals based on the expectations of others but rather on what you want to do, what you enjoy doing, and what you dream about doing. Following someone else's dreams rather than our own is setting ourselves up for failure which then leads to lower self esteem. Of course then we are even less likely to pursue our own goals which then leads to a cycle of failure and low self esteem.

Become A Positive Person

Think and speak positively. If you hear a compliment or positive statement about someone you know pass that compliment on to them. An Arabian proverb puts it neatly: Blessed is he who speaks a kindness; thrice blessed he who repeats it. Concentrate on speaking positively of others as well as yourself. The more you concentrate your energy on positive reinforcement for yourself as well as for others the easier it will become to be a positive person with a strong self esteem

This also means becoming a more friendly person to those people who are a regular part of your life as well as strangers you simply pass at the store or on the street. Smile, nod, comment on the weather or life, and focus on giving others a reason to smile as well. Give yourself and others positive rewards for being and doing well.

Take Risks

Learn something new. Start a new hobby, learn a new skill, take a class, read challenging books, or engage in a new physical challenge or activity. Don't be afraid of mistakes or failure. Simply stepping outside your comfortable rut is a success and every new skill and every piece of new knowledge gained is a success. Perhaps the final project is not as successful as you hoped but don't overlook the other gains you made from the experience. Risk-taking builds confidence and gives you the courage to experience still more new things. Each new experience can help you learn and grow as a person as well as give you the opportunity for more success. Maybe that quilt didn't turn out as beautiful as you hoped but you did make new friends in the class or found a great way to relieve stress. And perhaps you learned enough from the experience so your next quilt will be beautiful. Always remember trying and failing still puts you ahead of the person who didn't try at all.

Discount the Negative

Too often our negative perceptions of ourselves, whether it is our physical appearance, our financial status, or professional life, is determined by outside influences. It is important to remember that rarely do these negative projections come from an unbiased source so we should give them little credence. For example, if the messenger is popular culture or media, remember their goal is to make you feel bad about yourself so you will buy what they are selling. Similarly, many people (even people who love you) often build themselves up at the expense of others. It can help you improve your self esteem simply by keeping better company. Positive feeds positive and negative breeds negative. If you choose to be around positive people you in turn will become more positive. Don't accept messages that damage your own self-esteem. It is much easier to improve or change your behavior when you believe you are lovable and capable.

Take Small Steps

A small success can bring a big feeling of competence. Small steps lead to more steps. Pat your self on the back every time you make a small success. Every step counts. Take one step at a time in a positive direction, this is the practice of self-esteem.

Using these seven strategies can help you boost your self esteem and help you lead a happier and more successful life.

in Self Improvement

According to many today, the doctrine of creation is one of those critical doctrines that one must believe in. In many churches, it is required belief before a person becomes a member of the church. However, it has not always been that way. As you will see, this is a relatively new doctrine, invented by twentieth-century young-earth believers and their ministries. Let's take a look at this doctrine…it's history, it's relevance for today, and it's necessity for belief.

What is a Doctrine?

First, let's look at the definition of a doctrine. According to Webster's, a doctrine is "teaching, instruction." However, doctrine as it relates to the church is much more restrictive than this phrase. Doctrine in the church indicates a fundamental truth that must be believed in. A few examples for definitions are:

- philosophy, philosophical system, school of thought, ism -- (a belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school) (Footnote 1)

- is the body of beliefs about God, humankind, Christ, the church, and other related concepts considered authoritative by the community of faith, becoming the standard of interpretation and application of the Bible and the Christian faith.(Footnote 2)

- A set of accepted beliefs held by a group. In religion, it is the set of true beliefs that define the parameters of that belief system.(Footnote 3)

- Positions or principles held to be sacred, or inspired, truths in a system of beliefs. In Christianity, these beliefs are an instruction to be taught to the faithful by means of the catechism, sermons, and through the religious dogma of the church. The Anglican Church's Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion is an example of religious doctrine.(Footnote 4)

As you can see, it is clear that doctrines of the church are key teachings that members should believe in to associate with that particular denomination. The final definition gives us our starting point. An example of doctrine from the Anglican Church is the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion, which defines the Anglican system of belief.

Click on the link to the Thirty-Nine articles, and scan for references to the creation. There are none. Thus, the doctrines which are key to the Anglican system of belief, dating from 1801, do not include any key beliefs about the creation.

Now, let's expand our search to other key systems of belief. When it comes to the history of the church, one of the most telling items about doctrines are the three creeds. Creeds were, from the earliest days of the church, used for the purpose of baptismal professions, in order to teach the new converts the proper path right at the beginning of their Christian walk.(Footnote 5)
First, the Nicene Creed comes from the fourth century. The traditional wording ((Footnote 6) is…

I believe in one God,
the Father Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
and of all things visible and invisible;
And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the only begotten Son of God,
begotten of his Father before all worlds,
God of God, Light of Light,
very God of very God,
begotten, not made,
being of one substance with the Father;
by whom all things were made;
who for us men and for our salvation
came down from heaven,
and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost
of the Virgin Mary,
and was made man;
and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered and was buried;
and the third day he rose again
according to the Scriptures,
and ascended into heaven,
and sitteth on the right hand of the Father;
and he shall come again, with glory,
to judge both the quick and the dead;
whose kingdom shall have no end.
And I believe in the Holy Ghost the Lord, and Giver of Live,
who proceedeth from the Father [and the Son];
who with the Father and the Son together
is worshipped and glorified;
who spake by the Prophets.
And I believe one holy Catholic and Apostolic Church;
I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins;
and I look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come. AMEN.

In the third and fourth lines, the new believer is affirming that God is the creator of all things. Note that there is no reference to a length of creation…it merely states that God is the creator. Thus, to become a believer in the fourth century, there was no requirement for belief in a young earth. In fact, many of the church fathers took II Peter 3:8 to mean the days of creation were 1,000 years long.

Next, consider the Apostles Creed. It appears in it's full form in the 5th century, but it has roots all the way back to the 1st and 2nd century.(Footnote 7) It states…

I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
the Creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord:
who was conceived of the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into hell.
The third day He arose again from the dead.
He ascended into heaven
and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty,
whence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting. Amen.

Once again, we have a general statement that God is the creator, but no specific mention of the length of time that it took. Thus, it would be no problem for an old-earth believer to be accepted in the 2nd century church.

Third, let's consider the Creed of Athanasius. It dates to the fourth century.(Footnote 8) Although it is the longest creed, it does not even mention creation.

Therefore, it is clear from early church doctrines that the length of creation was not a requirement for faith.

Church Denominations

Now, let's consider church denominations, which set standards of belief for their members. As you may be aware, Answers In Creation has a listing of denominations which are open to an old earth. A review of the 50 major denominations that have been reviewed shows that only two are hostile to old-earth believers (independent, fundamental Baptist churches, and the Assemblies of God). Two others have statements denouncing evolution, but do not have a position on the length of the creation days. One of the two largest denominations, the Southern Baptists and Seventh Day Adventists, do not rule out old earth belief, but individual churches vary in their beliefs.

Forty-four of fifty denominations present no problems with old-earth believers.

Is there a pattern here? The roots of the young earth movement are with a man named George McCready Price, a Seventh Day Adventist from the 1900s. He was a loud voice in the move to promote six 24-hour day creationism, starting around 1902.(Footnotes 9,10) Although the Seventh-Day Adventists are now not as restrictive, their statements on creation have deep roots. In fact, the modern movements, led by Answers in Genesis, the Institute for Creation Research, and Kent Hovind, have their roots in Mr. Price.(Footnote 11)

In fact, the Baptist denominations have historically, over the last thirty years, provided the main base for promoting young earth creationism through the parachurch organizations of AiG and ICR. But what about the Assemblies of God? Their statements of faith come from 1916, a time at which Price was preaching his young-earth creationism. Although there is no clear ties between the two, both the Assemblies and Adventists beliefs arose about the same time (the Assemblies had been loosely forming since the 1890s).

The pattern is that young earth creationism did not start until the 1900's, and then only in a few select denominations, in which it continues to this day, with the help of a few outspoken individuals and third-party organizations. Interestingly, during the fundamentalist movement of the 1920s, early fundamentalists railed against evolution, but did not make any clear prohibitions against an old earth. Evolution was the enemy, not an old earth.(Footnote 10)

Why did the father of young-earth creationism, Price, preach so adamantly about creation? Seventh Day Adventists claimed that they had a vision, in which they saw the creation of the world in six 24-hour days. Thus, you could easily say that today's young earth movement is based on a vision (someone's dream?)…not a solid base upon which to make a real doctrine!(Footnote 12)

Creation Becomes a Doctrine!

We have just looked at the churches that made creationism a fundamental belief. It appears that this doctrine did not exist prior to 1900. It is a 20th century creation, and is only adhered to by a few churches (even the Southern Baptists do not claim it is a doctrine, although many of their churches will argue for it).

Starting in the 1920s, Fundamentalism grew, and eventually several individuals saw the need to defend the young-earth position of creation. There were many, but most significant of these is the ministry of Henry Morris, who founded the Institute for Creation Research in 1970. Through this ministry (which took off in 1961 with his book The Genesis Flood) he and his disciples proclaim creation as a doctrine. This can be seen in Chapter 17 of his book, Biblical Creationism, first published in 1993, and in Impact Article Number 132, from 1984.


In summary, young-earth ministries of the 20th century have added the doctrine of creation to the church. For nearly 1,900 years, this doctrine was not needed. However, because of a vision (dream) from some Seventh Day Adventists, we are now stuck in this creation battle, as young-earth/old-earth proponents argue their position against each other.

A young-earth doctrine is not a part of most church denominations, nor was it ever a part of any pre twentieth-century church organizations which were responsible for setting doctrinal beliefs. As such, this doctrine should pass into history.

Millions of people, when given the choice of believing in a young earth, when all the evidence from God's creation says it is old, were turned away from the gospel. Fundamentalists of the 1920s and later made a fundamental mistake by insisting on a young earth. From that time, the word "Fundamentalism" has been used by the secular world to stereotype Christians, and it has done much harm. It is clear from scripture that you can believe in an old earth, and still believe in an inerrant Bible. You can be a fundamentalist and believe in an old earth.

We must stop turning people off to the Bible by insisting on young earth belief. Yes, many thousands have been saved by young-earth ministries…but compared with the millions that have been lost, the choice is clear.


1 WordNet 2.0 Search
2 Jude Ministries Definition (
3 (
4 PBS.COM, Church Vs. State Glossary (
5 The Three Creeds (
6 The Nicene Creed (
7 The History of the Apostles Creed (
8 The Athanasian Creed (
9 George Price Biography (
10 The Historical Development of Creationism (
11 The Historical Development of Creationism, Part 3 (
12 Special Revelation, through dreams and direct contact with God, is believed by all non-Pentecostal churches to have ended after the Apostles departed the earth

in Religion

Saturday, December 4, 2010


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Note - This is a FREE Gift only for a limited time:
"I Am Giving You The License To Resell A Product That Could Literally Help Millions Of People During This Recession"

(You Not Only Have An Opportunity To Help People, But You Also Have A Potential Gold Mine Here...)

From: Francis Ochoco, First Ever eBay Entrepreneur Of The Year

Dear Fellow Entrepreneur,

During this recession, an increased number of people are looking to either make extra cash selling used items on eBay or to start an eBay business.

(Did you know that most people online are newbies and that eBay is a newbie magnet?)

This Is Where You Come In...

I have created a set of video tutorials (28 videos in total) for you that you can sell to this hungry market...

This video course is targeted towards the majority of people who have been affected by the recession and are now looking for opportunities online.

You see, one of the most credible online opportunities is selling on eBay because of all the eBay success stories covered in the news.

This course is no hype, just basic information on how to make money instantly (and simply) on eBay.

After watching these videos, people will be able to make money on eBay IMMEDIATELY.

There’s no need for them to learn HTML, SEO, PPC, how to do joint ventures, how to do article marketing, and no need to spend many hours getting an internet business up and running.

What Makes This Video Course Different From The Others?

What makes this eBay video tutorial course different from most other eBay courses?

One, this course shows me in real time selling on eBay. This way, you get to see the whole process from start to finish. (It's like having me come to your home and personally teaching you how to sell on eBay.)

Two, this course is laser focused on the newbie, whereas most eBay video courses only briefly cover beginner material and then just skip to talking about advanced stuff.

I literally take you by the hand and show you each step in this video tutorial.

In essence, this course provides the foundation that most eBay beginners need. Once they have this foundation, making money on eBay becomes much simpler.

What Makes This Video Course Better Than The Others?

There are a lot of excellent eBay courses out there so I'm not going to say that this is the best.

But, I will say this...

This is one of the most detailed eBay courses you will find. (Take a look at the list of videos below)


This is one of the most up-to-date eBay courses in the market...

Here Are The Videos You Will Get Resell Rights To (For FREE)

Video 1:
Watch Me Register On eBay (Time: 5:16)

This video shows me going through each step of the registration process.

In the past, I have consulted people locally and trust me, I have had clients who were terrified of the registration process because of their lack of computer experience.

So, I have created this video with these people in mind.

Video 2:

How To Register For A Paypal Account (Time: 4:02)

Again, just like in Video 1, this video was created for people who are new to the online thing.

Video 3:

The "My eBay" Page (Time: 4:06)

Here, I quickly cover what you can do in your "My eBay" page.

Video 4:

Watch Me Link My Paypal Account To My eBay Account (Time: 1:58)

This is a simple process many people don't know how to do. I show you how easy it is in this video.

Video 5:

eBay Listing Fees (Time: 5:12)

It's important to know your profit margins on eBay so in this video, I'll talk about the fees you can expect for the various types of listings you can post on eBay.

Video 6:

Prohibited Items On eBay (Time: 2:17)

Before you start selling on eBay, make sure the item you plan to sell is allowed on eBay.

Or, if it is allowed on eBay, know what the rules are for that item.

Video 7:

3 Ways To Get Free Help In Your eBay Business (Time: 4:49)

In this video, I show you where you can go to get free eBay tips.

Video 8:

The Importance Of Your eBay Feedback And Reputation (Time: 7:32)

Most people know that having a high feedback score is important for your reputation on eBay, but most don't know the other benefits of having a high feedback score.

In this video, I also cover how eBay's latest feedback system works.

Video 9:

What Is An Auction Style Listing And When You Should Use It (Time: 2:30)

There are different types of eBay listings you can post and in this video, I talk about the 'auction' type and when you should use it.

Video 10:

What Is A Fixed Price Listing And When You Should Use It (Time: 7:23)

There are 2 types of fixed price listings and I will tell you in this video which situations to use them in.

Video 11:

The Different Types Of Multiple Item Listings (Time: 6:47)

Here, I give examples of the different types of multiple item listings.

Video 12:

eBay Classified Ads (Time: 5:26)

In this video, I tell you how eBay Classified Ads work, which categories on eBay you can list Classified Ads in, and I show you an example of one.

Video 13:

What Is A Reserve Price (Time: 2:58)

Here, I explain what a reserve price is, what situation you would use it in, and I show you an example.

Video 14:

How To Search For Items To Buy On eBay (Time: 6:45)

It's important to know how to search for items on eBay so you know how your auctions are found by your customers.

The more knowledge you have, the better you will be at increasing traffic to your auction listings.

Video 15:

Watch Me Buy On eBay And Pay Through Paypal (Time: 4:26)

Before you start selling on eBay, it's important to buy items first so that you can get familiar with the sales process.

Watch me as I buy something and pay through Paypal.

Video 16:

Watch Me Leave Feedback For The Seller (Time: 2:34)

After buying and receiving the item, I show beginners the process of leaving feedback for the seller.

Video 17:

Why You Should Have Multiple eBay Accounts (Time: 1:46)

Here, I explain why it's important to have multiple eBay accounts.

Video 18:

What I Do Before I List On eBay (Time: 8:12)

Watch what I do to ensure that I am able to sell my product for a high price on eBay.

Video 19:

Watch Me List An Auction On eBay - Part 1 (Time: 4:03)

Now you get to watch me list a product on eBay. I go through each step in detail and that is why I have broken this process into 5 videos.

In this video, I choose the category that I'm going to list my product in. I have a few options to choose from and I'll tell you the strategy behind choosing the category I will list in.

Video 20:

Watch Me List An Auction On eBay - Part 2 (Time: 5:34)

Here, I share with you a couple of tips on how to make your title catchy and grab buyers' attention.

I even show you how to make your listing show up more in search results (using a free feature on eBay).

Video 21:

Watch Me List An Auction On eBay - Part 3 (Time: 5:53)

Here, I enter the product description and select the listing format. I also share with you a tip on how not to turn off customers.

Video 22:

Watch Me List An Auction On eBay - Part 4 (Time: 4:33)

In this video, I provide tips on entering your shipping information.

And, I tell you how to get more bids.

Video 23:

Watch Me List An Auction On eBay - Part 5 (Time: 5:03)

In this video, I review my listing before it goes live.

I also tell you about the listing upgrades and when to use them.

Video 24:

Post Sale Analysis (Time: 4:31)

I analyze the results after my item has sold.

I tell you why my listing got over 100 unique hits while my competitors only got 4 unique hits to their listings.

Video 25:

Watch Me Send An Invoice To A Customer (Time: 2:37)

Watch as I go through the process of sending an invoice to my customer. You'll see how quick and easy this is.

You'll also see how to give discounts.

Video 26:

The Shipping Process (Time: 4:57)

I share some tips here on shipping your product, including creating and printing a shipping label from online.

Video 27:

Watch Me Leave Feedback For A Buyer (Time: 3:06)

Earlier, you saw me leave feedback for a seller. Now, you're going to see me leave feedback for the buyer.

Leaving feedback for buyer and seller is the same except for a couple of differences (as a result of eBay's new rules), which I point out in this video.

Video 28:

Watch Me Notify My Customer Of Product Shipment (Time: 4:24)

The last step is to communicate to the buyer and ensure that their buying experience was a pleasant one.

This is important so that you can establish a good relationship with your customer, which will result in he/she becoming a repeat customer of yours.

I also show you how you can use this process as an opportunity to market your website.

And, I show you how to make this a quick and simple process that you can easily outsource to your staff.

What You Will Receive

Along with the videos, you will receive a mini site with graphics and a professional sales letter that you can use to market these videos.

Click here to get your FREE videos with Resell Rights now.

Your rights:

[YES] Can sell and keep 100% of the profits.
[YES] Can market these videos offline for thousands of dollars.
[YES] Can sell this video series in an OTO.
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[YES] Can be posted onto your blog to add value to your readers.
[YES] Can be added to PAID and FREE membership sites.
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus with other PAID and FREE products.
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[YES] Can Sell on auction sites.
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[NO] Can Be Edited and Your Name Put on it.
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Click Here To Download

To your success,

Francis Ochoco
a.k.a. "The Auction Executive"
First Ever eBay Entrepreneur Of The Year
(Contact: Francis(at)

P.S. - I can't guarantee that these videos will be free for long. If you are slightly interested in getting these videos (and getting Resell Rights to them for free), I suggest you do it now before I change my mind.

Click here to download your videos and start profiting from them right away.

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Friday, December 3, 2010

public speaking-readbud

9 Tips for Handling Public Speaking Questions

How you handle questions from an audience can often be the deciding factor as to how your presentation is received. If you're pitching for business, then it's absolutely vital to handle questions well.

1. Be prepared for questions - When you write your presentation, think about what you're likely to be asked and what your answer is going to be. Maybe you won't want to answer a particular question there and then, so think about what you'll say to satisfy the questioner.

2. Make it clear at the start - You may decide to take questions as you go or at the end of your presentation. Whatever you decide, make it clear at the start and don't change your mind. I would suggest questions at the end in a short presentation; if you take questions as you go, then your timing will get knocked out. And always remember, an audience won't forgive you for taking half an hour when you were only scheduled to speak for fifteen minutes.

3. Never finish with questions - Far better to ask for questions five or ten minutes before the end, deal with the questions and then summarise for a strong finish. Too many presentations finish on questions and the whole thing goes a bit flat - particularly if you don't get any.

4. Listen - When asked a question, listen and look like your listening. It may be something you've heard a million times before. Treat the questioner with respect and don't trivialise their point.

5. Thank the questioner - It's only polite, it shows respect and it gives you a bit more time to consider your answer.

6. Repeat the essence of the question - Some people may not have heard the question so your answer may not make any sense to them. It can also be irritating for them not to hear the question. Again, it gives you more time to think of the answer and it makes you look so clever and in control.

7. Answer to everyone - Don't fall into the trap of only answering the questioner. If they happen to be near the front then you could end up having a conversation with them and exclude everyone else.

8. Keep it simple - Many speakers, when it comes to questions, have become more relaxed and the fact that someone is interested enough to ask them a question, leads them to go on too long with the answer - DON'T.

9. Don't bluff or bluster - If you don't know the answer to a question, say so and find out. Suggest to the questioner that you'll 'phone them or come and see them with the answer. It can even be a good way to make further contact after the presentation.

As we all know, it's possible that you may not be asked any questions and you then have that awkward silence. People may be thinking about what you've just said and may need more time to ask. They may also be a bit shy and may take a few minutes to speak out. Why not have a question of your own prepared and say something like. "You may be asking yourself.........?" If you still fail to get any questions then go straight into your summary and closing statement.

Handling a question and answer session well, demonstrates your professionalism and reflects on your message.

The History Of Audio Books

It's really amazing that you can get the exact value listening to an audio book while doing your normal chores as you would reading it.

Certain experts even say information sinks in more when we are not paying direct attention to them.

But when did this audio book phenomenon really start? In other words, what's the history of audio books?

From all indications, audio books look like a very recent invention, right?


It is very easy to make the assumption that audio books are a recent invention because of the mention of CDs, downloadable digital formats, MP3s, PDAs and other technological jargons each time audio books are discussed. But audio books started a long time ago.

To know how long audio books have been, it is pertinent to understand exactly what audio books are.

Forget about any other jargon you have heard, audio books are simply books that are recorded to be heard, instead of read.

That being the case, such recordings of books in audio formats have been around for a very long time. If you want to be specific, it is safe to say they were first introduced over half a century ago.

It could even be longer, if you include the Library of Congress recordings made especially for the American Foundation for the Blind and distributed free throughout the U.S.

However, according to Robin Whitten, the editor and founder of the only magazine which is dedicated solely to the audio book industry:

Audiofile--, Caedmon (now a subsidiary of Harper Collins Publishers) can be credited to have started the recordings of literature as far back as 50 years ago.

Going further, he said Caedmon was just a small company way back then in New York, which started recording the audio of great authors and poets of the 1950s. Specifically, he said one of the earliest recordings were by greats such as Dylan Thomas, T.S. Eliot, Fitzgerald and Robert Frost.

What happened then was that they were simply recorded while doing their own works and made as vinyl records.

But these early recordings can arguably pass off for the first collection of audio books ever.

However, the transition of these book recordings into audiocassette tapes didn't happen until the late 1970s up to the 1980s. From thence, it blossomed until audio books in audiocassette tapes came to be accepted by all and sundry.

For whatever reason however, the audio book phenomenon didn't really kick off until the 1990s.

And with the transition from audiocassette technology into CDs, more people have become interested in audio books.

With the advent of the Internet and its paraphernalia, audio books have now transited from vinyl records, audiocassette taps and CDs into downloadable digital formats that can be listened to with a desktop computer, laptop computer, PDAs, etc.

If you are still interested in "going back in time" you can get the original book recordings that started this audio book industry.


Not really.

Some of those early 1950s analog recordings by Caedmon which were performed by the greats of those days can be purchased today on the Internet.

For example, recently I was able to browse the Internet thoroughly and found the original recording of "The Lord of the Rings" as read by J.R.R. Tolken.

You can find that classic you have always dreamt of in audio book format if

free publishing-readbud

Write, Publish and Market a Book with No Out-of-Pocket Money

Do you dream of having a book published, but don't know where to turn? Already have a book, but unsure of how to promote it? Looking for cost effective high-return strategies to market your book? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the following information is for you.

Many writers and aspiring authors are under the mistaken belief if their book is published by a publishing house they can sit back and watch sales miraculously happen. Nothing could be further from the truth. Fact is, competition to have your manuscript noticed and published by a large house is extremely fierce. Additionally, no matter who publishes your book, you absolutely must take an active roll in marketing, promoting and selling your book.

Moreover, profit margins are not extremely good when you go through a publisher. Sure, if you sell tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of books, you make substantial amounts of money. In reality only a small percentage of writers achieve this level of success.

A great model for achieving success is to self-publish and actively promote your book. Self-publishing is one of the best ways to get your manuscript to market quickly is to. Another great benefit of self-publishing is you have complete control of the creative process. You make the decisions on content, editing, cover design, title and you reap the profits.

A primary downside with self publishing are costs involved. Depending on whether or not you hire an editor, designer, layout person and cost of printing, the initial outlay for self-publishing a book can be several thousands of dollars for the first run. Besides there are no guarantees your book will sell. However, you can lessen your risk of costs and increase your level of sales with a simple formula.

Imagine if you could self publish with no out of pocket money. Additionally, imagine gaining lots of free publicity and visibility in your market at the same time. I know this to be true, because I have done it.

The following formula is one that can be used by virtually anyone to raise funds to publish a book. In addition, you can gain great visibility, do the initial run with no out of pocket money and position yourself for volume sales.

Although the formula is rather simple in concept, it is not necessarily easy to do as it takes planning, time, effort, consistency and great follow up to make it work as well as possible.

You can write, publish and market a book with no out of pocket expenses by hosting a seminar with a topic that is linked to the book. In order to keep costs down in the rollout host the seminar in your local market. You can further offset costs by securing sponsors for the seminar. Event sponsors provide funding necessary to the costs of an event. They can either contribute in actual dollars or with in-kind offerings. Sponsors underwrite various aspects of an event.

I did this at the beginning of December with my most recent book, "101 Ways to Get Your Foot in the Door" and had an incredible response. Although there was a lot of work involved in the rollout the results were, and continue to be, incredible.

Besides writing content for the book each author had a very specific role. Mine was the marketing and promotions of the book. The first level was to develop a clear marketing strategy for my 3 co-authors and myself.

Prior to beginning the writing of the book, we developed a very detailed project plan. The plan included hosting an event to introduce the book to our local market.

Knowing the costs to an event such as we were planning, I knew it would be beneficial to secure sponsors. I developed a very solid proposal for sponsorship of the seminar. Because of very detailed information and showing the sponsors how they would gain from being involved, I was able to secure two excellent sponsors. One is a primary business newspaper in Utah and the other is an organization who targets start up businesses.

The paper was more than willing to do some advertising for the event in exchange for some great visibility and additional subscribers. The organization offset the costs of the room and audio-visual equipment in exchange for mentions in the advertising and all pre-event promotions. Both sponsors were given the opportunity to do a 5 minute presentation at the seminar and distribute promotional information to everyone in attendance. It was a win/win all the way around.

Had I not had a clear-cut proposal for the potential sponsors chances are I would not have secured their support. Also, I know it is easier to gain support from businesses who know me rather than trying to get sponsorship from an organization who has no idea who I am. The same will be true for most anyone.

With day of event expenses covered, we could now focus on generating revenue for publishing the book. This was done by pre-selling the book. Anyone who purchased the book sight unseen by November 28, 2004 was given a seat into the seminar on December 2nd.

With initial revenues from pre-seminar sales designed to offset book production costs we were able to write, market and publish the book with no out of pocket money. By utilizing the databases of all four authors, press releases, pre-event radio interviews and presentations at Chambers and local organizations, word of mouth promotions, and other low-cost/no-cost forms of promotions, we sold over 350 copies sight unseen. (Cost of the book is $19.95)

We had well over 200 people attend the seminar as some of the pre-event purchases were from folks who were out of the area.

A key to our success was having a functional website were the book was (and is) available. We utilized online credit card purchasing options for buyers. In that 80% of our sales were done with Internet and credit cards, we would have been remiss to not use this as a method to sell.

As we were pre-selling it was important to let people know that the cost of a seat into the seminar was the book. Also, if they didn't make it to the seminar we would mail them the book for $4 more or they could pick it up. The $4 covered mailing costs. If we didn't do this we would have cut way into our profit margin.

We made a strong point of letting people know they were buying the book, not the seat into the seminar. However, the only way into the seminar was to buy the book.

To gain even more value from the event and increase day of event revenues each author sold other products Back of the Room (BOR). One author sold a sales training program. The signups that day realized several thousand in additional revenue for her.

The two other authors sold specialty items and set up appointments for those who were interested in such things in their sales campaigns.

I sold my Street Smarts Marketing and Promotions™ program as an E-book. This helped me to generate several thousand in additional revenue. Knowing audience members were already interested in my material, I put together a special day of event package with three of my e-products bundled together. Everyone received one of my order forms upon registering.

At the end of my session I did a short sales presentation. All folks had to do was fill out the order form. With each sale, all I had to do was process their credit cards and email them the PDF document. No mailing costs or printing costs. Nearly a 100% profit margin.

Many self published authors shy away from doing presentations claiming to be an author and not a speaker. Fact is, if you get in front of a target audience who is interested in your topic and you present your ideas well the amount of books you can sell is incredible.

The book complimented by a well delivered presentation allow you to get in front of meeting planners who may be in a position to utilize your services and your book at a later date. You may also have representatives from companies who want to buy large quantities of your book.

Since the release of the book I have had some companies buy "101 Ways to Get You're your Foot in the Door" in large quantities. Because Maxwell Publishing is my company and the book was published through Maxwell, I have the flexibility to do special runs. With a minimum purchase a client can add their logo to the front cover of the book and a personalized letter from whomever they choose included in the book. This is a great marketing tool for them with long-term benefits to their employees or customers.

Granted, myself and one of the other authors are professional speakers so presenting at an event such as I outlined is a part of our marketing model. However, two of the authors are not professional speakers per say. Yet, in their everyday business they do present frequently. However, with this event, it was a different type of presentation for them. They will be the first to admit that additional exposure and sales were worth doing this type of presentation.

Regardless of your topic the model we implemented can be used by virtually anyone. For example, if you have a book on nutrition, find a health food store who wants more foot traffic and visibility. They may be a perfect fit as a sponsor. Not only can they help you to offset costs they can help to promote the event. At the seminar you can promote their products with coupons, mentions and information provided. It's a win/win.

If you have a book on real estate sales there's bound to be a mortgage company who may be interested in sponsoring you. Perhaps they would be willing to buy a book for every real estate agent who does business with them. Or, they could give a book to each of their mortgage brokers.

If you have a book on childhood development, what about a baby clothing store? Perhaps the store would cross promote and give a book to each customer who buys a minimum amount of product in their store. This adds value from them to their customers and creates a win/win for you and the store.

In today's world of writing, marketing and publishing a book, the possibilities are only limited by imagination.

Hair Growing At Wrong Places- Do You Have Hirsutism?

Hirsutism: women with male pattern hair-

Many women develop hair on the chin, on the upper lip and on the abdomen. That looks very unsightly and any woman who has this condition would wish to get rid of it as early as possible. The problem that is known as hirsutism is serious in some women and psychologically affects them. Let us find out more about it.

Hirsutism: causes

In some races this is common condition and not taken seriously. While in most of the races overgrowth of hair in a woman at unwanted places is certainly a problem. This problem happens because of androgens. Androgens are male hormones. Women also have androgens. Sometimes a woman produces more of androgens resulting in overgrowth of hair in the male pattern. Sometimes a woman may be very sensitive to even the common accepted levels of androgens and that may cause hirsutism. Some anabolic steroids cause hirsutism and so do some hormone pills. If you are having any such side effect please consult your doctor.

Hirsutism: Quick facts

If you develop hirsutism immediately after puberty you should talk to your doctor. If hirsutism is accompanied by change in voice, you should consult your doctor. If a changer in menstruation pattern is accompanied by hirsutism, you should consult your doctor.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

Chinese Tea is one of the Most Popular Products of China

After water, tea is the most popular beverage on earth. It is consumed in large quantities all over the world, but is likely most popular in Asia. Tea was even discovered in Asia, and most of the world's tea is still grown in this part of the world, though India is a close second. In fact, drinking a cup of tea with every meal is good for one's metabolism. Tea is also a natural beverage. The Chinese weight loss teas are produced based on the belief that the caffeine in tea increases body function to help burn more calories. The tea also contains polyphenols, which helps with the digestion of fat, thus making Chinese tea good helpful for losing weight. Most if not all types of Chinese tea are considered effective for weight loss. They all offer a low calorie alternative to commercial beverages. Nevertheless, the Pu-erh and Oolong teas have received the most attention regarding weight loss.

Chinese teas may help lower and maintain your cholesterol levels. A recent study looked at the possibility that the antioxidants in Chinese teas, specifically called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) could affect diet induced Hypercholesterolemia in rats. Hypercholesterolemia is high levels of LDL or bad cholesterol in the blood. This in of itself isn't a disease but it can cause heart diseases, such as Atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. Only in recent years, the medical community jumped on the Chinese tea bandwagon. Now, researchers are conducting numerous studies on the viability of Chinese tea extracts in the treatment and prevention of many diseases and conditions. The most common types of Chinese teas are:
 Green tea
 Red tea
 White tea
 Black tea
 Oolong tea
 Pu-erh tea
 Flower tea
 Yellow tea
 Pressed tea
 Iron Buddha
 Kudin tea

Bojenmi Chinese tea is one of the most popular products of China that has been used mainly for weight loss. In fact, it has been used for such purpose for the past twenty years. In Chinese the term "bojenmi" means "slim and beautiful". The bojenmi Chinese tea formulation is basically provided in the form of a loose tea and easy to use tea bags. Several ingredients are used for this herb formulation, but the main ingredient is the tealeaf from Fujian Province.

teenage virginity surveys-readbud

Sex Surveys Of Teenagers Prove Inaccurate: Teens Tend To Become Virgins Again

The validity of surveys of teenage sexual behavior has recently been brought into serious question. While it has always been known that many members of the age group may exaggerate the extent of their sexual experiences, despite what their parents might think if they found out about the imagined delights, it has come to light that girls, as well as boys who wish to apply the nomenclature to themselves, who confessed that they had had sex in a previous survey responded in a subsequent survey that they were now virgins.

The researchers, unaccustomed to the concept of recurring virginity, decided to sort out the confusing result.

They have now ascertained the cause of the puzzling return to a virginal state. It appears that many teens opt to take a vow of chastity after they've had some experience in the absence of that demanding virtue. Once they've taken the vow, they are inclined to decide that the experiences they had before their new devotion to chastity don't count anymore.

A new survey has been scheduled that is intended to determine why nature, which really ought to know better, insists on pervading the bodies of these otherwise innocent juveniles with hormones and the resultant physical developments that compel them toward any interest at all in sex.

As every informed person knows, the most responsible members of this budding age group would rather be able to concentrate on such far more age-appropriate activities as board games.

Getting To Know Guitar Tabs

In the simplest terms, a guitar tab is a word that is used to describe a musical notation, which may contain either numbers or letters and explains to the musician where to place his/her fingers on the instrument. Guitar tabs consist of multiple lines and is often called a 'staff notation.' These lines, which are present in guitar tabs, each represent one of the guitar strings.

New musicians often find guitar tabs to be especially baffling in that the strings are written backwards. The highest string is found at the top of the guitar tabs, which is often difficult to learn since most people would expect that guitar tabs would be written from top to bottom instead of the other way around. In actuality, guitar tabs are written from the highest to lowest and the numbers on each line represent the guitar fret. In order to understand guitar tabs, all new guitarists need to learn string placement and how to correctly read frets.

Generally written in standard format, guitar tabs may slightly vary depending on the sheet music publisher. Even still, guitar tabs are easier to read than learning staff notation. Because of it's visual representation, new musicians are often more comfortable reading guitar tabs than any other kind of music.

When learning the guitar, musicians will become familiar with the instrument and how it works. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, including private instruction, informational reference books and videos. In some cases, classroom lessons may even be used to help better equip the musician to learn guitar and how to read guitar tabs. As the musician becomes familiar with the terms used to describe a guitar, including the neck, fret, string, chord, etc., he/she will also begin to easily read guitar tabs.

In the beginning, guitar tabs can be intimidating. Multiple lines and letters, numbers or other symbols may seem quite confusing. With practice and time, a guitar tab will be as easy to understand as the links found your favorite website. Few musicians can play by ear without first learning a song via sheet music, which is why reading guitar tabs is the first step that a guitarist must take before learning how to play.

If you need further information on finding a guitar instructor, check the local yellow page listing or stop by your local high school or college and ask the music director for a recommendation.

Book Publishing From A Book Publisher's Point Of View

Many writers aspire to write books. Writing a book is a long, involved, difficult process. Book publishing is harder. A writer may submit his book repeatedly only to be turned down. The writer may eventually succeed. Wouldn't it have been easier to get published the first time? Is that possible?

You can improve your chances of a publisher accepting your book manuscript if you understand more about what happens at the publisher's desk. Book publishers are busy people with several projects bombarding their desks every day. They must decide quickly about what will sell. They must also delegate their time efficiently to keep the business running. Only occasionally do publishers actually seek out work. Let's look at a typical work day of a publisher to help you understand book acceptance and book publishing.


Writers must be persistent. Regardless of how many times a publisher rejects your book manuscript and throws your ideas in the trash, you have to keep going back for more discouragement. Eventually you'll make it in the door. If you can get all the way through, you will finally get to a place where publishers accept more of your work. When working with a book publisher, the rule is the same. If you have a book that you know will sell, you must persevere to get the publisher's attention. Most likely, you will be sending excerpts of your book, not the entire book, to a publisher. As you continually send your manuscript or book excerpts to publisher after publisher, you should try to market it in different ways. Publishers seek a particular kind of writing; they will dismiss anything that doesn't meet their criteria and high standards. Variation in your marketing techniques may turn a rejected book into an accepted book.


Book publishing is a strange business. People's tastes are somewhat fickle. A book publisher has to keep up with what kinds of books will sell. It seems mysteries will always have a place on the bookshelves. Crichton and Grisham may tie up the book market until they are finished. That is just one example from one genre of books. Publishers have to keep track of what is selling in all areas of literature. The best way for you to get your work noticed is to make it look similar to what is already selling in the marketplace. Be careful not to imitate style or voice of another author. Write with your own unique words while imitating the use of popular public opinion. Another way to improve your chances of getting published is to find out who's publishing what.


Some publishers specialize in a certain kind of writing. If you are writing a novel, you'll look stupid (and get rejected) if you send it to publishers who publish technical manuals. How do you find out who is the most likely candidate to publish your work? There are reference manuals, such as Writer's Market, at your library that will tell you who's publishing what and what publishers are seeking. It will contain valuable information leading you to children's book publishers, novel publishers, and textbook publishers. If the handbook at your library is not up to date, your next option is to check out the new releases and best sellers rack at the bookstore. Buy a few books and read them. You'll have a much better feel for the book market as a consumer first, and book writer second.

Book publishing is difficult to break into. It can be helpful to approach the issue from the direction of the publisher. Before you submit your manuscript again, improve your chances of acceptance by following these tips:

1) Change your marketing style so that you grab attention;

2) Make sure you are a book consumer yourself. You'll get a better feel for what's selling and what a publisher will buy. You'll also find out who is publishing which types of books.

3) Finally, by buying the product you are trying to sell, you will improve the book economy all together. Publishers need to see people buying books before they can commit to publishing more.

Many authors begin their careers with the single goal of getting their book published by a reputable publisher. Book publishing is difficult to accomplish. It takes many months of work and extensive preparation. Writing a book involves intricately woven ideas. A book is a project, and it may contain many other projects that involve research, development, and marketing. Most authors are disillusioned about the intensive process of creating a full, coherent book. Writing a book and finding a publisher is like nothing you have ever done before. It will take extensive and intensive work and development. It will also probably include much of everything you know, and more.

10 Ways Web Site Text Can Impact Your Reader's

The appearance of your web site text can actually
increase or decrease your sales. The size, font, style
and color of your text can easily affect your reader's
buying decision. Below are ten points to consider
when typing text on your web site.

1. Easy To Read- You want to make it easy for your
visitors to read your text. You don't want to use a light
colored text like yellow on a white background and
you don't want to use dark blue text on a black back-

2. Create A Mood- You want to use the color of
your text to create a mood for the reader. If you want
to create excitement, use some red text. If you want to
create greed, use a some green text. Use colors that
would put you in a mood to buy your product.

3. Grab Their Attention- You can grab your readers
attention by using headlines. Make the headline more
noticeable by using a different colored headline than
your ad copy. This offsets the headline and pulls the
reader into the rest of your ad copy.

4. Highlight Keywords- You can emphasize phrases
and keywords that are important to your readers. For
instance, use super, deluxe, fast, low price, free, new,
etc. You could use bolding, underlining, italics, color
changing, etc.

5. Sizing It Up- You don't want to use text that is too
small or to large. You want to use larger text for your

headlines and subheadings. You want to use smaller
text for your ad copy. If your grandparents can't read
it, it's too small.

6. Don't Use All CAPS!- You don't want to use all
capital letters in your ad copy. It looks unprofessional
and is hard to read. You may want to use all CAPS
in your headlines to offset it.

7. Font Properly- You want to use a text font that
relates to the product or services your selling. You
don't want to use a comic type font when your selling
business books.

8. Spacing Out- It's important to use spaces properly
when typing your text. You should indent and bullet
key benefits your product or service will give the
reader. Your headlines, subheadings, sentences and
paragraphs should be consistently spaced throughout
your web site.

9. I Need Sunglasses- Don't use all bright text colors
and backgrounds on your web site. It will make your
text hard to read and actually bother your readers'
eyes to the point they just decide to leave your site.

10. Check The Readability- It's important to check
your spelling and grammar before you upload your
web page. When writing an ad copy you're allowed to
break some of those grammar rules to get your point