The Value of Drop Shipping - readbud The Value of Drop Shipping
by Stuart Lisonbee
Most retailers agree: drop shipping, if used properly, is a huge time and labor saver.
But is it a money saver as well? It is often said that time is money. But just what is the true value of drop shipping?
We will attempt to answer that question in this article from a scientific approach, using logic to come to a conclusion as to what the value of drop shipping is for you.
The value of time is different for everybody. For Bill Gates, an hour of his time is so valuable you probably wouldn't ever be able to pay him enough for his time.
Sometimes here at Doba, we bring on interns. Usually they work without pay. What does the intern consider to be the value of their time? They are giving of their time, and getting no money in return. They consider their pay not as a present monetary figure, but as experience gained, which will in turn makes them more valuable to other companies. Thus it could be said that an intern is considering the value of their time as something that will be paid off in the future.
If I were to invest in the stock market, I would probably spend a good amount of time researching various stocks before deciding on what to invest my money in. I would then wait for a (perhaps very long) period of time before cashing out my stocks.
In such a case, I'm investing my time in the hopes of getting a future payoff for it. If I consider my time to be worth $50/hour, then my goal would be to get a $50 future return for every hour I spend doing research.
When using drop shipping to run part or all of your retail business, you save time by having somebody else track inventory as well as pull and package orders. Additionally, you don't spend any time running to the post office to have orders shipped.
In part 2 of this article, we'll discuss the actual monetary value of the time we just talked about.
in Business
Getting the most out of Manual Traffic Exchanges.
Manual traffic exchanges are a dime a dozen, or are they? I have met some people who say traffic exchanges really work, and some who feel that they are a waste of time. There is a science to using manual traffic exchanges, you need to do your homework.
There are many manual traffic exchanges that depend on bells and whistles to attract members, they have games to play, bonus credits for answering questions while surfing, (some of the questions are to discourage cheating and failure to answer them correctly can result in the suspension of you account). But first you need to know your target audience, most people who use traffic exchanges (manual and auto) are not looking to join your program or buy your product, they are looking for the same thing you are. How to get more traffic to my web page, they are looking for information. Information is what sells on traffic exchanges, information on how to get more traffic to their web pages.
So how does this help you if you are not selling information? The answer is splash pages. Use splash pages to collect leads, then develop a personel relationship with them and introduce them to your product or service.
Next you need to find the best traffic exchanges for you. Different people have success with different traffic exchanges even when they promote the same page. Why, this depends on a number of things. What time you surf, how often you surf etc.
So join a few traffic exchanges to surf, you will need a tabbed browser such as Firefox or Crazy Browser. Firefox is highly recommended because of the extra virus protection it provides, but some have had issues with it so if Firefox won't work for you try Crazy Browser.
Set your traffic exchanges up in groups according to their timer, timers run
anywhere from 10 to 60 seconds. The closer the timers the smoother your surfing will be. Try to surf no more than 5-8 traffic exchanges at a time 10 at the most and keep a look out for the same pages, many pages have the members name or even a photo on them. If you see the same page over and over one of two things are happening, one the member has put his/her page in the exchange more than once which is encouraged by some traffic exchanges or most likely you really are seeing the same page over and over.
In this case you don't want to waste your hard earned credits in this
traffic exchange. If in doubt see if the traffic exchange has a built-in hit ratio, this tells you what percentage your page(s) is being viewed by unique members each day. Some owners only care about the quanity of clicks and not the quaility of those clicks.
Set a certain time to surf, twice a day if possible and the amount of time you can alot to surfing each day. Surf each exchange about an hour each day, for instance if you have three hours to surf each day divide your traffic exchanges into three groups. Whatever time you can alot to surfing divide it up evenly.
You also have to track your pages to see which ones are working and which ones you need to change. If a page works in some exchanges and not in others, simply change the ones that are not working or remove them from the traffic echange that is isn't working in, always have an extra splash page ready to try in your traffic exchanges. And remember that the bigger the
exchange the more people see your page, but that don't always mean that it is the best exchange, I have got more signups from some of the smaller exchanges than the biggest ones.
So if you want more bang for your click, don't settle for bells and whistles, do your "Due Diligence" and select the best traffic exchange to suit your needs.
in Traffic Generation
New Data Recovery Technologies for NTFS Hard Disks
NTFS partitions are infinitely more robust than their older FAT counterparts. Unfortunately, even NTFS volumes are not guaranteed against failures, corruption and data loss. Various reasons contribute to the NTFS failures, including hardware and software failures, power outages and malicious actions performed by viruses, trojans and other malware.
Due to the nature of the NTFS, this file system is more complex and way more complicated to analyze and recover than the FAT. When it comes to data repair, NTFS partitions are at huge disadvantage due to shortage of specialized data recovery tools that can handle such partitions correctly. The many reliability and security control structures integrated into the NTFS make developing NTFS disk recovery products a challenge.
Using Windows built-in disk check for the NTFS disk recovery can help sometimes, but more often than not it'll get you into more trouble if there's more than a moderate degree of corruption present. Besides, Windows checkdisk never goes beyond fixing the file system structures, while you care about your files and data more than the integrity of the NTFS disk.
NTFS disk recovery is a complex process that can only be handled by trained specialists shall you pursue the option of turning yourself to a data recovery service. Fortunately, you can also do it yourself by using appropriate NTFS disk recovery software.
1st NTFS Recovery by is one of the few NTFS disk recovery products dedicated to disks and partitions formatted with the NTFS file system. This NTFS disk recovery product can put your system back on track in a matter of minutes! No matter how serious the corruption and how bad the damage, 1st NTFS Recovery will recover your files and data, fix the file system, and restore access to inaccessible partitions completely automatically.
Unlike Windows disk checking tools, 1st NTFS Recovery attempts to recover your files and data before it goes on with the file system structures. The NTFS is a complex and highly fragile logical structure; why risk your own data when you can recover it safely and efficiently without writing anything to the damaged partition?
You can even preview the contents of the corrupted partition and view your Office documents and digital pictures before the recovery. 1st NTFS Recovery fully supports the now-popular Live Preview feature that allows previewing the content of the lost and damaged files before the actual recovery.
NTFS disk recovery tools from the source. Get 1st NTFS Recovery to save your files and fix your disks!
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in Data Recovery
School Fundraising Ideas - Part One
Looking for a good school fundraising idea?
You're not the only one. The good news is that there are other school fundraising ideas besides coordinating a special event or conducting a catalog-based fundraiser.
These often end up overwhelming your supporters with multiple fund raising products that aren't everyday items for most people.
In this series, we'll take a look at three school fundraising ideas. Part One looks at Discount Shopping Cards.
These are simple products that your group can offer that provide these benefits:
1) They are easy to sell
2) They offer good value
3) They produce excellent results
Using Discount Shopping Cards for your school fundraiser has benefits that are easy to explain to your supporters, they have widespread appeal, and each can be offered for immediate sale or sold via a simple brochure.
School Fundraising Ideas: Discount Shopping Card
What exactly is a discount shopping card?
It is a wallet-sized card packed with a selection of prearranged discounts at local and national merchants in your area. Most usually contain a dozen special offers that save the bearer either a fixed amount or a percentage discount.
Each card usually retails for $10 and provides for almost unlimited usage of the special offers. The only exception is when you custom design a card to feature a special one-time only discount from a sponsoring merchant.
This type of premium offering is often worth half the purchase price all by itself, such as a $5 discount from a national oil change company.
Other money saving examples include free drinks with a fast food order, $1 or more off on a submarine sandwich, savings on video rentals, haircut discounts, free ice cream, and other special offers.
Because of their high perceived value (what family doesn't want to save money these days?), these are excellent fundraisers.
Discount cards can often produce impressive unit sales per participant. It's not unusual for each seller to make ten or more sales.
Another interesting benefit is the unique customization of the discount card. Many suppliers can place your schools' name and logo on the front side of each card. This firmly affixes your group's value proposition in their minds for the next time around.
Cards are usually good for a one year period and bear an expiration date on the front. This creates a built-in market for repeat sales.
In the supplier cross-reference section of my book, Fundraising Success, I list 27 suppliers for these discount cards.
As with any type of fund raising product it pays to do more than a little supplier research.
Costs for 1,000 unit batches begin at $6 with many of them and drop as low as $1.00 from the best suppliers.
Among school fund raising ideas, discount shopping cards are a perennial favorite. They also make a good overlay or add-on item for a catalog fundraiser.
Using Discount Shopping Cards for your school offers a great profit for the school and a great value for your customers.
in Fundraising