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List of 20 Sites that Pay Bloggers For Writing And Blogging

by Ebenezer O. Web Designer, Consultant
It’s not like writing for a book, or publication, a newspaper or magazine but blogging is prevalent on the Web because we love sharing, reading and hearing about new experiences. And unlike freelance writing, you don’t answer to a client’s demand or write to adhere to a blog’s direction or scope.
Still, it feels good to be paid to write articles, and you don’t have to manage a blog to actually make money out of your writing.
Writers would understand how difficult it is to write a convincing piece on something they don’t really fancy or have enough knowledge or understanding about. But with the 20 sites here that pay for your writing, you can choose to write about how-to’s, reviews, tech, ‘serious’ pieces or offer your writing services for hire.

1. Squidoo

Squidoo is a publishing platform and community where you can share personal write-ups through their website. Articles on Squidoo are called ‘lenses’ or pages. Once you’ve posted a lens, ads of similar or recommended products of what’s written is placed around your lens.
The ads will consist of products which are sold via their affiliate programs with Amazon, eBay and a few others. You keep half of whatever Squidoo makes off your lens which is then payable to you via PayPal or donated to a charity of your choice.

2. HubPages

Like Squidoo, in HubPages, you write ‘hubs’ or articles about an original and useful topic. Once you’ve posted your article, ads related to what you wrote are placed. These ads are generated from Google AdSense, HubPages Ad Program and/or affiliate programs such as Amazon and eBay products.
Once your article(s) earns the minimum amount on Google AdSense ($100) or HubPages Ad Program ($50), you can chose to cash out your earnings through PayPal.

3. ContentBLVD

ContentBLVD connects blog owners to writers. To be a writer for ContentBLVD, you have to send in an application and meet its criteria, one of which is living in and being eligible to work in the U.S. Once you get in, you can start writing articles based on the topics or assignments as required by ContentBLVD’s clients.
If your content gets used, you will be paid between $12 to $48 per piece. For now, ContentBLVD is still in beta mode (at the time of this writing) but it is worth checking out if you want to quit writing spam assignments.

4. Bukisa

Bukisa’s aim is to give knowledge to others by sharing experiences.
So most of their articles are ‘How-To’ guides. This is a great place to
write about a something you are interested or have knowledge in.

Earnings are based on Google AdSense within your article. It’s also a community where you can meet other writers. It’s free to sign up so just give it a go.


5. Triond

Triond is another writing community where you write articles that are then posted on other popular websites. Triond allows you to post audio, video and pictures together with your written articles which are then published to relevant websites based on what you’ve written.
You can then track your article views, comments and earnings via your user dashboard. You can cash out 50% of the advertising earnings from your articles every month.

 15. Content Row

Content Row is a company that sells content written by you. However, their FAQ
states that each content written is only sold to 1 customer and the
customer can use their name instead of yours on the article. Technically
you sell off your right of ownership to the content you produce.

However, you will earn 50% of whatever the customer pays and can
write articles that are of interest to you. To be an author for Content
Row, you’ll have to send in an application with 3 writing samples.

Content Row

16. ArticleTeller

At ArticleTeller, you can be a writer for many customers who go to
their site looking to purchase content. As a writer, you can earn stars
as you write each article. These starts let you moe through four writing
levels or rankings. You can earn more money per article if you’re higher ranked.

A Requester (buyer) will pay you a certain amount for the number of
words you write, and you get to keep 81% of whatever they paid for the
article, payable via PayPal.


17. Xomba

Xomba is a place with articles in the categories of Entertainment,
Home, Writing, Science & History, News & Politics, Technology
and Living. Ads from Google AdSense are automatically placed on the
article you write.

Despite the flexibility of topics to write on, when it comes to payments, Xomba splits the earnings with you; you will receive 40%. Also, earning through Google AdSense means you can only withdraw your earnings when it reaches $100.


18. Wizzley

Writing on Wizzley can earn you money in a few
different ways. Besides earning from Google AdSense, you can show
related products sold on Amazon in your article, and you will receive a commission if one of the products is sold through the writing your article.

They even allow you to use pictures for sale from AllPosters, and if
they get sold from the click of your article, you get a share of the
earnings. Other similar ways to earn commission include Zazzle and


19. Zujava

Zujava refers to their articles as Leaves which cover a wide variety
of categories. Google AdSense ads are placed on your articles together
with their affiliates program like Amazon where you can feature products
within your article.

50% of the earnings from ads and products sold are sent to you via PayPal.


20. SponsoredReviews

SponsoredReviews is a place where advertisers look for bloggers to write about their products. This is also a site for bloggers who want to sell sponsored posts on their blogs.

Advertisers who go to SponsoredReviews have their own requirements
for what they want in each post. Once you’re account and profile is on
SponsoredReviews, advertisers will visit your blog and if they’re
interested to buy ‘advertising space’, they’ll contact you. Bloggers can
also approach advertisers directly.

Sponsored Reviews


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