Why I Wanna Be Rich
Why do you want to be rich?
Sometimes, teaching people how to get rich gets me a bad rap. “You just want to make money,” I’ve been told. Or “money isn’t everything.” These gems, while not particularly eloquent, do have a point. Actually, I’d prefer that these people ask me why I teach people to be rich. It’s important to ask yourself, too: Why do you want to be rich?
Take a second and think about it.

Do you want to have a luxurious lifestyle? Do you want to travel? To eat at nice restaurants? Maybe you want to start your own business.
I believe it’s really important to consciously think about why you want to be rich. If you don’t, it’s easy to get caught up in a race to get more and more money without ever knowing why.
“But Ramit,” you might say, “I’m really smart. I got a 4.0 at Stanford and I don’t really want to take the time to think about this. I just want some cash, playa!!”
After I point and laugh at you, I’ll actually get serious. Trust me–take an hour to write it down and compare your long-term goals to what you’re actually doing on a day-to-day basis. It’s easy to say and harder to do, so I’ve taken my own advice below. And hopefully, I can use these things to explain why I teach people to be rich. It’s not just money–far from it.
Why I teach/learn how to be rich
In one sentence: I never want to have to make a bad decision because of money (e.g., staying at a job I don’t love because of car payments).
Long-term goals of earning wealth (in order):
Take a second and think about it.

Do you want to have a luxurious lifestyle? Do you want to travel? To eat at nice restaurants? Maybe you want to start your own business.
I believe it’s really important to consciously think about why you want to be rich. If you don’t, it’s easy to get caught up in a race to get more and more money without ever knowing why.
“But Ramit,” you might say, “I’m really smart. I got a 4.0 at Stanford and I don’t really want to take the time to think about this. I just want some cash, playa!!”
After I point and laugh at you, I’ll actually get serious. Trust me–take an hour to write it down and compare your long-term goals to what you’re actually doing on a day-to-day basis. It’s easy to say and harder to do, so I’ve taken my own advice below. And hopefully, I can use these things to explain why I teach people to be rich. It’s not just money–far from it.
Why I teach/learn how to be rich
In one sentence: I never want to have to make a bad decision because of money (e.g., staying at a job I don’t love because of car payments).
Long-term goals of earning wealth (in order):
- Give my parents a retirement where they don’t have to work if they don’t want to
- Comfortable, sometimes gaudy lifestyle (I love pens)
- Make career decisions because I want to, not because of money
- Stay in touch with my friends by seeing them in person often
Start a scholarship fund for high school/college entrepreneurs[done]
Now what?
- Stay current with updates: Sign up for the free IWillTeachYouToBeRich newsletter
- Learn all of this (and more) in my 1-hour IWillTeachYouToBeRich class
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Leave a commentthis is the stronger one to me..
1. Make career decisions because I want to, not because of money
2. Start a scholarship fund/Open a school that teaches lifeskills, for underprivileged
Your post made me think more than my usual comfort level about richness associated with money. Thanks!
It nothing wrong with having nice things in life, but difference would it make if you ate your food on a $10 plate than a $400 plate.
Its good to save. Live to give, not to receive
Rich or Real Wealth is not a specific number. It differs for everyone. Rich is being able to maintain a lifestyle from your investments only.
And the real secret to obtaining this elusive goal, is to not change your lifestyle until you rich this point. At once it is obtained, it is easier to improve the lifestyle you are currently living.
So if you can maintain your current lifestyle for a month, you are already rich. If only rich for a month. What you want is to be life long rich.
But other than that, most of the information here is dead on. Getting rich is not easy, but its not hard either.
It only takes time, patience, a plan and execution.
I will check back in on you from time to time and see what nuggets you have uncovered.
Maybe give a little advice on how to actually trade/invest.
And one more point. Never listen to anyone who is not better off than yourself.
Just the opinion of a someone who is rich.
1. Having the money means not having to worry over things that won’t matter in 50 years.
2. We want four children. Forget raising costs, think about college!
3. We don’t want a terribly extravagant lifestyle, but we do want to raise horses. This requires serious $$$.
4. I want to homeschool my children… this means that either myself or my husband would almost HAVE to be a stay at home parent.
5. I want to start my own theatre/voice school (just graduated Voice Performance), preferably as a not-for-profit “teaching theatre”… not high-rent professionals, but kids & 20somethings getting their feet wet & learning the ropes.
5. Once we start having kids, we don’t EVER want to move again. And for four kids, a fair-sized house will be a good thing.
Oh, and this last guy? He’s dead on… never listen to anyone who is poorer than you. They obviously don’t know what they’re talking about.
What am I doing towards these goals? Right now? Working a 9-5 that uses NONE of my professional skills, but is reasonably enjoyable. It’s not a NEEDED job… my husband brings home plenty to pay the bills, but we can save almost 80% of my pay every month towards the future. (Next three big things: a full size freezer – John hunts- a 4WD vehicle – Wyoming winters are vicious – and either land to build a house, or a house w/ decent land attached.)
Beyond that, I don’t really know WHAT to do… we’re very frugal, but as for investing… we’re clueless.
Freedom and Fear. I want my freedom. I want to be rich, because I am afraid of being poor. PS Ramit- fabulous job on riding the Why We Want You To Be Rich wave (PR and SEO wise this week I mean)- your site traffic should be through the roof! I hope people stay and learn!
I wd love to go back farming in my native place. But I’m stuck in a job faraway. More than that my wife and kid would not like to come with me.
I don’t hv any clue to what shd I be working at???
Free to live my life in ways I choose.
Free to spend time on things I’m passionate about.
Free to pursue my goals unabaded.
food, shelter, day to day expenses & helping those in need.
Long-Term goals of earning wealth:
Make art as a career (having a job I want – not need for money)
Give it away to help tell God’s story
Take care of my brother after we’re gone
Travel the world & experience other cultures.
ofcourse i want to become a rich.
In korean idoms, ” the man who has many foods, he has a mind to give others his owns. ”
I want to give my owns to others as my ability.
My plan involves me having to put in roughly half an hour of work every day, but I think that’s reasonable.
I think I’ve been failing so far because I’m not making any goals for ‘right now’, and because I’ve gone too far pursuing my current lifestyle, which I don’t want.
I want to live on the water, in the tropics, to build, and have financial freedom, and I’ve married a seasick Canadian woman and had a daughter.
or have Just Over Broke those of you who cant see what I mean just over broke means to have a job or work for someonelse I want them to own investmenst they can make money with without ever having to set foot in or around, this is one of my own personal goals I have set I have been working at this goals for almost 10 years and still have not found the right kind of investment as of yet!
Money to me represents freedom. There is nothing I don’t have that I could not buy at this point in time,however, one can’t buy one’s freedom w/o survival dough! Money for me is not a materialist trip, it allows me to live as I prefer. So I wait and wait.
It’s a checklist of the things you want to do in your life, as well as a social community based on it, with tagging and such 2.0 things. I use it to keep track of my goals and deadlines.
of course i think being rich is the best thing of this world … hahahaha
I wanna be able to help others without suffering my financial plan.
I want to be rich for many reasons:
Take care of my mother when she’s ready to retire without her having to worry about bills etc.
I want to pay off my debt that incurred from a car accident I got into; and my father gave the insurance company a false statement to teach me a lesson, leaving me at $20,000 debt at the age of 18. I am now 23 and it’s not paid off yet. Extra money to help pay that off would be great!
I’d like to buy a new car by next summer.
I want to buy a house for my mother and I before I’m 28.
I want to give back; help educate children in India and South Africa.
I would like to give my children a good head start in life instead of throwing them to the dog eat dog world, and my mum who was in same position as i now, i would love to buy her a home
i work hard and cant find the answer and im stuck,
So I can really choose what I want to do with my career.
To be able to paint and write.
To be able to persue my goal of self-education.
To be able to not stress over the nexessities I need in my daily life.
Ramit, I don’t think many people will grasp just how powerful a concept that is. Whether we like it or not, this is a material world. Money drives the vast majority of our everyday decisions. I don’t love being an analyst….if my wife would let me I’d follow my dreams of being a writer or rock star….or anything BUT being an analyst. But I am good at it and it is intriguing. And I have become accustomed to the lifestyle that Wall Street salaries pay. And money drives where we live, what cars we drive, what schools we send kids to, etc. I ahve become a slave to the lifestyle, not that I am complaining or ungrateful. It is simply the truth. Others much less fortunate as I are just as trapped. They make decisions based on their current station in life financially and make those decisions on a day-to-day basis because the demands of TODAY obscure the bigger picture. They drink that $5 latte ( I know you hate these examples) everyday and then complain that they don’t have enought money for this or that at the end of the month. Bad decisions are made because we don’t plan and we fall victim to liveing our life the same way we did yesterday…We weren’t happy with yesterday’s outcome and if we do nothing different, why are we shocked that today turned out no different than yesterday.
I do not want bills to run my life, similiar to your idea. Don;t want to have a stress avalanche if the car breaks or the water heater goes out, just want to pay for it and drive on.
It amazing a thow many people are amazed that me and my wife tell our money what to do. The power that it gives you. I feel that being free of debt is key to gaining fianncial peace, unleashing the true power of your income.
I want to be the start of a legacy taht changes my family tree forever. Have the following generations start off at a higher point than I did and keep up the momentum.
because, put simply, I want to bring a lot of children into the world and I want them to be comfortable and I want to spend a lot of time with them. Seriously, I want like 10 kids.
Don’t wait to become rich, decide to become rich. That is what we are doing. My son is a freshman in college and I want him to see his parents pull themselves up and make the decision to be rich. When we thought we were going to lose our home my husband said the worst part was “we were this close.” We weren’t meant to come “this close.” Jesus came so we could have life and to have it more abundantly. So that is what we are doing, planning to live abundantly. I will be a writer, my hubby will make furniture for a living, we will afford living expences, college for our son, giving to ministries, travel in our RV when we retire (another dream) living and loving life to the fullest. Remember if nothing changes, nothing changes. Change your life “decide” to become rich and make it happen. Good luck to ya’ll and God bless your journey.
Cheers A.K.
I have been poor all my life My father passed away when I was 5 and My Mother was Mom and Dad and although she worked 2 jobs to keep food and a roof for us we never had much of anything and so the cycle continues. I Love helping people out I think its my calling I Love seeing a refugee family thrive and know I was a part of it … even if I did not give them much they though I gave them the world.
God Bless you for making this program available to people that want to better the lives of their Family.
- Living seperately from my husband’s big family.
- Work on my desired job not the job that pay the most.
- Support my parents
- Funding my kids education.
- Giving to community.
The unfortunate reality is that many turn to things on the internet and are taken for a ride with the promise of making huge amounts of money. It’s time to get back to reality.
Yes it is possible to become rich working from home and using the internet, but it’s a huge learning curve. So unless you find a person with integrity and some smarts your chances are slim to be rich from online enterprises.
Just keeping it real. I do very well for myself online. I wish most of you the good fortune of finding something you love to do and THEN the money will follow.
Dare to Dream,
Todd Konitzer
I have many dreams and between them the dream is to be “rich” ! I don’t “want” to be rich. I “will” be rich! this phrase I like very much!
how to help others when I can’t help myself?
Any suggestions
I want to collect all the old leather-bound books that end up in the backs of antique stores and create a massive library that has that dusty smell of polished wood and old leather.
I want to open and run my own classical atelier and work with and train fine artists.
I want the freedom to wake up in the morning and really be able to choose how to live that day.
I want to be able to sit and work on and finish my novels for weeks on end without interruption if I so choose.
I want to be able to pay for all my family’s needs.
I want to be respected by the people I respect.
I want to travel to every country in the world.
I want to be remembered.
Those are just a few of the many goals I have. I took your advice and compiled a folder of every single one of my goals. Some of them I can obtain by other means, but other than that I have many years of hard work and severe frugality ahead of me. I’ve crossed out my ‘rich by 30′ goal as that is completely unrealistic unless I win the lottery! But I do think I can reach the million mark by 40 if I put in the effort. I had to decide whether to give up my time and life now to reach that goal, but I’ve decided it’s worth it. Even if my descendants are the ones who enjoy the wealth rather than me. My grandad started off the pattern of working my family out of sudden poverty and I know how much my family respect him today. I want to earn that same respect. If I earn respect from others outside my family along the way, then even better!
I want time to get educated, and time to read all the books I wnat to read.
It’s more than having allot of money. As it’s been said money can’t buy you happiness but it sure doesn’t hurt.
Money is a great tool but a terrible taskmaster. I’d want to be come successful having the feeling of accomplishment as well as fulfillment. Money alone can’t achieve this.
Many wealthy people are the sadist people you’ve ever met. And some of there children commit suicide. So money alone isn’t the answer.
But the ability to live and not have a concern of the next bill coming or if I dream about going to say. Australia I can go because I have the means.
If my dad or mom needs a little help I’d like to be able to be a blessing to them. I’d like to be able to see someone I befriend say on the street in a grocery store in a restaurant that is struggling but is sincerely trying to make it. I’d like to discreetly help them turn there life around in a major way. Because I know if some one did it for me I’d be thankful.
My goal to be rich: So I can help my parents, who helpped me. And so that I can do activities, like go to lazer quest, go sky diving, go golfing, go hang gliding, go sailing, play poker for fun, and do all those fun stuff.
If anyone wants to talk to me email me at
revenueguard-guaranteed [at] yahoo.com
replace [at] with @.
By the way, many of you who wrote here say that they would help people who are in need when they become rich, but it is not that realistic because you wouldn’t probably see or you would probably ignore those poor people once you get that money. If not, don’t forget in the future that I am here
Looks like im heading that way though =(
I’ve been good with money but not great. I am good at tracking my budget and forecasting three months in advance. I tend to make my meager income stretch more than the average person. However, I never seem to get ahead.
In fact, in part thanks to the economy, and in part thanks to my recent divorce and moving, I have a significant amount of consumer debt I cannot refinance. So, though my cards are no longer in use and I am maintaining purely on cash now, I do not like the idea of paying finance charges forever.
Also, like I said in the beginning, I always thought there was more for me. Maybe 2009 is the year for me to get serious about a “get rich” plan. Not in the billionaire sense maybe, but in the set-for-the-future way: money saved, minimal living, money for travel, secure in my future.
If I were to do this, my first bit of homework would be to think out and create my own accountable list of goals. That may be the hardest part. I tend to live for the now, and that can be a problem.
This requires a bit of thinking.
money does buy happiness : )
I am 26 I own two businesses, land, houses and shares. Everyone starts with nothing and WANTING to be rich is hoping you will win it. I have what I have because my mindset says im rich already and everything else eg money comes flooding in when you beleive it.