Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The thing about writing is that even if you are good at writing your own contents, you might
get bored with it easily if you have to consistently and churn out content after content every
single day.

And if by any chance you do not get bored with all the writing, you might still get very tired
from all the writing. Plus if you are not one of those rare people who can write a lot of content
fast as if the idea is just flowing out of you at a constant rate, it will take you a lot of time
just to write a small part of your content.

The thing is, writing your own content is not easy and quite frankly, not everyone can do it.
If you've ever considered outsourcing your contents to someone else you might find yourself
switching between content writers every now and then due to quality drops or inconsistently
in their writings. Or even worse sometimes they take your hard-earned money but never gotten
to get your work done.

Some people need to be inspired to write and when they are out of their creative juice, they
won't be able to churn out any content at all. Therefore, here are some ways to help those who
are frustrated with all the work involved in providing adequate amount of content for their
site or for those who do not like to write at all.

Outsource (Forums, Freelance Sites, Fiverr)

The first and most immediate way to get content for your site or blog is to outsource this
tedious work to those who has more time and talent than you do. As I mentioned before, not
everyone can write and you might even find it hard to find someone that can provide what you
want and provide you with all the quality work consistently.

Meanwhile, I mentioned quality above and this is a key to your businesses' growth. You cannot
simply expect to use useless junk articles and put it up and think that it should work just fine.
The thing about content in 2012 and many years to come is that junk content does not work anymore.
Google now hates junk content, and the worst of it all is that if your content has little to no
value or that if it does not make sense to the human eyes, you get penalize and mind you...

Google has never been 'nice' to those who do not play by their rules.

The good thing is that there is no shortage of freelancers on freelance sites or site like Fiverr
or on the forums. There are people out there who could provide you with the quality that you are
looking for and there will always be people who will be able to satisfy your need for content.

The key here then lies in your willingness to go out and seek for these qualified people.

Always remember to check their portfolio and track record. The only problem is that most people
with the better track record will charge higher than the rest. This means you will need to find
those that have some record already but not as expensive yet. Keep a special lookout and see if
they are writers from an English-speaking country so that you can be sure that their work has
minimized mistakes and errors.

And then ask them if they include proofreading in their work or not. Be extra careful not to buy
into those super cheap offers that have writers who are not competent. If in doubt always buy an
article from them first with limited characters or ask for their work sample which they have done

Guest Writers.

If you are tired of writing for your own content, you can always get other people to write contents
for you. You can do this by inviting guest writers or guest posting on your blogs. This method is
gaining popularity these days because other writers can get a link back from your site, which means
traffic and good backlinks from you and you don't have to do all the tedious work.

Just be careful with whom you ask to write and make sure that they are 'legitimate'.

Read through their articles first and make sure the articles are unique (not a duplicate content)
and well written before you publish them on your website. Be sure that their link is working and
points to a relevant site as well for best results.

PLR Content.  

Another great way to get content for your site is to use PLR content. PLR stands for Private label
rights which means you are allowed to use the content as your own. Plus you are allowed to claim as
the owner of the content as well. This way, you will not have to use Articles that other people write
that has a link that links back to their websites. 


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