Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Home Learn about Human Analytics Plans & Pricing My Dashboard Help & Support The secret of pro blogging: Human Analytics

There is a secret that professional bloggers don't talk about. It is the reason that pro bloggers are able to build a loyal following of thousands of readers who visit their site every day. It's how they grow their audience and how they turn those visits into an income that quickly replaces their day job.

Most amateur bloggers write a new post, get a few visitors, traffic dies down and the blog post receives a trickle of long term traffic from the search engines.

Professional bloggers have a different strategy. When they publish a new blog post they get a flood of new readers who immediately tell their friends. An unusually high percentage of new visitors become regular readers. The blog post is linked to across the web on relevant sites driving even more traffic. Long term the blog post ranks high on search engines driving more new visitors who also become regulars.

So what's the secret? Like many powerful ideas, it's simple but potent. The secret to becoming a professional blogger is to gain a deep understanding of your audience. Imagine a room filled with 100,000 people with you standing in front of them. You completely understand everyone in that room's hopes, dreams, fears and desires. You are able to create ideas that all 100,000 people want to run out and tell their friends about. They want to scream your ideas from the top of a mountain and then run back to you for more inspiration.

Once you understand your audience completely, you can also include advertising and offers on your blog or website that are guaranteed to engage them. The ads on your blog will become something to look forward to because the author (that's you) has a complete understanding of his or her readers.

Feedjit invented Human Analytics because we realized that the first step to engaging your readers is to understand them. We realized that staring at a screen full of numbers, percentages and graphs does not help you understand your blog audience.

Feedjit is the first and only company in the world to offer human analytics. Using Feedjit you can understand who your audience is, write content that is addictive and build a site that engages them. Feedjit makes the path to a profitable blog with loyal readers an easy one.

How do we do this? Here's how:

1.See the actual identity of hundreds of thousands of Feedjit members when they visit including their photo and links to their social profiles and website.
2.Feedjit lets you watch your visitors in real-time. Discover how individual visitors interact with your site including each page they read, as they view it in real-time.
3.Contact Feedjit members who visit your site any time.
4.Don't wait until tomorrow to discover you were on the front page of the New York Times. Set up alerts that email you when your number of visitors spike so that you can react in real-time.
5.Real-time notifications including new cities that just visited your site and much more.
6.Know now! All the critical and informational graphs and charts in analytics products, but you don't have to wait hours for them to update.

We are offering a limited number of 10 day trials of Feedjit Pro and Feedjit Advanced. Click here to sign up for Feedjit Pro or Feedjit Advanced now and take advantage of this limited time offer.

Congratulations on taking the first steps to becoming a professional blogger or webmaster.

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I have absolutely loved this service.
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I love the feedjit widget on my blog, I think its great!!!
- Tanya, Queensland - Australia
Thanks...I really love this feature!!
- Vaughn, Texas.

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