
Lessons I have learned about marketing online

by Cindy Bolley My Little Gem... NPN
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I would like to let you know about a website that I recently found to make big income online.
Since I have been working on the internet, I have been asked many times….”What do you do to make money online?”

I thought I would put some notes together to share with you in the hopes that it may give you guidance as well as a bit of direction. It is important to note that what I am about to share with you is not the ONLY way and perhaps not the BEST way… but it is MY way. I can only tell you what works for me.

I have been taught or I have learned by trial and error the following lessons that I am going to share with you. Lessons about people, about attitude, and that terrible learning curve. 

You will see the actual process that I use to make money online. Once again I am sure there are many ways to make money online...this just happens to be MY way.

Keeping FOCUSED is probably the hardest thing that I struggle with. I will be working on one thing and it just naturally leads to another. At the moment I have several projects that I am working on... All of them I want to do, but each of them take TIME, something that we all have just so much of.

The old saying "Plan your work and work your plan" can be entered here.... and in a bright colorful FLASHING neon sign the word FOCUS should be ever present in your mind.

I am sure that you have heard it many times… 97% of the people working online never make a dime… not one DIME. That leave only 3% who make any money at all.

If those statics are correct why in the world would ANYONE think that this is an EASY way to make a living working on the internet? Why would anyone believe all those ads that SCREAM at you about only having to work just a few hours a week to make $10,000.00 by next Friday. I really don’t understand that.

The people who write sales copy like that do so because they know that it works. People want to believe that it is true. PLEASE stop that way of thinking NOW!

Lesson#1 If you are ever going to be successful you can’t rely on others. You MUST learn to do it for yourself. That lesson can actually apply to anything… not just online marketing. Always be aware of that neon sign as it flashes the word "FOCUS".

This is the first in a series about the lessons I have learned about marketing online. Please fill out the form below to continue to lesson #2

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About Cindy Bolley Magnate II     My Little Gem... NPN

4,910 connections, 54 recommendations, 11,683 honor points.
Joined APSense since, May 9th, 2007, From Ida, Michigan, United States.
Created on 18 hours ago. Viewed 110 times.



Philippe Moisan Magnate II Premium   Video Champions, APSense Mentor
I had never thought of putting an opt-in form in an article... duh... :)

Thanks for sharing this article, Cindy, although I don't quite agree with your Lesson #1. Beginners need guidance. The challenge is finding the right guidance, i.e. people we can trust. This takes patience and time. 
18 hours ago   Like it    Report
Cindy Bolley Magnate II   My Little Gem... NPN
Well perhaps you need to read the whole article.....
And I got that idea about the optin from Old Buddy.. he is such a clever guy. 
18 hours ago   Like it    Report
Warren Contreras Professional Pro   Mini Mobile Websites
This is SWEET Cindy, you can take full credit for making it work and you bet I signed up. 
18 hours ago   Like it    Report
Cindy Bolley Magnate II   My Little Gem... NPN
@Warren.... But It was YOU who gave me the idea from your ABC.... I had not thought of doing that before EVER! 
18 hours ago   Like it    Report
Warren Contreras Professional Pro   Mini Mobile Websites
@Cindy, but you took it to the next level out of the box! You can bet I am going to steal this right back, so thank you. 
17 hours ago   Like it    Report
Cindy Bolley Magnate II   My Little Gem... NPN
Your welcome... That is what we do here Share information 
17 hours ago   Like it    Report
Neville Dinning Professional Premium   Grey Nomad Working Online
@Cindy, what a great strategy to put the opt in form in your article. I am sure that there now be many building their own list who now follow your lead.

And what is obvious here is that you not only tell us to do things for ourselves, but you lead by example. You are building your own list, not tagging on to someone else and hoping that they will deliver the goods. 
16 hours ago   Like it    Report
Cindy Bolley Magnate II   My Little Gem... NPN
@Neville.... Thanks. I will look forward to seeing ALL of them.

I will be the first to admit that this has not been easy... But I can't think of anything that I would rather be doing. 
21 minutes ago   Like it    Report Edited in 6 minutes ago