Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Wordpress Hacking

From The Desk Of   SEOUK...... Quote ...(credits To SEOUK)

WordPress is now the most widely used platform on the internet. It’s used by New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Ford, CNN, Nasa, Pepsi, Nikon, CBS, Ebay, Samsung & 10 Downing Street. Over 22% of all active domains run wordpress. WP is the most widely used CMS system in the world & it’s growing in popularity every year. As well as being attractive to the user it’s also attractive to hackers hence even the biggest names in the world misunderstand the basics….

Website security is your problem & not your host’s!

Ever heard the phrase – "assume & you will make an ass out of you & me" – that applies to website security too. WordPress Security is down to you. You will find that in the host’s T&C’s. Unless you do something about it you are a sitting duck & it’s not a question of if you’ll get hacked, it’s a question of when.

73% of WordPress sites are hacked within 12 months - Ponemon 2012
72% of WordPress sites run little or no security - Ponemon 2012
42% rise in hacking activity in 1 year - Trustwave 2012

HACKING is at a Record High

48% of Webmasters say WordPress Security is Complicated

Security organisations like the Ponemon Institute report that 73% of all wordpress sites are hacked within 12 months & 72% of webmasters apply little or no security.
I run 100′s of websites and I’ve been hacked more times in the last 6 months than in the last 6 years – this has resulted in considerable down time & financial losses. My site stats show that all my WP sites are continuously attacked by hacking bots trying various exploits time & time again – this not only slowed my websites down but cost me in bandwidth & customers. This problem had to be solved.
With the volume of sites I run I had to find a quick & easy way of thoroughly securing websites without losing a massive amount of time dealing with the issue. Furthermore I had to do it in such a way that I wasn’t continually dealing with this – otherwise I wouldn’t get any work done.

"Hackers won’t target my site as it has little traffic & makes no money"… WRONG!

How Hackers Profit
Hacked websites are exploited for profit – sites with good traffic are just a bonus
It’s a myth that hackers target profitable, traffic rich sites – that’s not true. Let’s be realistic – how would a hacker know if a site is profitable? or how much traffic it carries? – websites don’t exactly come with a signpost bearing your bank statements & traffic stats. Hackers who are capable of hacking financial institutions wouldn’t waste their time checking your web payment history.
In a perfect world hackers would be caught & jailed – however many countries such as India, Phillipines & Ukraine have little or no means to catch let alone prosecute hackers under their current laws. Whilst international drug smugglers may face a lifetime in prison or the death penalty for carrying a kilo of cocaine up their ass – a hacker who programs a bot to defraud the public can tell you to kiss his ass, leave their email address & facebook ID on your hacked site & carry on hacking next day with little fear of punishment.

Common Perception of WordPress Hacking

What is Wrogly Assumed as Hacking
The diagram above shows what many of us understand as wordpress hacking – most people believe that some nerd living with his mother launches the odd attack on a WordPress site……not true…

How WordPress Hacking Actually Works Today

How Hacking Actually Works
This is how WordPress hacking actually works – a hacker (who is usually based in a country with little or no hacking laws) writes a bot which he implants on a previously hacked PC or server. The bot finds & auto attacks WordPress sites with multiple exploits & continues to do so until it’s switched off by the hacker. Once a site is hacked it’s usually turned into an attack site that infects PC’s with malware or used for cybercrime. Bots are usually successful at compromising 1000′s of sites per day.
These bots are highly lucrative for hackers who can make more than $190,000 per day per bot according to web security firm Finjan. The exact number of active bots is unknown as hackers turn these on and off & continually change the "signature" to avoid detection.

So is WordPress to Blame?

If you’re thinking of jumping ship…… Don’t!

63% of webmasters don’t know their sites have been hacked
"many webmasters are not fully aware of the threats their websites are exposed to, how to secure a website or deal with compromises"
~Report Released March 2012 by Stopbadware & Commtouch.

  • 26 million of 36 million self hosted WordPress sites run little or no security
  • It takes 152 days on average for a webmaster to notice they’ve been hacked
  • There are over 200 WordPress core & plugin exploits
  • Only 15% of webmasters have upgraded to the latest WordPress version
It would be easy to blame WordPress for the bad rap however – to be fair they are doing a pretty good job of keeping the software up to date. If we look at things in perspective there are many exploits for Joomla & Drupal too – hence as long as there is a popular content management system and plenty of unsecured websites there will always be someone looking to take advantage.
  • WordPress
    4% Insecure
  • Drupal
    70% Insecure
  • Joomla
    92% Insecure
According to data from Qualsys Security Tests (shown above) wordpress is still a great choice so long as we understand & manage the risks. .

Hackers steal $1Trillion of intellectual property each year

What’s your digital stuff worth?

Hacked Screenshot Showing Hackers Contact Info
A screenshot from one of our hacked sites …
If you’ve spent time developing your digital products, writing your ebooks, recording videos etc.& your site is hacked you will find that there is no quicker way for your products to become FREEWARE and end up on the many free for all sites such: Hotfile, Fileserve, Depositfiles or torrent sites such as Piratebay.
Once your files start appearing on these sites your efforts to remove them will be fruitless as these are usually reposted time and again. This means all your hard work & effort developing digital products, doing SEO-PPC, running email campaigns will be wasted.

Get hacked & your host could close your account

Can you afford a bit of downtime?

Hacked Account Suspended
What your web host does when a site is hacked…
All web hosts have terms & conditions which are often broken when your website is hacked. Your bandwidth may go over your allowable limit, your IP may be caught sending large amounts of spam or someone may report your site for illegal content.
Hosts almost always suspend or close hacked accounts for breach of terms. Most hosts will give you a few days to sort the problem & if this happens frequently they usually close hosting accounts permanently. This is more likely to happen if you are hosting sites on a shared server.
Sorting out a hacked site is no fun – trying to find the bogus page or the injected script in 100s of pages & 1000′s of lines of code is a logistical nightmare even for professional programmers. Hacked code is not exactly highlighted in pink with the words ‘hacked code’. Hence you may have to use costly specialist services to get the problem fixed.
To make matters worse your web address is likely be blocked by search engines for hosting malware & your IP could be blacklisted with spam agencies for mass mailing. Which means genuine emails sent from your domain in future will automatically end up in the recipient’s spam or junk folders – not great news for you or your next email campaign!
In summary:

  • Your hosting account is likely to be suspended or closed
  • Your IP is likely to be blacklisted on Spam Monitoring Networks
  • Your URL will be blocked by search engines
  • Your future emails are likely to be blocked by spam filters
  • You will waste time fire fighting problems

Your traffic is often re-directed

This Way Please….

Hacked Traffic is Redirected
Hackers Love Traffic…
So you’ve worked hard on building your website, spent time researching your niche, building links, writing articles, getting reviews & building affiliates. Your website finally has regular traffic & your site brings in revenue, then one day your traffic is diverted & you won’t even know it’s been done.
This can be done stealthily so everything appears normal to the naked eye & your site seems to work OK however yet on a random click of a link your web visitors are redirected to an offer that the hacker profits from – this is a very sneaky & popular hacking tactic.
Some sites are hacked blatantly & your site content is totally changed as the scam needs only to operate for a week or so & most webmasters don’t check their sites that often. Your Google rank will drop because you’re no longer displaying the content you keyworded your site for & innevitably your site reputation will suffer. You will have to restore your site from a recent backup assuming you’ve made one.

  • Your site will drop rank in search engines
  • Your visitor reputation will suffer
  • It’s going to cost time & money to rebuild traffic
  • You will need to rebuild or restore your website

Hackers usually steal & spam your email list

Viagra Anyone?

Hacked Sites Result in Spam
A Free Mailing List is always well received…
So your website has 100′s or 1000′s of email subscribers yet with a few clicks of a button a hacker will have access to all of them. The email list you worked so hard to build will now be sold or used for the hacker’s personal gain.
Hackers will even use your name & domain name as a reference when writing to your contacts taking advantage of your reputation & credibility. If your contact list was responsive before your site was hacked, it won’t be once your recipents start receiving endless spam. There is no real way to rectify this other than using secure autoresponder services which keep your mail lists separate to your website. As for loss of trust by subscribers that will be almost impossible to regain.

  • Reduced Response from future mailers
  • Long term loss of subscriber credibility
  • Big increase in unsubscribers
  • Substantial drop in mail marketing revenues

Fancy Taking Part in a Criminal Investigation?

Who Says Crime Doesn’t Pay? – It Just Doesn’t Pay You!….

Hacked Sites Lead to Leagal Issues
"Can we ask you a few questions?"…
If your site content is changed to a phishing site which captures unsuspecting visitor’s personal data such as their credit card details or bank logins then you may well get an unwelcome knock on the door.
Hackers sometimes totally replace your site with a genuine looking ecommerce site selling products at keen prices. Unsuspecting visitors eager to net a bargain enter their credit card details and await delivery of their items – which of course will never come – their card details are of course skimmed & sold on. This is serious crime & if it happens on your domain it’s likely that you’ll have to answer a lot of questions & may even have to appear in court.
The very latest trend & most popular form of hacking is malware injection – this is where your website is turned into an attack site. The hacking bot that hacks your site adds a hidden script to your website – this script attacks your visitor’s PCs – the purpose is to compromise the user’s PC security usually with a password stealing key logger or some sort of remote control script. This now accounts for 58% of all malware infected PC’s

  • You may be investigated or arrested
  • You may have to appear in court
  • You may lose time dealing with the issue

Do nothing & you’ll get stung like me!

Don’t trust me, do your own homework…

Lack of Website Security Can Sting
Still Doubtful?
I’m not going to try to convince you that the data here is right – I would much rather you did your own homework & came to your own conclusions…
Do nothing & you could lose $1000′s
I can’t tell you how many times over the last 6 months I had to restore my sites because of hacking or the amount of profit lost through site downtime. In fact over a 2 month period I had to stop all work to deal with hacking issues. The cost associated with inaction can easily run into thousands if you run profitable websites.
You must also secure your PC
This solution is part 1 of a 2 step process – WordPress Security is one part of the process – PC security is the other. It’s important to understand that the best WordPress security policy will be totally ineffective if your logins are stolen by malware on your PC. If you believe that just running an antivirus or security software is enough to protect you from hackers then you are in for a surprise….
90% of PC users were hacked in the last 12 months – Ponemon Institute Report 2012
Today antivirus effectiveness is at best 80% & at worst, just 20% – if you are not sure how to secure a PC for business use – don’t worry I have a PC security product which I offer to all new members.

15 minutes & your site is secured…

NO PHP/SQL Editing – NO Complex Security Files – NO Monthly Fees

BlogDefender WordPress Security 2013
Some of the early ways I used to secure wordpress involved PHP editing, modifying SQL tables, writing complex server files & using costly "fix all" plugins. In reality this was all a waste of time & money – on average it took me several hours to secure a website. I have 100s of WordPress domains – that’s months of work! With Blogdefender once you’ve done it a few times you can secure a site in less than 15 minutes with no corners cut!!
For 6 months I’ve tried & tested various ways to get the job done & I believe I have found the easiest, cheapest & fastest way to do this. I’ll show you how to use some excellent free software & plugins to do what would otherwise be a painful task. With Blogdefender Security Policy you’ll be able to quicly secure wordpress websites yourself without paying others to do this for you or needing a degree in programming.

Ultimate WordPress Security Policy

Bolting Down Security & Automating Updates

Make WordPress Hidden
Essentially this is making your wordpress site look like it isn’t a wordpress site to a bot by hiding the tell tale signs such as: WP login & admin areas, removing WordPress Headers, Livewriter & Really Simple Discovery Header information in a few simple clicks
Lock Down Files & Directories
See how to change web server file security, automatically create files to prevent directory browsing, automatically create security files to prevent unauthorised file/directory access & move wordpress configuration files out of public folders
Remove WP File Trail
Many hacking bots need to find which version of wordpress you are running befefore deploying exploits – WordPress leaves a file trail behind during installation – we’ll show you an easy way to find & remove these
Hide Your WP Database
Hackers have been known to attack wordpress database files as many automated WP install scripts such as fantastico create identical & sequential database names – We’ll show you how to fix this in seconds
Improve Password Security & Block Brute Force Attacks
You will learn to rename your primary user ID which is vulnerable as it’s sequentially created by WordPress install & how to use a neat free plugin to protect against brute force attacks.
Block Cross Site Scripting XSS / URL Injection Attacks
Database driven applications are vulnerable to exploits via the URL of your browser – hackers insert malicious code into the URL to trick your server to give up useful data to the attacker – you will massively reduce this risk & block such attacks.
WordPress Core Update Automation & Session Timeout
In order to keep WordPress secure it’s essential to keep it up to date – you can do this manually, however this becomes impractical if you are running more than a few sites. We’ll show you an easy way to do this automatically.
Plugin Security, Other Exploits & Super Hardening
This is a general advisory which will reduce your chance of XSS exploits & further harden ecommerce & data capture sites. with server level security. This is a super hardening method for those who want that extra level of security

What This Means in Practice

Unsecured WP SiteSecured with Blogdefender
Hacking Infographic 2

What Blogdefender will do for you

Reduce Down Time, Save Money on Pricey Plugins

+ You can offer WordPress security as a service to clients

Massively Reduce Exposure to Hacking Bot Attacks
-  Hide your site from common hack bots & secure against known exploit risks
-  Reduce your bandwidth & processor payload used by scum traffic
-  Massively reduce the risk of downtime though hacking
Secure Every WP Website You Own Yourself
-  Save $100s per site on external security services
-  Avoid wasting cash on low performance plugins that don’t do the job
-  Small, pain free learning curve
Charge To Secure Customer’s Websites
-  Charge a professional annual fee to secure client’s websites
-  Learn how to spot unsecured sites
-  Profit from the first customer

BlogDefender - WordPress Security Protocol

Product # 1: Video Tutorial

WordPress Security Protocol

This is a set of short videos that shows you which of the latest free plugins you should use & which sections of those plugins you should enable to cover the key security vulnerabilities.

BlogDefender - WP Hardening & Automation

Product # 2: Video Tutorial

WP Hardening & Automation

This video shows you how to automate your WordPress core updates, auto update plugins + add server level security if you need it – this is not essential for all sites – we’ll explain which parts are useful & the pros & cons of hardening.

BlogDefender - Securing WP Files & Directories

Product # 3: Video Tutorial

Securing WP Files & Directories

We’ll show you how to secure commonly attacked wordpress files & delete redundant tell tale WordPress installation files that give away information about your wordpress version.

BlogDefender - WordPress Security Checklist

Product # 4: Checklist Doc

WP Security Checklist

We realise that you don’t want to be watching videos every time you secure a website hence for your convenience we have created a checklist which you can follow as a simple reminder of the steps you need to take.

BlogDefender - Installing WordPress

Bonus # 1: Video

Installing WordPress

This is a simple video explaining how to install WordPress on a self hosted site using the CPanel – Fantastico

BlogDefender - Automating Backups

Bonus # 2: Video

Automating WP Backups

This video goes through the pros & cons of paid & free backup plugins, which plugins we recommend & the steps to take to automate your backups

Nikki Stephens
Nikki Stephens – www.nikkistephens.com
"Don’t make the mistake of thinking you’re too small or not important enough to be hacked! I’ve found out that I’ve had bots in the backend of my sites, making alterations and changing things around, so there’s no telling what damage they’ve caused.

I’ve had my main blog for over 3 years now, and the thought of losing all the hard work I’ve put into it is just devastating, not to mention costly! I have a shared hosting plan, so of course once they can get into one site, they can also access the others.

Luckily, I now have the procedures detailed within Blog Defender in place so that I can prevent the vast majority of this ever happening again. Once you’ve secured one site it gets a lot quicker to secure all subsequent sites.

With Blog Defender, you get easy-to-follow videos, along with a detailed checklist that you can download. You are literally walked through the process of securing your blog against hackers, which has given me real peace of mind.

This is a growing issue that all website owners are facing; so it isn’t going to go away. Prevention is better than cure, particularly as some of the nastier hacks around can literally ruin your business.

So do yourself a favour – get your sites protected now, before it’s too late."

Simon Hodgkinson
Simon Hodgkinson – http//hodgkinsonpublishing.com
"This is probably one of those times you ask yourself ‘do I really need this product?’ Let’s face it, on the surface it’s not going to immediately put more money in your pocket or even add some cool new gizmo to your site…

… The truth is yes you do and you need it now.

I’ve been in the online business for 10+ years and had my fair share of hacked sites which have cost me time and money (lots of it)… I’ve also seen a good number of people have their reputations and entire businesses left in tatters when their sites have been hacked.

Right now is the time to act, because when it’s too late, well basically you’ll be screwed (and you’ll regret the day you passed over such a great opportunity to protect yourself for so little). And by the way, if you think your web host will come to your rescue think again, you’ll be on your own, paying to put things right and suffering the cost of lost sales and business.

This is a seriously good product and if you rely on WordPress to make you money online then it’s nothing less than essential. Buy it, follow Matt’s expert advice and don’t end up another victim!"

John Thornhill
John Thornhill – www.johnthornhill.com
"I’ve had to go through the inconvenience of a hacked blog before and let me tell you it’s not nice. With online security becoming an increasing problem, especially with WordPress, this is a great way to secure your blog. I’ll be following Matt’s training and securing all my blogs… Great job."

Kathe Lucas
Kathe Lucas – http://wackycentral.com
"Hi Guys, WOW! Thanks so much for a quick preview… I sure wish I’d had this before I lost over a dozen blogs just recently. Okay, it was my fault for not securing things more, BUT… I didn’t have a handy, current reference like this to turn to for quick help either. ;)

Guys, thank you so much for putting BOTH of these great products together – I was up until the wee hours, and I’ll be loaded for bear in 2013! Great Job!"

David Walker
David Walker – www.inboxrockstar.com
"My business is built around the WordPress platform and I’m embarrassed to admit I’ve been slack in the security department. However, Matt’s training soon put that right! I followed each detailed video to the letter and discovered some incredible security tricks and plugins I’d never heard of before.

Better still, all the plugins were free to download too! The end result? My WordPress membership site is now locked down tighter than Parkhurst at midnight and if anybody tries hacking it, I’ll be the first to know! Thanks again Matt, I’m off to secure the rest of the blogs in my portfolio!"

Micheal Nicholas
Micheal Nicholas – Impact Info Marketing
" Since working with blogs, I… like many others, have been concerned about how to handle the constant threat of blog attacks. After having a look at Blog Defender you can’t help but become most aware of the vulnerable areas all bloggers need to protect.

Blog Defender is viable WordPress blog security prevention system that offers video instruction along with 3 software plugins that are free to download. The instruction shows the optimum settings on how to use the free plugins that will allow you top level force against blog hacker attacks.

Simply put, Matt’s Blog Defender will keep your blogs safe from being hacked providing effective protection that is needed in today’s blogosphere. Don’t be caught without the necessary counter-measures needed to keep your blogs safe from attacks… Blog Defender has you covered."

Richard Legg
Richard Legg – www.richard-legg.com
"In the past month alone, I’ve had 3 niche blogs hacked, costing me hundreds of dollars in lost sales – all of which could have been avoided if I followed the steps in this training. I can tell you, there’s nothing worse than spending months building up a blog, adding posts every few days, and then finding it all gone in an instant.

The great thing about these ‘over the shoulder’ videos is that you get to see exactly how to do everything, so it doesn’t matter if you’re technically challenged. Just copy what you see on the screen, and then relax knowing your blogs are safe.

(Just one of the tips in the first video alone could probably have prevented my blogs getting hacked) I even noticed one or two tips in there that help with seo too … so following these videos could even bring your blogs more traffic!"

Don’t Get Hacked – Bolt down your WordPress Sites Today!


BlogDefender - WordPress Security Protocol for Webmasters & Business

The Fastest Easiest & Cheapest Way to Secure WordPress
- which you’ll use on every site…

BlogDefender - WordPress Security

Exclusive: The free apps & plugins that will change the way you secure all your WP websites

Exposed: See what security companies charge $100s per year for & how easy it is with the right information to do this yourself….
Revealed: Painless way to secure WordPress sites that you won’t find on Google, WP Forums or popular wordpress security blogs. This way is totally NEW!
Simplified: See how to cover all the major security holes without editing PHP, paying for inadequate/costly plugins or monthly fees to WordPress Security Specialists.
This is not PLR Product ~ Developed by SEOUK


Product Summary

  • WordPress Exploits
  • Plugin Exploits
  • File Security
  • Database Security
  • Brute Force Protection
  • Cross Site Scripting
  • Admin Area Security
  • Auto Banning Pests
  • Automating Updates

Product Info

Blogdefender Video Tutorials
Easy PDF Checklist
WP Installation Video Tutorial
WP Backup Video Tutorial
Use on Multiple Sites
Free 12 Months of Updates
30 Days Tech Support
One Off Fee

Normally Sold at:


Launch Offer

See Offer Below
Limited Time Offer!
For PC or Mac Users
Compatible with WordPress 3.0+

For self hosted websites
Innovative Digital Products
Developed by SEOUK
You Have Our 60-Day Iron-Clad 100% Money Back Guarantee
"100% Iron-Clad 60-Day Money Back Guarantee"
Guarantee If for any reason you are not happy with the product within 60 days of your purchase, you are entitled to our 100% money back guarantee.
We are confident that you will be happy with Blog Defender & agree that it is a very high quality, well tested and proven product that you will use to secure all your PCs time & again.
If you decide otherwise just ask & a refund will be on it’s way. This is your completely 100% RISK FREE Test Drive without any fear.
Launch Offer!

Enjoy The Ultra Low Price For a Limited Time!

ONE OFF PAYMENT – Order now on 100% secure servers.

It's Me
Thanks for reading….
Some of you will know me already as the guy behind many other great products such as Nichereaper & Blog Tactics. For those that don’t know me – I don’t release many digital products & when I do the products are truly gold in terms of information & value. I run 100′s of profitable websites myself so what I teach is based on my own experience & results. It would be a waste of my time to offer you anything that isn’t my very best as I have many trusting subscribers & respected industry partners.
The principle behind my offers is always to save us both time & money. If the product doesn’t meet these criteria it doesn’t get off the ground. Once you run more than a few sites time & cost become a bigger priority which is why I’m always looking for better & faster ways for us to achieve our goals.
I am confident that Blog Defender meets these criteria & I believe you will benefit from your investment, of course you always have my no quibble money back guarantee…

SEOUK Guarantee
I hope you enjoy the product.
Kind Regards,
P.S. We are always looking to improve – please don’t hesitate to contact me about anything you feel we do better & let us know if you like the product – I always appreciate customer feedback


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