Friday, October 21, 2011

Small Successes Online
Learn to maximize the potential of the Internet to enhance our quality of life and achieve success!
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Posted on October 21, 2011 by smallsuccess
Those of us who are active in the home based industry generally seek the same overall goals. We continue to explore the wide range of home based business opportunities through various resources. While much of the home based focus has been the internet in recent years, there are many home based business ventures and opportunities that rely on person-to-person interaction and direct contact. Regardless of our focus, the potential for success in home based business is still huge, and even more so when we learn to maximize the true potential of the internet for advertising, marketing and expanding our business visibility and presence.

Why Do We Explore the Home Based Option?

Each individual or family who has ventured into a home based business model, and endured sponsoring meetings, skeptical families and friends, anxiety over sales, inventory and prospects, and doubt if the money was well-spent all have one thing in common, we are seeking a viable option or options to our current conditions in life. These include our family affairs, where in many cases today there are either two-incomes, one income or no income in the family. We also seek to have more time to just do “things” in life, whether they are enjoying a soccer game with children, going to a show or movie, having a nice dinner out, or just sitting at home having quality time with the family. Unfortunately, these opportunities have become less and less frequent, particularly in today’s current economic conditions.

In addition to that real change and improvement in the quality of our lives, we all seek that independence from our jobs – or the threat of losing them – and the extra income potential that solid home based business models can generate with the right strategy. As we gain success in our ventures, we begin to re-live our passions and enjoy the things that give our lives value and meaning.

This is the essence of why we go through the trouble and expense to find a solid home based business that we can commit to and realize the potential for real results.

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Pitfalls of Home Based Business

So many of us, myself included, have suffered from the many pitfalls of home based business. But that is a possibility in any independent entrepreneurial venture whether it is brick and mortar, home-based, or internet supported.

The main danger we face is in believing the hype. It is easy to fall prey to the claims of overnight success, thousands of dollars in days or weeks, or other claims that we read in trade journals, online forums, or in junk emails (I still can’t figure out where some of those guys get my email address in the first place!). However, we have to in all cases do our due diligence and investigate any venture we consider, especially when it sounds “to good to be true.” The Better Business Bureau in the United States tends to provide some information that can help. Also if you have a question about any program, you can generally do a search for that program on your preferred search engine to see if there are any complaints about the program.

While the hype and attraction of home based business opportunities can form one danger, the other danger lies within our individual frameworks. It is crucial to understand that the key word in home based business is B-U-S-I-N-E-S-S. Many of us may really want the success that home based business may bring, but we fail to develop the individual focus and skills, or knowledge needed to really set up, begin, maintain and drive a business. That in itself requires in many instances a commitment to first learn about business while we learn about home based business. And in many cases, that requires a need to re-learn key factors about our selves as well.

Because of the lack of clear understanding about what is needed, or insufficient knowledge or resources to really get going, or lack of real commitment because we actually thought we could make real money without any real effort, we end up contributing to the statistic that over 95% of home based businesses fail after start up.

So . . . . the question is how to avoid being part of the 95% (home based business failure in this case).
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Essential Elements for Home based Business Entrepreneurs

As we explore the vast landscape of the internet, we will come across hundreds of entries that address this topic. Basically, any one who seeks to begin a home based business, particularly using online marketing strategies, must consider the following factors:

Our first activity would definitely be to explore the possibilities. Everyone I have talked with has always asked me one fundamental question: ‘what is your passion?’ If we can answer this question honestly and clearly, we have set a beginning point for our venture. If we can’t, then either we need to define our passion, or we don’t have any passion, and if that’s the case, then we might be better suited for some other line of work.
This exploration also includes exploring the many different options available for home based ventures. The range is amazing! Of course you have the MLM and network marketing programs. Then there are direct sales, matrix programs, which I to this day have not yet figured out. There are also countless affiliate programs, where one makes commission from promoting an existing business. Of course, there are many non-web-based programs that still rely on direct contact and product demonstration strategies, but even many of these programs now seek to leverage the internet in their marketing.

■Commitment . . . Commitment . . . Commitment
If you are truly serious about getting into a home based model for your self, you must seriously consider the level of commitment you are willing to make toward this venture. Any home based business venture will require a considerable amount of time and attention, especially in the beginning stages. When you read in the literature that you should consider a minimum 10-20 hours per week, rest assured that you will need at least that much time to get started in your business venture, learn the fundamentals and core knowledge of your business, and especially develop and maintain your marketing and advertising strategies. Aaron Chen an industry-leading online marketing specialist and coach in the network marketing industry has said that we should not treat our new business venture like a hobby. If we treat the business like a hobby, then our results will be like a hobby, but if we treat the venture like a business, then our results will be business results. This is a maxim that circulates throughout the network marketing industry, regardless of whether the focus is online marketing or some other home based venture.

In this case, we will need to take real stock of how we use our spare time if we want a chance at success.
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Success in any venture will be built on making the effort and taking the time to learn about the core vision and principles that drive the business. We will have to – at some point in time – begin to learn not only the ins and outs of the business we have selected, but other very critical knowledge and skills. Many of us will have to develop a new way of thinking. Those coming out of the workday world will have to re-adjust to thinking without the comfort zone of the office space. And while many of us in that category – my self included – may be quite productive in our office space, we may somehow find difficulty – hopefully only in the beginning – to re-adjust already well-honed professional experience to apply it working independently.

As you search for independent business programs, you might want to look for a program that provides live training as well as pre-recorded training. One advantage with live training is that the training is usually lead by an expert who have not only the success track record, but more importantly the experience gained from years of trial and error to reach the level of success that he or she currently enjoys. Also, with live training activities, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and get answers in real time, especially if you have come across something that you want to understand more.

This is very valuable for those of us who are particularly new in the internet marketing arena. Since so much of our efforts is largely based in the internet or the use of computers, many of us will have to learn new concepts and practices to really benefit from the potential that the internet has to offer for our home based business venture.

■DisciplineAs we discipline our selves to rise in the morning to go to school, the office, the commute, gym, or any other regular activity, likewise we will need that discipline in building our home based business regardless of the form we eventually choose. Strengthening our core discipline and work ethic will go a long way on those days when we grow frustrated, or we run out of ideas, or the returns still have not come, or we don’t seem to get the leads we expect. Self-discipline and focus will be critical in working out our glitches and practicing our newly-learned skills.

If we don’t have any sense of discipline, then conducting a home based business venture will only add more madness to the mayhem of our lives.
A key component to home based business success is networking. Now that term is often connected with the concept of network marketing. However, networking with like-minded individuals who share an interest in the home-base industry and in your particular area of interest will go a long way to moving forward toward success.

Networking provides contact with people who can share their experiences; if you are new to the industry, or your particular niche, this can be a valuable asset as you begin to learn more and develop your skills. Networking also provides access to the leaders in the industry. You will begin identify an increasing number of resources such as webinars, advertising tools, communities and forums in your area of interest and many more resources, many of which are at very low cost or even free. This will be very important in the beginning of a venture when financial resources might be more limited.

■Advertising . . . Advertising . . . Advertising
No venture will achieve any degree of success without advertising and marketing. If you believe that you will reach that “overnight success” without some sort of visibility or marketing of your venture . . . well . . . I think you can complete this sentence.

You will find many advertising resources available through the internet. Some are free, such as free classified forums, and others will require some investment if you want to achieve success in terms of visibility and responses from your perceived customer base.

One really important aspect of advertising your venture is that you want to make sure you are targeting the customer base you really want to target. There are many effective advertising options available, especially with the internet. And depending on how serious you are and how far you want your venture to be visible, the world is pretty much your market place.

This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged aaron chen, advertising, advertising tools, better business bureau, brick and mortar, business failures, business opportunities, business ventures, direct sales, due diligence, family affairs, forums, free classified forums, home based business, home based business model, home based business opportunities, home based industry, income level, independent business programs, internet, internet business, internet opportunities, like-minded individuals, marketing, matrix programs, network marketing, network marketing programs, overnight success, passion for business, product demonstration strategies, quality time, shared interests, webinars by smallsuccess. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Reply Cancel reply
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