Learn To Write - What Is A Twist In The Tale?
There is a lot that goes into the process when you learn to write. It doesn't come naturally for everyone. Even if you do feel like you have a knack for writing children's books, there are techniques and exercises that you can do regularly that will increase your overall effectiveness. You must develop well rounded characters. Plots must be believable and action well defined. There is also the ever present question of the ending. This is one of the most important parts of a children's novel or book. While it should make sense, it should never be too predictable or expected. Having an ending that throws the reader for a loop is known as a twist in the tail. Using this writing tool can increase the quality of your book, making it more likely to draw the attention of an editor when you make a query.
It's not always necessary to think of an ending before you begin the writing process. While having a clear ending before you begin can work, it can also lead to the development of the plot and characters in a predictable way. Instead, many authors prefer to let their characters kick around in their head for a time before they begin putting anything on paper in a concrete form. This allows you to get to know the characters and their motives, mentally, before you start to explore exactly what it is that they say and do. This also brings in the possibility of a more natural progression, including an ending that is unexpected, that twist in the tale.
When it comes to a good surprise ending, the very best are the ones that surprise even you, the author. As your characters start to take shape, you will begin to see hidden parts of their personality and events that happen behind the scenes and are only hinted at. These are important details, and you should start to see each possibility these create, developing those with the most potential.
When you have finished a novel or children's book, don't think that you have completed the need to study and learn to write. Instead, give your story another look. Look closely at your ending, especially if your story has developed in a rather linear and predictable way. While your twist might not have jumped out at you as you were writing, you can create it now. Start reading between the lines and find the potential in each scene.
One final point that should always be kept in mind when considering ending a children's book is the way that children read. School age kids still need the comfort and escape provided by a happy ending. Older kids, especially teens, can handle a bit more tension and uncertainty. Still, tread carefully. When you add that twist, keep it positive. The ending should be unexpected; it shouldn't completely ruin the reader's enjoyment of the story. Your ending should leave your reader surprised, but smiling.
There is many aspects that make up how you learn to write. From grammar, to form, to style, you need to be constantly on top of your craft. A good ending, however, is the reward for a job well done, or time well spent. Adding an unexpected ending can make a good story truly memorable.
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