Wednesday, February 3, 2010

you have the power


Control is Power & Power is Control ! ! !

How many times have you heard the sermon, Take control of your life?? Well that is ‘easier said than done’, is the typical reaction. The most control the majority of us ever have is the control exercised over our lives by forces beyond our own influence. I believe that any reasonable person would readily admit; that the laws and codes of conduct are vital for a free society to function. But to what extreme? Everyplace you turn to, there is some authority or power-to-be telling you what you can do, can not do and what you should do! And it always costs you money!! Money is something we just don’t seem ever have enough accumulated. It’s not that we don’t want the ability to be in charge of our lives, it’s just that it takes power to do so!
You should wake up and smell the roses! You have that power and in this democracy of ours, you have always had that power. It is a power you don’t even have to work for. It’s been there all along, staring you right in the face. All you have to is use it and it’s so simple. The power is totally economic. It’s the power to buy or not to buy. It’s the clout to choose what, where, when and how you want it. Want proof? Keep reading and I’ll prove it and show you how to use that power. It won’t cost you a penny…in fact it will do just the opposite! That is right it will make you money!
Look around you; see all those huge Companies and organizations wooing you to do this and do that! They are telling you to buy this, to go here or to go there and on and on and on…..They don’t want you!…They only need you!!. Why do you think they spend so much money and go to great lengths to sell you their needs? In every which way you turn, there’s a marketing machine and a message aimed at you personally! There’s no escaping it unless you are living under a bridge! They hit you up at the movies! They get to you in your car too. They find you when you rental movie or when your reading a newspaper or magazine. They find you at the restaurant on the placemat or they get to you by telemarketing you @ home during the most inconvenient times! They interrupt your life, your dinner, your favorite TV show too! Our lives have become one big commercial and you’re their captive audience. Now what you’re really missing is their sounds of desperation. You see, because without you they can’t survive. For you see that is really the Power! Now we can show you how to use it. Why should it cost you a dime or a nickel every time you turn around? Let PeopleString show you how to make them pay you for the power to be involved in their little game and cut out the middleman. Your name has been sold so, so, so many times and you never had one thing to say about it. NOW YOU DO!!!
Ok, you say but how do I harness this power? After all you reason; I do need certain services and goods to survive. Believe it or not, those businesses and organizations have a greater and more immediate need than you. Individuals always have the ability to cope when they have to. Companies and large organizations don’t have that luxury. They simply can’t move that fast. If they lose the consumer, even for the briefest time, they lose period! And believe me, they know it. Want clear evidence of that? Just be alert to the business news briefs that typically follow the evening newscast. When there is even the slightest decline in consumer spending or retail sales are slacking, it’s a major event. The stock market knows it and immediately punishes the stocks of companies affected. Nevertheless, in their arrogance, these business behemoths find comfort in the belief that they own the consumer/shopper. Look at it from their perspective. Compared to you, a tiny consumer, it’s no contest. They’re giant companies! To them the consumers are the great unwashed. They are perceived as a mass of unorganized individuals. They don’t believe consumers could ever pull together enough to make any real difference. Not likely to happen, they think. They believe that they’re merely fighting among themselves for ownership of the consumer. Let’s face it, consumers are little more than sheep with wallets and pocketbooks to be herded into their stores for a monetary shearing. Oh, there are been some moves to bind you to them. One example is the discount store. If they deem you to be a smart shopper with the will and time to seek out the most advantageous prices that’s where they’ll get you to go. Good grief, even the bare bones facilities of these so-called discount centers have the ambience of a slaughter house with out all the blood and guts being spewed all over the place!!
A step in the right direction is the shopping club outlet. In short, to be competitive and bring the best prices to their customers, they literally bully the manufacturers into deep discounts with their huge bulk orders. Consequently, they have the lowest prices for the goods offered. Their members more than offset the annual membership fee with savings realized. These organizations are large enough nationally to leverage their size and strength. Their shopping club members are quick to take advantage of the economies offered. As I said it’s a step in the right direction. However, it’s the giant company that’s in control. They’re doing the picking and choosing for the individual shopper. The individual may be under one roof shopping but they’re hardly empowered to the extent they would be if they were bound together into one huge network working for themselves. It’s time the individual recognizes his strength, flexes his muscle in the market place and takes the next step up in the financial food chain. For there lies the freedom of spirit and the pocketbook!

Power to the People

Today that attitude need not be tolerated. The Internet has changed everything. Yes, I know, many of you are bleeding from the current financial meltdown. Put this behind you. That was yesterday and this is now! Stop looking for those to blame and punish. There’s no percentage in that. Leave that activity up to the stock cops. What’s on the table here has nothing to do with that mess. To the contrary, this system is not only costless and risk free, but it enables the individual to cope, achieve wealth, build an asset and establish an independent self-renewing income flow for life and beyond. What’s more, it has the ability to organize all consumers, which works to your financial benefit as you will discover to the extent you decide to get involved.

Digital Real Estate
The Homestead of the New Millennium

What is Digital Real Estate? Digital Real Estate is the electronic bond between individuals that harnesses their collective purchasing power into the most significant economic force in the world. Once formed, this bond generates a continual stream of income and wealth without any additional work. Digital Real Estate allows you to create; free of any cost an asset that others will pay you to use. Digital Real Estate could become the most significant asset you will ever own. Read on and you will learn how your Digital Real Estate will allow you to gather thousands of others together. How would you like to earn $1 from 10,000 to 100,000 people each year? How about $5 or $10 every year from that same number of people?

Let There be Light – Behold the Internet!

Up to this point, the discussion has been about the power of the individual. Expand that truism to read as follows: The true power of the individual in his ability to bind himself or herself others to him in his endeavors. This is the ultimate opportunity that the internet brings to the table and it’s captured here for free. History teaches us; that in every great change or advance there is a marking of a major event, where it all began. You can be a part of that legacy and be a part of the SINGLE MOST POWERFUL event in modern times. This, my friends is what the internet was made public for. THEY WOULD BE SORRY, FOR THEY NEVER KNEW WHAT THEY REALLY CREATED!!! It may yet prove to be the greatest event of all time. There is no doubt that the internet has and will continue to foster profound changes in our lives. The entire landscape of our planet’s culture has been altered. It is the key to future betterment and true entitlement! Yet, we have barely turned the key in the lock, much less open the door.
Where did it all start? The internet, I mean. Did it start with the personal computer? Certainly the computer; personal or otherwise made it possible, but it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly when and where the actual internet was born. If it was truly a military secret communications device as they say why was it made public?? I suspect it was more of a high speed evolution that big money and big power seen to really catapult themselves into the next millennium. It took many by surprise, including myself. When it arrived, I’d been around so long that I remember when the advent of the hand-held calculator was a big deal in its day! Oh how I loved the Sixtys and the Seventies! When we thought of computers it was in terms of mysterious massive mastodons of equipment occupying entire floors if not whole buildings. And it was!! I ran my first business with a Commodore 64 that used a cassette player for a hard drive! Now that was funny! It was unthinkable that small businesses and individuals would have personal computers at their disposal much less to the point where households would harbor one or more. Much less that they could pull information out of the air!
At first, the personal computer came on the scene as little more than a complex word processor/calculator with modest program capabilities like my Commodore 64. It was very expensive for the day and you got very little functionality other than simple data bases. I didn’t trust them at first. And that was a commonality among the first users or on lookers. Then came the email programs and I trusted those even less! Online shopping and the real beginnings of the internet, per se, followed! …Maybe it was the other way around? I didn’t care because by then I was paranoid with distrust. However, they were wrong when they said old dogs can’t be taught new tricks. I’m living proof that you can. To my satisfaction and reward … oh boy …have I learned and adapted!

Digital Real Estate Empire

Here we are today, just a few years down the road of the internet’s technological explosion! The internet has changed the world and yet its true power has thus far not been understood and utilized. So committed to the past paths, trends or even perhaps ruts …so tied to the traditional …locked into conventional …are the titans of industry…. that they fail to comprehend the internet’s greatest strength! The internet’s true power is not its ability to provide merchants and middle men with the opportunity to sell direct to the consumer. Nor is the internet’s function to perform mundane tasks of delivering messages or blanketing the population with advertising ad nauseum. Nor is it meant to spread chain letters, jokes (usually in bad taste) or to provide chat rooms or to facilitate auctions. It was not even invented to invade people’s privacy with the barrages of spam notices and email, etc.
Nothing could be further from the TRUTH! The power of the internet is that it empowers the individual. That unique ability has been recognized by someone I know to be a disruptor and an internet GURU! A GURU among GURU’s where the power of the internet is concerned. I have known him for over 20 years. I watched him change the online insurance business for what it is today! I am also pleased to call him a personal friend. Trust me, that man is Darin Myman. You see, Darin Myman is the CEO of a public Technology Company called BigString. Darin for well over the past four years, has been overseeing an investment of over $5,000,000 of public money and countless hours of research developing; in what will be truly the greatest technology platform ever built! Darin’s pioneering spirit has enabled the internet to operate as it was meant to be! Instead of the hodge-podge of hustle that abounds today, a web of people from all walks of life; economic and ethic backgrounds from all four corners of the globe will be bonded ! LIKE NEVER BEFORE!! It is a web that empowers the collective individual to do what has never been done before!!! Why, you ask? The reason is because frankly, it wasn’t feasible before. The technology simply didn’t exist. Until the internet, there wasn’t any means to effectively connect instantly large groups of people with a common purpose. For the first time in the history of mankind there is a system that makes possible the power of individuals to be bound together. Once formed, such a bond becomes a new asset …possibly the most valuable asset ever, because it has the muscle to change individual’s lives forever. Just go and ask President Obama and he will tell you his election was living proof of that!
We’ve named this Digital Real Estate for very good reasons and purposes too. Just give me a moment and it will become clear to you, as well. Why this label? First understand what distinguishes this new digital real estate from its corporeal brethren. What it is, in comparison, is limitless in every conceivable way! Strong language you say and I agree, but follow along with me. For the sake of discussion, let’s say you acquired an investment in real estate. Real Estate by definition is a hard asset such as a parcel of land. If it’s a good section of land or a house or office building. You’ve done it all correctly. The location is great; you bought early and paid the right price. However, no matter how successful that investment may become, there are limits as to what it can return in profits or be used for. For example, it can only support a certain amount of structures, or be cashed in once, or lived in, rented to a fixed number of tenants, grow so many crops on, etc. Of course, you also had to shell out cash for the purchase. It may have been your nest egg or borrowed funds or a leveraged structure, etc. No matter which, an investment of hard assets of sorts had to be made and arrangements, legal or otherwise, entered into. None of that is involved with the acquisition of Digital Real Estate. As stated earlier, now is the time. This is the ground floor. Perhaps even the basement or the infrastructure of the sky scraper! It is where the early arrivals get the biggest bang and the best real estate value and return. Those that take advantage now as it is just emerging free, will own that which is the most valuable. It is not possible, at this point, to determine just how valuable it will be! What is certain, is that the “Digital Real Estate” market will truly be an immense market!
To be honest, although we unashamedly believe ourselves to be visionaries, we know that we haven’t come close to having thought of or discovered the many ways this digital landscape will evolve into other income producing engines. We’ll cross that bridge together when we come to it. For now, we’re going to show you how to seize and create your personal free digital homestead. We are going to demonstrate how to make money with it, from the very moment you state your claim! Then next will come, the development of a lifetime self-perpetuating income stream.

Dot Com and Dot Gone?

Despite all the hoopla and the giving of credit to what the internet has accomplished; with its arrival on our cultural shores, it hasn’t begun to nearly impact our lives nor realize a fraction of its potential. Yeah, I know, you think it’s fantastic and how impossible it would be to live without it. I’ve heard it all and as far as that goes it’s all correct, but only up to a point. In terms of its potential, the internet has barely begun to develop its power and influence on our way of life.
Think about it. Thus far, with the exception of a few corporate giants, the industry has been characterized by a multitude of false starts, scams and misadventures. True, that didn’t stop the dot com crowd; fueled by wretched excessive greed and naiveté, from helping our friends on Wall Street push the hype to an exuberant crescendo! As we all know, it peaked in March 2000. The Dot Com hype exploded and the debris rained down. Just when the bulk of the damage had passed, the Financial Crisis emerged and spread to all industries. From this debate, a handful of giant firms emerged. You know who they are. While I’m all for giving them credit where it’s due! I am not that taken with these large dominating fellows. Why? Because, there is an enormous internet potential that they don’t see. They may be the new boys in town but it might as well be the old boys’ network doing business as usual with just a twist or two!.

Digital Real Estate …Stop Giving Yours Away?

There is no more relevant historic parallel of this opportunity before the individual today, than The Homestead Act of 1862. This act is one of the most important pieces of legislation in the history of the United States. Signed into law by the greatest president to date, Abraham Lincoln, after the secession of Southern States. This Act turned over vast amounts of the public domain to private citizens. (REAL ESTATE) In total, 270 millions acres or 10% of the area of the United States was claimed and settled under this act. All for virtually free!
Think about it! A homesteader had only to be the head of a household and at least 21 years of age to claim a 160 acre parcel of land. Settlers from all walks of life including newly arriving immigrants, share croppers without land of their own from the East! It included single women and former slaves and every walk of life came to meet the challenge of “proving up” and keeping this “free land.” Each homesteader had to live on the land, build a home, and make improvements and farm for 5 years before they were eligible to “prove up.” A total filing fee of $18 was the only money required. That was well over $200.00 in todays world! But still a fraction of the value for a lifetime of income from the Real Estate, to share for generations and generations to come…..
It was the greatest land grab in our country’s history … A windfall for many without a nickel to their name. Fortunes were made. The riches that lay on and beneath the surface of those free lands were oil, gold & silver, fertile farm lands, lush cattle ranges, etc …It was all for the taking. What a coup that was for the visionaries and pioneers of that time. And for most… it involved much more risk….. than let’s say; the Markets expose us to….. today!
The Homestead Act is recognized as one of the most revolutionary concepts for distributing public land in American history. It was also a great disruptor to the old money regime in its time! Favorable repercussions of this monumental piece of legislation can be detected throughout America today. In short, the act of an enlightened government gave away free tangible assets in order to develop the nation’s great natural resources by tapping into its utmost strength, the individual citizen. It was the right thing to do. Above all, it recognized the dignity and vigor of the individual. And it paid off. The rewards to citizen and country were huge. Now, after all that time, a new grand opportunity has emerged: The Internet. It offers the individual a gigantic free intangible piece of real estate. It is at least as valuable as the historic Homestead Act’s give away …possibly greater!
Intangible is defined by Webster New Collegiate Dictionary as: An asset that is not corporeal. The internet may not have corporeal substance but it sure as hell is the most potent form of real estate today. Representing the biggest property grab ever, it certainly can be developed as well as any acreage of yesteryear. It represents a colossal windfall for the modern-day citizen pioneer with grit and determination …and it’s free.

What Makes This Different?

There’s an army of books out there on how to cash in on multiple streams of internet income. The reverse funnel, the viral marketer, the blogologists and on and on and on! On balance what these books present is mostly accurate, but They miss the biggest opportunity of all. The opportunity that most will not follow unless it is “Purely Simple” and easy to do! Just as a deer is trapped in the headlights of an oncoming car, the author pontiffs are blinded by the rule of the establishment. The truth is They’re an unwilling servant of the establishment. Worst yet, They don’t even know They are. And that is the funniest part of the whole deal.
Okay, then who and what is the establishment that everybody talks about but nobody ever meets? Let’s give them a name. They are They. All through life we hear about the Theys. They did that, They say this; Do this They tell us; etc. They possess the real power. There are those that believe that They are the ones in charge, accountable for everything. To some They are the source of life’s problems. Actually, They are everybody in the establishment with the exception of us. We’ll never be one of the They, not that we should aspire to. In fact, if I ever catch up with one of the They, I think I’m gonna kick him in the butt!
Wanna know how They speak about us? We “the ordinary people!” Come on, you’ve seen it on countless headlines, books, brainless commercials and even on 60 Minute’s commentaries. Don’t those piss you off? It does me. It’s downright demeaning. The theme, “How ordinary people can make extraordinary money on-line” is the most offensive. Ordinary people? How dare They. They consider ordinary people to be subhuman rather then the ones that built this country with their energy, imagination, hard work and sacrifice. Contrary to their opinion, ordinary people are the extraordinary ones that made this great nation what it is. It is the establishment that is sub-ordinary.
But, sub-ordinary or not, it is the establishment that has also highjacked so many great opportunities from right under our noses. Just look at what happened with the advent of the internet. In effect They said, ok, it’s a new medium to carry our messages and continue doing business as usual. Consequently, we’re subjected to more advertisements reaching into the private corners of our everyday lives. We’re sold even harder to. Their effort is to bring you to their internet site. Because once on their site, it’s their belief, they possess you. The industry expression is “We own their eyeballs!” These folks are not going to interact with the consumer; share the benefits and efficiencies the internet brings to them or pass on the tremendous savings and it goes on and on and on…. No, all the consumer is going to get, is more intrusive advertisements thrown at them in the belief that the consumers can be corralled as a mindless herd into buy, buy, buy!
The technology has now changed! It is giving the individual the ability to have the power over everyone. The individual is now more important to the group. They don’t want change. In fact, they’re fearful of the type of change the internet carries because it will alter for all time the methodology of how business is done. It has and will continue to change the life of the consumer for the better and They for the worst. We’re not speaking of the manufacturers producing product. Rather, were addressing those of the They; “the middlemen”, expending money and effort to sell you and then charging for their effort in the price of the goods and services purchased. They will no longer be able to market at you! They will be forced to market with you! Why? All because the internet will bring people together enabling them to employ that power over the establishment. We have called it PeopleString!
And now They have got their grubby paws around the internet attempting to take possession and to gather every single cent from it. Well, it isn’t gonna happen. You can beat them to the punch because They don’t have a clue. This one is ours!

Turn the Tables and Grab the Brass Ring

Remember how we talked about the power of the individual and taking control? Getting your fair share of all that is spent on selling the product or the services to you? Well, now enter the next important and giant step in the journey to financial freedom. Think of the internet as a technological platform that can bring people together in an interactive positive manner. For our purposes, the internet is the efficient means of tethering together yourself and others like you! Stringing us into a massive group that will profit everyone in the process of its workings. Where the establishment uses the internet to work the people, here it’s the people together that are going to work the internet instead.



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